A Magical Hogwarts

Vol 6 Chapter 137: Great people love the referendum

, the fastest update of the latest chapter of a certain magical Hogwarts!

William still thought about who jumped out, said "I object" bluntly, and then gave him a slap in the face.

But the whole tribe was silent for a while.

The leader of Baine was easily defeated, and no one dared to oppose it!

Seeing that no one was talking, as Ronan, who likes to brush his presence tonight, his face was heavy at the right time, and he persuaded:

"Come on, Bane!"

Bain's face was still on the ground eating dirt, and his legs were burning and stinging from sliding on the gravel. He just wanted to scold:

"It's me who was beaten now, why did you tell me to stop? Did something go wrong?!"

"We wizards have always been peace-loving and won't provoke unprovoked fights." William also spoke.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he sounded like an old flower gardener who only wanted to develop.

What is peaceful development, a community with a shared future for people and horses, and the construction of a new Yilin and One Belt Plan... a powerful fudge.

William said everything he had studied in the youth study in his previous life, paused, and continued:

"I won't kill Bane because he was my friend. I saved him once and will let him go now."

"Everyone, don't be instigated by some unreasonable guys!"

Many centaurs nodded one after another. Even in this situation, Stark didn't kill anyone, he just defeated... Well, he is indeed a good friend of centaurs.

The leader of Baine is so old, but he is so hostile to others, he really lives on a donkey.

Listening to the clan's discussion, Baine was short of breath, his chest heaving up and down, he raised his head and shouted sharply:

"Stark, I'm a different race than you, and I'm proud of that.

Don't show off your sorcerer's kindness here, we won't give in..."

Bain tried to incite the centauristic sentiments of the Centaurs and create racial antagonism.

He is also good at hitting "hoofs", and it's nothing to fan the flames.

For example, in those years, I found the mermaid patriarch and asked him:

Why do wizards call "mermaids" to put people first, not fish.

The old hoofer!

But no centaurs paid him any attention, for a roar sounded from a distance.

Many centaurs quickly picked up their bows and quivers and aimed them in the distance.

As the two sturdy tree trunks were separated, Grapp's huge figure appeared in the gap.

Grapp opened his crooked mouth foolishly, his brick yellow teeth gleaming in the half-darkness.

He narrowed his dull, mud-colored eyes and stared down at the little animals at his feet.

Such a ferocious giant, many centaurs couldn't help but start to tremble.

With a roar, Grapp pulled the weeping willow upside down, trying to hit the centaur's head like a whack-a-mole.

But on his shoulders, two figures appeared.

Both Hermione and Annie were standing on it, looking at the Horde with their heads stuck out.

"William, are you alright!" Hermione shouted.

William waved at her.

"Brother!" Annie also shouted, turned her head again, and reprimanded softly:

"Glop, how did I teach you just now! Don't litter, even if you can't hit the children, it's not good to hit those flowers and plants!"

Graup shyly threw away the trees, roared, and shouted vaguely: "Wei-face!"

"Put down the bow and arrow, Granger and Stark's sister," Ronan ordered.

The centaurs put down their bows and arrows in silence, and looked up at the giant vigilantly.

Hagrid rushed in too, carrying the golden bow and shouting, "Fizeron, are you all right?"

"I'm fine." Firenze walked over.

The giant and Hagrid were reinforced by Stark, and no centaurs spoke for a while.

But Ronan stood up and continued to brush his reputation.

"William, you must restrain this giant from approaching our tribe!

This is the bottom line of our horses! "

Ronan looked upright and seemed to be negotiating seriously with William.

All centaurs felt Ronan's responsibility.

"Of course, except for the cave, he won't come out for activities." William assured.

The centaurs breathed a sigh of relief, no one wanted to fight against such a giant.

Sure enough, Ronan still has the ability to make the wizard give in so quickly.

If it's Bane, I'm afraid everyone will just rush up and shout: fireinthehole.

Seeing that tonight's performance was enough, Ronan looked around and said seriously:

"Very well, then there's only one last thing... I'm going to initiate a tribal referendum to request a new leader."

With a sad expression on his face, Baine sat on the ground in a daze. He now finally understands that, watching the stars at night, he did find that the centaur tribe was divided.

But the centaurs who were exiled turned out to be none other than... himself!

The clown is me!



The referendum is a very popular event, which allows everyone to fully enjoy the thrill of being the master of the country.

Although in this process, there may be ghost soldiers crossing the border, there may be zombie tickets, and there may be shortages and missed tickets... but that doesn't matter, democracy is over.

The people of the Great Empire also liked referendums, and the centaurs in the Forbidden Forest were also infected with this habit.

But compared to the Scottish referendum, the Forbidden Forest will definitely succeed this time. After all, Bain's prestige has fallen to the lowest point.

The Centaurs firmly believed that only Ronan could make the Centaurs great again.

Of course, Ronan also said that the Centaurs will focus on restoring their relationship with Hogwarts.

Under the premise of ensuring that the interests of the centaurs are fully protected, be prepared to strengthen cooperation with wizards.

In a word: Centaurs will jointly develop Forbidden Forest with Akali Mystery Shop.

This is undoubtedly good for William.

The Forbidden Forest is a raw material production base, and there are treasures everywhere.

But not to mention that it is not easy to collect, the Forbidden Forest is still very dangerous.

Eight-eyed giant spiders can help collect them, but although they have many legs, they have no hands and can only do some basic work.

The old spider of Aragog, who seemed to be dying, also wanted to migrate with his clan away from Stark.

Let's not talk about ghosts, no centaurs are reliable.

With the help of the centaur tribe, this Forbidden Forest has been named Stark since then.

As a great philanthropist, William's profits must be seventy-three.

Of course, 70% belonged to Stark, and the centaurs would see his face.

Just as William and Ronan were talking about increasing their cooperation, there were several sharp cracks coming from outside the house.

He realized that something was wrong, and sure enough, after walking out, he caught three... girls behind the wooden house.

Hermione and Fire Kiss were exchanging swordsmanship there, Annie applauded and asked Fire Kiss to avenge her.

Hermione didn't use magic, so the scene was fire kisses prevail.

She is a female horse who lives in the forbidden forest every day. She has a lot of strength and a lot of practical experience.

But Hermione has been learning from William, a little more flexible and more skillful than Fire Kiss.

It's kind of like the battle between Arya and Treene in Winterfell, I have to say.

One relies on strength, the other takes skill.

Seeing William coming, the two girls stopped in time, and Annie stood in a row in the shady scene.

Hermione's eyes gestured, indicating that it was just a discussion, no other meaning!

Annie looked up at the dark clouds with an innocent face, a look that had nothing to do with her.

Fire Kiss secretly squinted at the fairy sword in Hermione's hand, showing an envious look.

Seeing William looking at herself, she even stared at him with a vigilant expression, with a look like you don't hit me with my armor idea, or I'll try my best with you.

That is obviously William's armor, just borrowed you to wear it!

"William, I want to buy a sword made by goblins from you." Fire Kiss said again.

"Are you rich? Goblin swords are expensive." William glanced at her.

"Take it from the magic materials I have collected for you." Fire Kiss said with a big grin.

William rolled his eyes: "The junk you collect can't be exchanged for a few Galleons... You can't afford to work for me all your life."

Fire Kiss rolled his eyes, leaned over and whispered beside Hermione's ear~www.wuxiaspot.com~ William felt bad, turned around and left.

Hermione snorted suddenly, and said loudly:

"I'll buy you a fairy sword, you don't have to pay for this money, and neither will I!

Isn't someone hurting everyone's hair and not paying for some physical damage? ! "

William looked helpless, and only felt that there was no misfortune.

Before Mingming came, it was Huo Kiss who asked him to ride, and he also said that he could pull his hair... but now he is very unfriendliness to frame the blame!

It seems to be looking for Ronan 82 to open!



(Ask for recommended tickets and monthly tickets, everyone.

I was moved by the reward of the big brother "Daoist, please stay." )

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