A Magical Hogwarts

Vol 6 Chapter 165: Grindelwald

No matter how powerful the **** of death is, it is only a long-term plan. William has never forgotten the purpose of this trip:

Let Grindelwald help endorse and fool Voldemort.

Grindelwald naturally would not refuse and was willing to help.

The location of the meeting is also very particular, and it must not be placed in the North Pole.

William would like to meet in New Zealand or Australia in the Five Eyes Alliance.

In this way, once the fight starts, William will not have any psychological pressure.

However, Voldemort gave a day, and the schedule was a bit rushed, and finally chose Norway.

After William took the compound decoction, Karkaroff was taken out of the safety table.

During the time loop, William pondered the Dark Mark of the Death Eaters.

Not only does he unleash the Dark Mark, but he also knows how to summon Voldemort.

William's right hand was placed on the black mark on Karkaroff's arm, sending magic power into it.

Wherever Voldemort was, he could feel the call of this servant.

After about an hour or so, Voldemort showed up.

This is the first meeting between the two Demon Kings, and of course... the last time.

William is the only witness to history.

Although there has always been a saying in the magic world that "the king does not see the king", the two will definitely not fight.

Especially Voldemort, under the double pressure of Dumbledore and William, his attitude was still low.

He first expressed his admiration for the old man Grindelwald.

The translated meaning is probably:

I am your fan and grew up listening to your stories.

Grindelwald would not lose face either, he immediately showed a special appreciation for Voldemort, a rising star.

The translated meaning is probably:

You are my successor, the future is yours.

Destruction... ah, the task of maintaining world peace is left to you.

As for what the two of them thought, it is unknown.

After a wave of business blows, the two generations of demon kings first discussed the situation in Britain and exchanged in-depth views.

Both sides expressed their concern about Dumbledore and Stark, the cancer that affects the stability of Europe.

The two reached an important consensus on the development of the "pure food" relationship, the dual-black relationship, and the Deng Shi issue of mutual concern.

Voldemort pointed out:

The two sides should establish a comprehensive strategic partnership, strengthen military mutual trust, and gradually deepen intelligence cooperation.

Good communication and coordination should be maintained in suppressing terrorist organizations such as the Order of the Phoenix.

Grindelwald believes:

As long as they adhere to the principles of mutual respect, equal treatment, and mutual benefit, they will certainly be able to take care of each other's core interests.

The two reiterated:

Achieving European unity, lasting peace on the Europa Peninsula, and "Wu Minggui"... are common goals.

Of course, at the end of the meeting, Voldemort also expressed his appreciation to William.

He hoped that this student of Grindelwald could go to implicate Stark at a critical time.

William was shocked.

I'm going to involve myself?

Voldemort's brain is too big.

But William still patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, I'm also your fan.

I will come to see you sooner or later with Stark. "

Grindelwald also immediately said:

In due course, he would attack Dumbledore.

Voldemort was completely satisfied.

Although this was a verbal, non-binding cooperation, Voldemort believed:

Grindelwald will help himself.

After all, the hatred between Grindelwald and Dumbledore is no less than that of himself.

The enemy of the enemy, that is the best holy alliance.

As for Karkaroff...

As William and Hermione guessed, Voldemort wished someone could control Karkaroff and break into the Order of the Phoenix.

Old Tom also recommends:

His subordinates, the Carlo brothers and sisters, can stay in Durmstrang as professors of Defense Against the Dark Arts and professors of Muggle studies.

This also enables timely exchange of information.

William happily agreed.

If you don't agree, the Death Eaters will go into hiding and will definitely not leave Northern Europe.

Rather than that, it's better to put it in the light.

As the predecessor of the twins - the former predator, Sirius has a method, silently killing the Carlo brothers and sisters.

After the meeting, Voldemort returned to England immediately.

He is going to start the "Seduce Potter Project", the final big ending.

The rise and fall of Death Eaters, in one fell swoop!

Grindelwald returned to the Snow Queen's palace and continued to wait for the appearance of polar night and polar day.

When it appeared that day, it was the best time for him to ride the North Sea Giant Monster upstream to find the God of Death.

William and Hermione didn't leave either, and built an igloo nearby.

This Easter, they stayed here.

This is a good opportunity.

After William squeezed Dumbledore and Voldemort, he had never squeezed the original Dark Lord.

He had heard Old Man Newt mention the Battle of Paris before.

He is particularly interested in Grindelwald's magic that can use the blue fiery spell to check whether others have his heartfelt magic...

I don't know how much higher than Voldemort's force!

Of course, if Old Tom also made this move, I'm afraid that the Death Eater team would be wiped out immediately.

Grindelwald is also a master of transfiguration. He doesn't need to take a compound decoction. He can transform into anyone with only human transfiguration.

It is comparable to Tonks' Disguise Margus.

Grindelwald still has hundreds of super-strong offensive magic, and he will not learn it for nothing.

With the arrival of mid-April, the day of the alternation of polar night and polar day has finally arrived.

William and Hermione did not go to see Grindelwald.

In the old man's words:

"The last words have been said, there is no need to say goodbye."

William and Hermione leaned together, sitting on the igloo, watching the arrival of the extreme day.

With the passage of time, the sky that had been dark for half a year finally slowly released light.

The orange fireball slowly rose from the distant hill, emitting a dazzling light.

The whole snowfield was glistening.

Hermione suddenly grabbed his hand, pointed to the other side of the sky, and said excitedly, "William, look, it's the aurora!"

William turned his head to look, and the whole person was stunned.

The sky started from above, suddenly bluer, the stars twinkled, and the temperature felt on the skin dropped slightly.

The brilliance of the sky suddenly illuminated the sky, and even the sun was eclipsed.

The majestic aurora blocks the sun and divides the sky into two worlds of light and shadow.

The aurora stretches endlessly.

At this moment, the palace of the Queen of Ice and Snow next to it made a tremor.

The roar of the North Sea Giant Monster sounded, and the roaring sound echoed in the snow field for a long time, like the wailing sound when the earth was torn apart.

Grindelwald left, and he went to find Death, and began his final battle.

Neither William nor Hermione spoke, but sat with their heads together and looked up at the sky.

Until the towering aurora, melted into the air.



Santa's Village, a snow-covered road with a carriage that stops at a fork.

"Aren't you going back to Austria?" William looked at Gregorovitch.

Gregorovich, who had been going back all the time, suddenly did not want to go back.

"Why are you going back?" Gregorovitch shook his head.

"Grindelwald has left, what if the sea monster comes back?

I'd better hide here. If it finds me again, I'll hide in the Snow Queen's palace.

Besides, Santa's village is so cozy, it's time for me to retire. "

"Okay." William didn't force it.

Gregorovich is indeed not very good to go back.

He was taken away by Grindelwald, many wizards know.

If he returns to Austria again, there will definitely be an exploration by the Ministry of Magic, the whereabouts of the Siren, and the trail of Grindelwald.

Instead, it's better to stay here without harassment.

William looked at the snowmen again, who were still waiting for news from Babelin.

He laughed:

"Bablin asked me to talk~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Christmas presents for you."

The snowmen were satisfied.

Elsa glared at him contemptuously.

A man full of lies looks disdainful.

"I know you're a Hogwarts student, and I'll definitely go there to find her."

"Professor Babbling isn't here, but it's up to you."

William jumped into the car, shook the reins, and the reindeer ran slowly.

Hermione sat next to him, waving her hand and shouting:




(Ask for a recommendation ticket, everyone.)

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