A Magical Hogwarts

Vol 6 Chapter 167: What you can't get is always in turmoil

Although it was a hundred million hours late, Sirius finally came to Hogwarts.

He successfully met Anne, met Dumbledore, and talked about life with Lupin, who came here after hearing the news.

Finally, wandering around Hogwarts...meeting his stupid godson.

After not seeing each other for a year, Sirius was very excited, pulled Harry, gave him a CD of the past, and listened to his relationship with James at that time.

As it happens, Harry can't wait to chat with Sirius about the subject of "Father".

How urgent is it?

His whole body began to be in a trance.

It wasn't because Voldemort seduced him all night and made him sleepy... Of course, there was also this reason, but the deeper reason was - Snape.

Just over the Easter break, Harry, as usual, went to Snape's office and received his daily ravages.

In Harry's words:

"It was painful torture... Snape was like a **** stick, and would rudely get into my brain and mess around there.

No matter how hard I struggled, I couldn't resist, I had to accept it. "

Rough use of Legilimency will indeed have this effect.

But Harry always felt something was wrong when he described it.

Anyway, one day during the Easter holiday, Harry went to suffer this torture again.

Snape was out for a few minutes while Harry was in the office and saw a Pensieve.

Out of curiosity, he plunged in.

Harry's original purpose was to find evidence of Snape's crime.

But instead he saw his father, the scene of school violence:

Back then, James, who was the same age as Harry, took off Snape's white and black underwear in front of all the students.

When a man takes off his underwear in public, there are generally only two consequences:

never find a girlfriend;

No more girlfriends.

Professor Snape was clearly the former.

And Harry watched the lively circle, but in the end he didn't expect that his house collapsed, and his mood can be imagined.

Most importantly, he has always believed that:

Although I am partial to subjects, I can copy homework, I don't study very hard, and even in the last year, my temper has been particularly grumpy... but he is still a great guy.

At least he wouldn't do something so outrageous.

Even the most mischievous twins would not be able to humiliate a classmate like this in public.

Even if that person is Malfoy.

Harry had always believed that his parents were wonderful people.

Snape's so-called "arrogance" and "arrogance" of James Potter were just malicious slander and slander.

But in terms of what Harry saw, Snape was not only right, but also euphemistically.

The hardest thing for Harry to accept was seeing his mother Lily defending Snape and stopping James.

James is still like licking a dog, let Lily date him.

Lily not only refused, but also expressed her disgust for James.

Harry really didn't understand how they ended up getting married.

He even wondered if James had forced Lily... to give her a love drug.

That's why Harry didn't see Professor Snape's medicine storage room, so many letters to Lily.

Otherwise he would even suspect that he was actually... Snape's son.

Sirius did not expect that he had to go back to Hogwarts with great difficulty, and he would have to give Harry psychological counseling.

But Sirius' rhetoric obviously couldn't convince Harry.

He had to ask William for help.

With just a few words, William succeeded in convincing Harry:

Lily hated James for a while, but sooner or later she would like James.

"Harry, look, doesn't Cho dislike you now and is with Cedric?"

Harry nodded, despite his distress.

"But are you convinced that your efforts (being a dog licker) will move Qiu sooner or later and let her understand who is the one who truly loves her.

Will Cho break up with Cedric in the end and get back with you? "

"Yeah!!" Harry has always thought so, and has been working hard.

"Look, is James' situation similar to yours, or even better than you?

After all, Lily didn't have a boyfriend at that time, but Qiu did. "

Harry felt a little pricked, and William successfully broke the defense.

William patted him on the shoulder and said, "But you always think like this, thinking that you will succeed with Qiu.

Why don't you want to believe that James can be with Lily? "


Harry was speechless for a moment, thinking that it made sense.

At the same time, he also firmed his mind:

"Since my father can succeed, and he doesn't like to play pranks (honest people) like him, he will definitely succeed."

Under Sirius' admiring gaze, William smiled slightly.

As the Far Eastern wizard Master Lu said:

"Only dog ​​licking can beat dog licking."

But William could enlighten Harry, but not Snape.

Anyway, the professor has only one sentence:

"I can't teach Potter, let him die!

Countless! "

Dumbledore knew about this, and he didn't think of any way to save it.

William had talked to him about it at the beginning of the semester... making a mistake that older people tend to make:

Some wounds are too deep to heal easily. He thought Snape could get over his hatred for James.

But Snape was still young, only in his thirties... he wouldn't be as open and let go as an old man.

Snape didn't want to teach Harry any more, and Dumbledore didn't let anyone else teach.

It can be taught, but it is not necessary.

Snape had already told Harry all the basics. In addition to his lack of talent, he didn't even bother to learn.

Both William and Dumbledore were waiting for Harry to make a mistake and be seduced to that particular stage by Voldemort.

Only when you make mistakes and feel the pain will you become enlightened and grow.

Most of the Horcruxes have been destroyed by William. Although I don't know how much Voldemort made, there are probably not too many left.

This process far exceeded Dumbledore's expectations.

And Harry's growth in "courage" is too slow, and if it goes on like this, he can't even grasp the chance of survival.

It can only be said that Harry's experiences, whether it's the Philosopher's Stone, the Chamber of Secrets... and more, all grew up in the "greenhouse" he purposely built.

Even if there is an accident, William will use the Ravenclaw ring to disappear into the invisible.

Dumbledore decided to give Harry a real glimpse of despair.



After Easter,

Without the pressure of exams, the sixth grader who had a leisurely vacation suddenly became nervous.

Because a new notice was posted on the notice board notifying the date of the Apparition exam.

Before the first exam (April 21st), students over the age of seventeen can sign up for special training (with strict supervision) in Hogsmeade.

After reading the notice, many people panicked, after all, they can't Apparate yet.

In the next apparition class, the little wizards were all attentive.

But most students still can't grasp it.

Many people attribute this failure to the lack of professionalism of the teachers.

But with the appearance of the teacher sent by the Ministry of Magic, the students were even more desperate.

They found that school professors taught better.

Autumn has made great progress.

She's been practicing Apparition with Cedric since this Easter break.

She can already Apparate to Hogsmeade.

The relationship between the two also continued to heat up~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Although William enlightened Harry like that, he obviously had no hope.

Harry is not as good as Cedric, and no one has worked hard (licking the goddess).

And Harry's former true love, Ginny, fulfilled her promise before the start of the semester:

Changed to a third boyfriend in a flash.

The triple kill is complete!

Moisturized by love, she became more and more confident, smiling like a flower every day.

This undoubtedly caught the attention of the old man who criticized Harry... Although he paid more attention, it was still on Qiu who couldn't get it.

After all, what you can't get is that there is always a commotion.



(Ask for recommendation tickets and monthly tickets, everyone.)

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