A Magical Hogwarts

Vol 3 Chapter 57: Autumn Zhang Seduction Technique

With November approaching, the Quidditch Tournament for the '92-93 school year has finally begun.

The Slytherin Quidditch team has become public enemy number one for the other three houses.

With the team generally using the Nimbus 1700, Slytherin took the golden pig's thigh in an unspoken way and directly replaced the Nimbus 2001... If it's not sour, it's impossible.

Most of the students are based on their studies, and most of them have the same technical level. There are still a few talents with extraordinary talents and outstanding strength, and more rely on equipment to widen the gap.

The rich rely on equipment, and the poor rely on mutation. This sentence is not casually said.

That made the captains of the other three academy teams unhappy, especially Wood, who had vowed to win the championship.

He can't wait to sneak into Slytherin Academy and burn seven brooms with a fire.

Well then,

Put the blame on the murderer who attacked Filch!

If Harry knew about it, he would probably be grateful to Wood for the rest of his life.

Everyone thinks that Harry is the murderer who attacked Filch. Do you think the blame is not big enough for you to do this again?

Fortunately, Wood didn't become a passionate arsonist in the end, and he was just a keyboard witch, just talking about it.

On Saturday, the first game officially started.

Ravenclaw vs Slytherin.

As eleven o'clock approached, the whole school began to head to the Quidditch field.

Today is a rare good weather, the sun is very bright.

When William walked into the dressing room, Hermione and Annie hurried over to cheer him on.

Annie asked William to teach the Slytherin team a good lesson, and she still remembered the last insult.

Cedric also came to cheer, but not to William, but to send blessings to Qiu.

It's "be careful with the Bludger" again, and it's "watch out for Malfoy's Nimbus 2001, don't recklessly speed up"... If the rules allow, he'll probably ride a broomstick and be a flower protector next to Qiu.

Lick the dog... always meet the needle...

"What about Fred and George?"

After Cedric and Qiu had finished chatting, William asked while holding a broom.

"They're working with Sniff." Cedric winked.

The search for the secret room is still going on, and the search in the complex sewer is bound to be a long project.

So Fred and George have become underground workers, going to the sewers whenever they have free time.

In addition to looking for the secret room, the biggest gain is that Niu Niu found a lot of gold Galleons, Yin Xi Ke, and of course, copper Nat at most.

Students' money always goes down the sewers and falls into the pipes.

George and Fred suddenly found out that picking up **** can also make a fortune... Sure enough, there is a rumor in the wizarding world that Hogwarts keeps running by picking up coins from all over the world. It's not groundless.

In addition to money, they found a large block of long hair in a certain pipe, which looked particularly horrifying.

The long hair in the sewer is generally a routine development of ghost movies.

The most disgusting thing is the mermaid in the sewer.

Although not as disgusting as the mermaid in the film of the same name in the island country, it is not far from it.

The mermaid in the black lake didn't know how to get into the sewer, and its whole body rotted.

William can still accept it. In his previous life, he was the man who watched the top ten banned movies in the world.

This mental capacity is still there.

Soon, the game will start.

The players put on sky blue Ravenclaw uniforms and took to the field.

The audience immediately cheered, and many stands were hung with "Stark Come on" banners.

Last term, he broke the record for most points against Slytherin.

Then, he brought the fish belly team to win the championship with a single core (Qiu:??)...and attracted a lot of fans.

William is considered by many to be the greatest scorer ever at Hogwarts.

The more fans there are, the more brains there are, and a few female fans have already started to pinch them... But none of the male students onlookers pulled up.

"You are tearing her clothes!"

"Don't worry, let her tear it! She doesn't dare! We're watching."

"Are you going to tear it up... If you don't tear it up, let's watch the game!"

Li Jordan is the commentator this time as usual, and he is the second thorn salamander in one mouth.

"Hey! The Ravenclaw Quidditch team is out."

"Jordan, speak normally!" Professor McGonagall had goosebumps.

There were boos on the field.

"Qiaodu Sack, what's wrong with talking like this?

Now, tell me.

Soggar, you don't like me anymore... What a cruel person, Guoba Nasai, let you see unpleasant things. It would be great if someone like me disappeared, eh! "

William pondered, he obviously only recommended some video tapes of the island country to Li, why did it become like this?

Cedric also only occasionally has a butterfly, a little dark circles under his eyes, and his daily memory declines, and he is not like him.

Soon, the captains of both sides went up to shake hands.

William looked at Malfoy and gave him a throat cut.

"Qiu, how is the Lansky fake I taught you?" William covered the dazzling sunlight with his hands.

"It's probably not enough to fool Potter, but it's easy to fool a rookie like Malfoy..."

William shook his head, others could not lie to Harry, but Qiu Yi was sure.

Of course, the action is not a Lansky fake action, but should be named - Qiu Zhang Seduction!

Or... sell autumn tactics!

Qiu just had to pretend that he couldn't control the broom and fell towards the ground, Harry would definitely be hot-headed and desperate to keep up~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Come to a hero to save the beauty.

Then Qiu seized the opportunity and turned the broom in time... Harry, who was unprepared, threw himself on Qiu again, and would definitely fall to the ground.

According to the rules of "Wizard Kill", when William plays Qiu Zhang card, the skill "Seduction" is activated.

The effect is [in the card playing phase, an enemy Quidditch player (male character) loses half of its combat power]

Note: This card has a miraculous effect on the characters "Cedric" and "Harry Potter", which can make the two characters lose their combat effectiveness by 200%!

So... three or four times in a game, Harry might be successful.


The price is not without, the more times, Harry may never believe in love.

Then escape into the empty door and realize the two truths:

Licking a dog is not allowed to house.

Only homosexuality is true love!

William discovered that he was an extraordinary tactical genius, and it would be a pity not to be the head coach of the Chadley Cannons.

But this tactic cannot be told to Cedric, otherwise he will probably throw William's body in the Black Lake, and then slice it and feed it to the merman.

Seeing William akimbo laughing triumphantly, Qiu was confused and asked strangely, "What's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing, I just thought of happy things." William restrained his smile, "Are you ready to kill Slytherin?"


"very good!"

All Ravenclaw players, put their hands together.

"Listen to my whistle," said Mrs. Hooch loudly, blowing her whistle, "three...two...one...start!"

There was a lot of noise in the crowd, sending them off to take off, and the fourteen team members jumped into the sky together.



(Ask for a recommendation ticket, everyone

Thanks to "Book Friends 20190523214629974" for the reward.


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