A Magical Hogwarts

Vol 4 Chapter 164: 1 everything is so weird

"Shocking... Shocking... A hero who should have died twelve years ago was found at Hogwarts, what a Merlin miracle..."

In Professor McGonagall's office, Minister Fudge played with the green hat in his hand and kept walking around.

"Never heard of anything like this...Peter...is alive? Unbelievable...but..." He rubbed his hands in confusion.

"Where has he been these twelve years?" Fudge murmured.

"Who found him?!" The minister suddenly raised his head and stared at the bound Peter.

"It's me and Harry," said Ron hastily.

"Oh." Fudge glanced at Ron.

He ignored Ron and patted Harry on the shoulder with a fatherly smile, "Harry, how did you find him?"

"We were on the grass not far from the castle when Peter came out of nowhere," said Harry.

"It seemed like he wanted to attack us, but it was so empty out there that I found him... He didn't have a wand and was subdued by me and Ron."

"Did he attack you?" Fudge yelled, in disbelief.

"Why? How could it be... He is a recipient of the Merlin First Class Medal..."

Lupin stared closely at Peter.

He is still alive, which means that William and Hermione's guess is probably right:

Sirius is innocent!

The one with the most complicated mood was Professor Snape. He was completely at a loss, staring at Peter, a little unacceptable.

Peter was still alive, and he was alive before him. Even if he was a fool, he could sense that something happened back then... he didn't know about it.

Everyone was staring at Peter who was tied up.

He lowered his head, his thin pale hair was disheveled, and there was a large chunk of baldness on the top of his head.

Peter looked like a fat man, and in a short period of time, he lost a lot of weight, causing loose skin.

His pointy nose and watery little eyes also looked quizzical.

Peter stared at everyone out of the corner of his eye, breathing hard.

"Everyone... good evening..."

Peter saw Lupin in the corner, and he screamed, "My friend...my old friend...you're here too...it's great...I miss you so much.

And you, Snape...you're still alive, it's nice..."

"Since the greeting is over, can you explain...why are you still alive?!"

Snape's dark pupils stared at Peter.

Peter lowered his head, avoiding Snape's sight.

He didn't seem to be able to speak anymore, and muttered, "Aba...Aba..."

The office door was suddenly pushed open. Dumbledore walked in quickly.

With him came William, Hermione, and Anne.

"Before Peter can explain, I think I have to invite another person to confront him..."

Dumbledore glanced at the door.

"Come in, Sirius...Tonight, you've been waiting for twelve years, haven't you?"

"That's right, I've been thinking about it for twelve years... revenge!" A wizard walked in.

Blake was wearing a simple black robe, his face was thin but clean, and the beard and long hair on his face were also shaved.

"Black!" Fudge was startled. "Albus, the criminal! Where did you catch him!"

"Connelly, I didn't catch it." Dumbledore smiled.

"I'm lucky to have a group of students who are smarter than me...William, Hermione and Anne found him."

"I'll call the Dementor immediately..." Fudge said impatiently.

"What's the hurry?" Dumbledore said solemnly.

"As you can see, the dead Peter has been resurrected. Are you not interested in the truth of the year?"

"The truth...what truth?" Fudge hesitated.

To tell the truth, Peter is still alive, indeed beyond his expectations!

"The truth is... Who betrayed the Potters and who was serving Voldemort?" Dumbledore said patiently.

Hearing Voldemort's name, many people shuddered.

"Headmaster...Professor Dumbledore," Peter panted. "Of course it's Blake, I'm a hero..."

"I really don't understand, you are a hero, why do you keep your name incognito and be a mouse for twelve years?" Dumbledore said coldly.

"What mouse?" Fudge was taken aback.

"Peter is an outlaw Animagos like Blake," Dumbledore said softly.

"During Christmas, William discovered Peter's identity after Hermione found out that Blake was a black dog.

He was with the Weasleys, hiding for twelve years. "

Fudge was stunned, and he murmured, "Crazy, crazy!"

"I didn't, I just... got tired of fighting and hid in fear!" Peter screamed.

"One of the most capable people under the Dark Lord, I got Azkaban, those Death Eaters will definitely not let me go.

I'm scared... Remember the tortured Longbottoms? "

"How dare you say that!" Blake's face twisted, he growled:

"Me, Voldemort's most capable man? When did I sneak around around someone stronger and more influential than me?

But you, Peter...I really don't understand why I didn't recognize you as the spy in the first place.

You've always liked friends who were stronger than you so that they could take care of you, it's always been us... Lupin and I... and James... and then you went to Voldemort! "

Peter kept his head down, avoiding everyone's eyes.

"It was my suggestion that Lily and James made you their secrecy," Blake said through gritted teeth.

"I thought that was the most perfect plan...you must have been very proud when you leaked to Voldemort?"


A loud bang sounded in Snape's hand, and he was holding his wand, his face very ugly.

He twisted his face and said in a hoarse voice:

"Headmaster, I suggest giving the two of them Veritaserum so they'll explain everything right away.

I'll know, who's telling the truth...who's...the...people who deserve...death...! "

"I agree!" Blake was startled, and seemed to see Snape suddenly. "You can use it for me now!"

Peter opened and closed his mouth several times, as if he had lost the ability to speak.

Moments later, he suddenly lamented and admitted, "You don't know... the Dark Lord...don't know...his power."

"That's the strongest Demon King ever." Peter sobbed, "You can't fight him! I don't want to die!"

"But your master, he's dead!" Blake shouted, "you'll die with him soon!"

"Yes, he just wanted to hurt me and Harry, trying to steal our wand." Ron said angrily. "Never forgive him."

"That's right!" Harry exclaimed, looking very excited.

He took out his wand and stared at Peter with hatred:

"He caused me to lose my parents! He ruined everything for me! I want him to die immediately!"

"No no~www.wuxiaspot.com~ child." Fudge ecstatically said, "The Dementor is just outside the school gate... We can easily execute him.

But there has to be a trial, a retrial of Wizengamot...that would be big news!

Barty Crouch...he's...finished!


William listened in silence, glanced up at Fudge, then at Harry and Ron.

Everything tonight... seems so strange.

So weird!



(Ask for recommendation votes, everyone.

Thanks for the reward from the two big bosses of 'Walking in the Sun Confused' and 'Qianhuan × Qianyu'. )

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