A Magical Hogwarts

Vol 6 Chapter 151: If you want to conquer Dumbledore, you must first conquer Dumbledore (Happy Vale

The top of the snow mountain,

Squeeze squeak. An old man in black robe without hair, eyebrows and nose, with bare legs and feet, standing in the snow.

Even if he didn't wear long pants, he wasn't cold at all, instead he closed his eyes indifferently.


Saying that it is meditation is a bit inappropriate, but it is more appropriate to seduce underage teenagers.

That's right, Voldemort is using Occlumency to create AV-quality content.

Harry sneaked into his thoughts in his sleep, and was led step by step to the 97th row of the Prophecy Hall of the Department of Mysteries...

This is what Voldemort does every night.

As long as you patiently pique Harry's curiosity, the fish will bite one day.

Harry Potter is such a prey, stupid and naive.

Voldemort doesn't like Dumbledore and Stark.

The two of them will never be deceived. Only when playing with Harry van can Voldemort fully feel the thrill of crushing the enemy's IQ.

The Dark Lord, let's call it... the moment of the old torturer.

Happiness is always short-lived. After completing today's seduction, Voldemort began to carve another artwork.

He raised his wand, and the spell drawn from the blood of giants floated in mid-air, glistening in the moonlight.

The bloodstains dried up naturally, Voldemort chanted the incantation softly, and the pale flames burst into flames.

The spell burns slowly, turning into a layer of scorched ashes.

After the flames were completely extinguished, Voldemort hissed Parselmouth.

The ashes automatically fell into the silver bowl filled with blood, and a pen made of unicorn feathers was slowly stirring.

The liquid turned deeper black, and then, like a small snake, followed the giant's corpse's mouth and drilled into the body.

After an unknown time, the skin of the giant was covered with intricate symbols and spell patterns like a brocade.

The giant slowly got up, a new corpse... and the production was completed.

巘Xuan Fantasy Novel NetworkXuan. The physique of the giant is too strong, and the magic resistance is too high.

Compared with humans, the production of such an infernal corpse requires more than one floor in terms of time-consuming and processes.

But the gap is also obvious. The combat power of the giant corpse can completely destroy the human corpse!

Voldemort stood quietly by the side, looking at his masterpiece, and couldn't help but smile.

During this time, he found a lot of giant corpses and made a large army.

Although the Jungfrau Mountain collapsed, the bodies were well preserved because of the cold weather.

There are indeed many missing arms and legs, but at least they have not become giants, or completely rotten.

Excavating the collapsed Jungfrau is not an easy task... His series of savage manipulations caused waves of avalanches.

In order to cover up the truth, the Swiss Ministry of Magic asked the Muggle government to claim that it was... an earthquake.

"Master!" Kesla walked over in awe. He staggered from Voldemort's snake eyes and whispered:

"The Aurors of the Swiss Ministry of Magic... are approaching."

Voldemort nodded slightly, but did not speak.

According to his previous temperament, if he encounters these Aurors, he will definitely kill them all.

Hu Huo Fantasy Novel Network 7huan.com Hu Huo. You can kill, but you don't really need to.

The reason is also very simple:

Voldemort is not Grindelwald... There is no need to offend all countries at once.

That's right, Voldemort looked down on the original Dark Lord.

From Voldemort's point of view, if he failed to stabilize the fundamentals and defeat Dumbledore, he provoked everywhere.

Then, to be angered and targeted by wizards from all countries... more than stupid, simply stupid!

As the second black generation, Voldemort wanted to dominate the world, and naturally he would not go the old way of Grindelwald.

Enemies all over the world may sound domineering, but it's just a way to die.

When the last Wizarding War broke out, Old Tom clearly realized:

If you want to conquer Dumbledore, you must first conquer Dumbledore; if you want to conquer the world, you must first conquer Dumbledore.

Otherwise, no matter how many countries are provoked or how many regions are occupied... all are false.

Instead, it will push many neutral forces to Dumbledore's side.

Voldemort is arrogant, but also very restrained.

That's why, the scope of Death Eaters' activities has always been in the British Isles.

Unlike the Umno Party... the United States, France, the United Kingdom, there is no place they did not destroy.

Couldn't Voldemort conquer France?

A scum who once set a record and surrendered in forty-three days?

He didn't want to make too many enemies until Dumbledore was conquered and Britain was conquered.

Voldemort still believed in this principle at this time and was not ready to slaughter the Swiss Aurors.

However, he is also reading other national newspapers recently.

In the United States, they published an article saying that Voldemort was far inferior to Grindelwald.

Speaking of Grindelwald, he is the real Dark Lord. His activities cover the whole world, and his followers are all over Europe and America...

And he Voldemort,

He's just the boss of a small terrorist organization, and he didn't even go out to the UK!

When Voldemort saw this report, he could not wait to give the author of the article an Arvada to eat.

He clearly stood at a higher strategic level,


I don't know who wrote it. When he conquers England and comes to America, he will kill that dog with his own hands.

Voldemort turned into a black mist and floated over the giant corpse.

He said hoarsely, "Let's go."

"Master, where are we going next?" Kesla asked.

"To Durmstrang," said Voldemort coldly. "Take Karkaroff's head."

Unfortunately, Grindelwald has disappeared.

Otherwise, passing through Nurmengard in Austria, you can play against this old man.

Let the big fool in New York see who is the real Dark Lord!

It's really lonely like an avalanche!


The giant ran wildly, and the heavy snow fell from the top of the mountain like a torrent to the ridge, and split on both sides of Voldemort~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Three months after being expelled, William resumed his school status again.

However, he still retains the position of the ancient Rune professor, not the former substitute teacher.

For William, it doesn't matter whether he goes to school or not, it's just that his dean, Professor Flitwick, insists that he complete his studies without any regrets.

William would be the most outstanding student ever taught at Ravenclaw.

Finally found out that he didn't graduate from Ravenclaw, isn't that a big joke?

Another point, this year is a critical period for the three-peat of the Quidditch Cup.

At least establish a dynasty, right?

Squeeze squeak. Even Cedric and the twins were lifted and returned to the Quidditch team. William was not there...then this year will definitely be at the bottom.

But the deans of other colleges don't want to.

No one wants to see William continue to help Ravenclaw win the championship.

Especially Professor McGonagall.

If Gryffindor doesn't win the championship again, she's probably going to be suffocated with anger.

So she suggested that William belonged to the expelled students, and even if he came back, he should be rearranged.

Annie has a good relationship with the Sorting Hat, and she often takes it out on holidays.

Professor McGonagall found Anne, asked her to greet the Sorting Hat, and once sorted, sent William to Gryffindor.

Professor Snape was more thorough.

He believes that all students who have been suspended should not return to the game.

After all, everyone is punished for a reason.

Potter, for example, was involved in a brawl.

Da Shi shouldn't be reinstated, just be his professor.

Yes, Slytherin Quidditch might lose... so what?

no one really

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