A Magical Hogwarts

Vol 6 Chapter 128: Gambling, or gambling?

, the fastest update of the latest chapter of a certain magical Hogwarts!

After the routine examination, William and Hermione took the initiative to leave and left the ward.

It was a rare hospital stay, and William would definitely enjoy it and enjoy it.

Of course, it's not to hook up with the attending therapist, to tease the nurse... Is that because Hermione won't have a chance to practice?

Her curse, but ushered in another wave of rapid progress.

The last time William wanted to feel the effect, he endured Hermione's magic and cursed him for not pitching.

On the second day of the training match, William really had no hand, and hit 30 iron.

He swears that the night before, he really didn't practice with Hermione until late at night...but he was just blocked.

So don't try it lightly.

So, what's so fun about St Mungo's Hospital for Witchcraft and Wizardry?

Although there are many wizards with mental problems, they are also capable.

Former senior official of the Ministry of Magic, former Auror, six-time European Cup champion of Gobstone, master of wizard chess...

Occasionally, even Professor Slughorn came to the hospital for a month, under the pretense of having a nurse check his body.

It's called Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

But they didn't get far before they walked out, and Harry suddenly chased after him. He stammered:

"William, can I take your time? I...want to talk to you..."

William nodded and glanced at Hermione, the girl immediately smiled understandingly:

"I went to find Annie, and I don't know where to go."

Harry cast a grateful look at her.

There was one thing that he was really hard to say and couldn't tell others.

And Dumbledore didn't want to see him, not even looking him in the eye.

literal meaning!

Dumbledore was talking to him recently, and his eyes were looking at others, as if looking at him, it was all visual pollution.

Harry sometimes wonders in his heart:

Since the fifth grade, his appearance has indeed become more and more crooked, but it is not so ugly, right?

So, after much deliberation, Harry had to come to William.

William is not the same age as himself, but he is also the closest to Dumbledore, has sufficient knowledge of magic, and is a member of the Order of the Phoenix.

Definitely give an accurate answer.

William took Harry and walked towards the unoccupied corner. Seeing that he was still brewing emotions, he did not urge him, but casually said:

"Do you still like the Christmas present I gave?"

"Oh, I like it, I like it so much!" Harry's face bloomed with joy:

"That game console is the best Christmas present I have received in recent years!"

Before the holiday, Harry was still thinking of going to the Burrow, and stopped by the next door to rub the game console and computer of William's house.

Unexpectedly, at Christmas, William sent such a red and white machine as a gift.

The only pity is that Harry and Ron were fighting in bed in the middle of the night...the power was out.

St. Mungo's Magic Hospital has no plugboard, and he can't go back to his uncle's house to charge, so he can only put it there temporarily to eat ashes.

William seemed to know what Harry was thinking, and asked, "Did you write to your uncle and aunt? About the Dementors."

"I wrote it, and I apologized. But they said they were going to cut off my 'aunt and nephew' relationship," Harry said angrily.

"Oh, and sent me a Christmas present, a toothpick."


Seeing William's disbelief, Harry sighed and explained:

"Really, they give this Christmas present every year.

One year, it was a fiftypence coin, haphazardly taped to a note with Scotch tape.

Another time, a table paper was given. "

Well... it's not air, at least it's a 'utility item'.

Wait...toothpicks, coins, tissues.

William narrowed his eyes.

When the three things add up, isn't it the symbol of the Deathly Hallows?

woc... this couple has something, is it a hidden boss?

(In the original book, Aunt Harry did indeed send these three Christmas gifts, and the three gifts that were recorded. It's a rare Easter egg.)

After chatting casually for a while, Harry's nervousness eased a little.

At last he mustered up his courage and said:

"Yesterday Tonks and Mad-Eye came to see Mr. Weasley.

The twins and I were eavesdropping right at the door... Of course, we didn't mean to. "

Harry hurriedly covered up:

"I heard...Mad-Eye say that You-Know-Who may be attached to me..."

William glanced at Harry, probably knowing what he was looking for.

It was supposed to be psychological counseling.

William asked: "So you think you were possessed by Lord Voldemort and attacked Mr. Weasley?"

Harry nodded, he really thought so.

"Then... do you think I'm possessed?"

William did not answer directly, but instead asked:

"Harry, what do you think Voldemort would most like to do if he saw you?"

Harry said without hesitation, "Kill me."

"Yeah." William looked into Harry's green eyes.

"He wanted to kill you, and we knew that when he was resurrected."

William changed the conversation and said with a smile:

"Then why do you think he will possess you and attack Mr. Weasley?

Instead of directly controlling you, walking up to him, and killing you? "

Yes, Harry is also instantly stunned!

If Voldemort could control himself, he would definitely kill him instead of attacking others!

Harry relaxed almost involuntarily.

"But I dreamed of Mr. Weasley and snakes..." he hesitated again. "Those things did happen, they weren't dreams. How can you explain them?"

"Dumbledore should have told you more than once." William looked at Harry's two scars and explained:

"Awadasso made some kind of connection between you and Voldemort."

He thought about the words. No mention of Horcruxes, and in a language Harry understood.

"All indications are when your mind is at its most relaxed and vulnerable - like in your sleep.

Or when Voldemort is furious, you can sense the Dark Lord's thoughts and emotions. "

"That's why you saw those pictures, not because Voldemort was attached to you."

Harry breathed a sigh of relief, even a little excited, he rubbed his hands and said:

"That's great...of course, I don't like the feeling, but it works.

isn't it, William?

So I can get information on Voldemort.

I saw the serpent attack Mr. Weasley, otherwise Professor Dumbledore might not be able to save him, could he? "

The more Harry spoke, the more excited he felt that he had discovered the code of wealth against Voldemort.

William said solemnly: "Harry, if you think so, you are very wrong."

"You can go into Voldemort's mind, look through his eyes, and see what he's doing, and he could be the other way around.

It's not a one-way process, it's a two-way channel..."

Harry could enter Voldemort's body, and the Dark Lord could enter Harry's body.

Both can be said to be attackable.

Harry's heart skipped a beat. "He hasn't found out yet..."

"He has probably discovered it." William shook his head.

"That night, you yelled in the auditorium and Mr Weasley was rescued in time.

Voldemort must have known this, and man...any magic leaves traces.

With his magical attainments, it is estimated that he has already sensed this special connection. "

"This is your guess, or..."

"Guess or fact, does it matter?" William interrupted.

"Harry, it's not a gamble, it's a life gamble, understand?

Once Voldemort discovers this connection, he has already discovered it to a large extent, and he will definitely use it to make a fuss. "

William looked at Harry's disapproving expression and sighed:

"Yes, you can indeed get one piece of information, two pieces of information... But one day, you get fake information, and then you get deceived by him!

The result of being deceived is either your death or the death of the people around you.

Are you going to bet on this probability? ! "

Harry swallowed.

William tapped him on the shoulder:

"I know you want to fight Voldemort, but he has something to say.

'There is often a fine line between courage and stupidity'.

I don't want your courage to turn into stupidity. "

Harry almost looked gloomy, and after a long silence, he asked, "Then how to stop this connection?"

"Learn Occlumency and you can sever that connection."

"Brain what?" Harry asked blankly.

"Occlumency, a spell that protects the mind from foreign intrusions, is obscure but very useful," William said.

"Can you teach me then?" Harry said hopefully.

"If it's summer vacation~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I can teach you, because Hermione was also getting started at that time." William shook his head.

"But she's progressing so fast now that you can't keep up with her lessons.

And after I started school, I became a professor of ancient Rune, and I had no time. "

"Can Hermione teach me?"

"Hermione hasn't quite grasped it yet. She can't teach you."

William smiled: "Don't worry, Dumbledore will find you a good teacher."

Harry hoped again that if Dumbledore would teach him, that would be fine too.



(At the beginning of the month, ask for recommended tickets and monthly tickets, everyone.

Thanks for the rewards from several big bosses such as "Fellow Daoist, please stay", "The man under the moon is dead", "YFer-laugh", "Proverbs Suiyue")

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