A Magical Hogwarts

Vol 6 Chapter 182: The 2nd Wizarding War...see it!

William opened a wave of ridicule, which was extremely lethal and even more insulting.

Malfoy, who was lying on the ground, took a few breaths and sucked the dust from the floor into his mouth.

He also didn't care about the issue of cleanliness. He wished he couldn't pass himself out, so he didn't have to listen to such an explosive conversation.

But... Stark really dared to say it.

He also gave the Dark Lord a label of "lack of fatherly love".

If the woman Rita Skeeter hears it, I'm afraid tomorrow's headlines will be:

"Father's Love is Like a Mountain - Two or Three Things About Godfather Dumbledore and the Rebellious Adopted Son Tom".

Mr. Weasley was also shocked.

It was the first time he saw that William confronted the mysterious man, and it was exactly the same as in the news reports... he didn't fall behind.

Even when it comes to poisonous tongues, William is even better.

Voldemort's face was contorted, he stood there, not moving.

The statue of the centaurs rushed towards him and waved a long flaming whip, but when he approached Voldemort two meters away, it shattered inch by inch.

A magic streak swept out, and the light swept across the waist of the man and the horse, pulling it from the back to the feet of the horse, splitting the body in half and shattering it on the ground.

"You're trying to provoke the greatest wizard in the world!"

Voldemort's eyes were scarlet and his face was hideous. He sneered:

"The person who angered me like this last time was tortured and killed by me in front of his wife and children.

In the end, I dug out his heart and gave it to the snake..."

The Dark Lord glanced deliberately at Harry and hissed at him, as if reminiscing about the joy of the night.

Harry clenched his fists and rushed out, only to be caught by Mr. Weasley.

Voldemort laughed wildly, bent his arm like a gun, waved his wand subtly, and finally drove his forearm forward to burst into a whiplash.

He heard a swoosh that pierced the eardrum, and a thunder spear invisible to the naked eye cut through the sky and shot towards William.

Wherever the spear came, it was like a comet passing by, and even caused the air to vibrate.

William twisted his wand with both hands, swept his body backwards, and at the same time constructed a huge circular mirror wind wall in front of him.

Voldemort quickly summoned a second Thunder Spear and continued to interfere:

"William, I actually have no intention of killing you, think about it, what a loss would it be to kill a genius like you?

I think we have more ways to communicate. "

After several consecutive attacks, the round mirror burst open.

The Thunder Spear's trajectory was slightly changed, but it was still like a rainbow piercing the sun, blasting a hole several meters in size on the ground, and the dust was flying.

William didn't move, and as he waved his wand, a gust of wind lingered around him, blocking the explosion.

His wand trembled suddenly, and the air waves surrounding his body instantly compressed into a white sea eagle.

Eagle strikes the sky!

"Voldemort, didn't you notice? We were talking before you came.

I killed your servant, destroyed the prophecy ball, and stopped your plan! "

William flicked his hands on the tip of his wand and laughed:

"If you don't like this way, after you die... I will put a bunch of flowers on your grave and chat with you every year."

The sea eagle flew out... This is an area magic that uses magic to create wind scrolls and compressed air, and then the wind pressure shocks destroy everything.

Its power is huge, and just the aftermath completely dissipates the explosion created by the Thunder Spear.

Voldemort turned into a mass of black mist, and the mass of black mist formed a giant anaconda, wrapping him in it.

The sea eagle swooped in, and the violent impact caused a strong and continuous blast of air.

The snake's head was instantly torn and its flesh was blurred, but it still raised its body high, and the dark voice of the Dark Lord came from inside:

"William, you are really fascinating.

Although standing in front of the Dark Lord, he is still so arrogant and arrogant, but it is not wise to go against me.

Imagine that your relatives, friends, and classmates were killed one by one by my servants under my orders... Isn't it very painful? "

William detonated the sea eagle, and the compressed air instantly stirred up. He sarcastically said:

"Voldemort, you do have many servants, but not one heartfelt and reliable subordinate.

Just look at Malfoy, he just fears your power.

But soon, I will surpass you and make your servants even more afraid.

They will betray you one after another.

At that time, when you are alone, what will be left? ! "

The giant snake was completely swallowed, but there was no Voldemort figure inside.

A serpent snaked from the fountain, turned into Voldemort, raised his wand, and aimed sinisterly at William's back.

"Avada Kedavra!"

"Be careful, William!" Cedric and Qiu shouted at the same time.

Before the words of the two fell, Fox had already appeared above William's head.

William disappeared in place, and the green light hit the wall.

When he reappeared, he also raised his wand and shouted:

"Avada Kedavra!"

Voldemort turned around immediately, and a death curse shot out, and the two green lights joined together.

Voldemort continued:

"William, I am the generous Dark Lord, able to satisfy all your desires, any desires beyond the scope of the law.

I can make you the youngest Minister of Magic; you can bring my will to the heart of Europe and conquer any land you want.

As long as you are willing to bow down to me! "

"Kneeling to you?" William laughed and said sarcastically:

"Why did those wizards rebel against you? They just couldn't get down on their knees!

But you... should kneel down and apologize like a wizard in the whole country! "

Taking William and Voldemort's standing point as a straight line, the green light began to extend wantonly to both sides.

All the buildings in the hall have been blown up, the ground is also sagging, and there are circles of concentric circles from the inside out.

But Voldemort had the upper hand, and the green light kept moving towards William.

Just then, a fire burst into the fireplace along one wall, and the floor reflected an emerald green flame.

A series of wizards, men and women, emerged from the fire.

Those were officials from Wizengamore, and many high-ranking officials from the Ministry of Magic... After the trial, they came to the Ministry of Magic.

Dumbledore stood at the front and shot a spell at Voldemort, he said calmly:

"It's stupid to be here tonight, Tom."

"When I die, I'll pull you on the back!"

Voldemort spit, he quickly ended the confrontation with William, and summoned a silver shield from the air.

Dumbledore's curse landed on the shield, making a low sound like a gong.

Facing two people at the same time, Voldemort couldn't bear it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He suddenly disappeared into the air.

Harry leaned forward to find Voldemort's location, but Dumbledore yelled at him:

"Stay there and don't move, Harry!"

But the professor was relieved immediately.

Because William Magic waved his wand, the tip of the wand lit up with white light.

In an instant, not only Harry, but also Cho, Cedric, the twins...

They all felt that the ring that Annie gave had an attraction, and then everyone disappeared in the hall.

Voldemort reappeared from the air, and he looked at William grimly: "The port key?"

William grinned at him.

Voldemort had just apparently wanted to cling to Harry and manipulate him.

But before it was too late, Harry was teleported away by William.

Voldemort nodded slowly. He looked at the Ministry of Magic officials, at William, at Dumbledore, and laughed.

He was clearly smiling, but looking at his distorted face, it really made people shudder and feel chills.

"Alright then." Voldemort said indifferently with the monstrous aura oozing out of his body:

"The Second Wizarding War... I declare war on it!"



(Ask for a recommendation ticket and a monthly ticket, everyone.

Thanks to "Huangpu Da Mao" and "Fellow Daoist, please stay" for their rewards. )

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