A Magical Hogwarts

Vol 6 Chapter 187: Treat, behead, accept as a dog

Before July comes,

With an absolute advantage, Burns successfully defeated Scrimgeour and was successfully elected as the new minister.

It is inevitable for Borns to ascend to the top position. She is the director of the Legal Enforcement Department and has a high position.

Most importantly, with the support of William and Dumbledore... She is naturally invincible.

After taking office, Burns took only four minutes to deliver what may be the shortest inauguration speech ever, and then went back to work.

The media commented that she was the best candidate for ministers because of her swiftness and resoluteness, saving time.

In stark contrast, when Fudge took office six years ago, he gave an excited four-hour speech.

The media dug up the incident and whipped the corpse, criticized Fudge for being a slick, arrogant villain, and they had long seen that he was not a thing.

In those days, newspapers all commented that he was humorous, close to the people, good at expressing, and was a great speaker.

It is so real.

As the new minister, after taking office, Borns naturally took action to show her attitude.

She can play three cards:

Treating guests, beheading, accepting as a dog.

Bones decided to play the "decapitation" card first to deal with the problems left over by history.

The biggest remaining issue at present is the crime of the first two ministers.

During the last trial, Umbridge deliberately rammed to buy time for the Death Eaters.

But the Death Eaters failed, and her ultimate fight became the biggest joke.

Naturally, Umbridge didn't have a chance, so the case was overturned.

Fudge was tried first... for corruption and bribery, abusing his power, messing with abnormal relationships between men and women, using public tools for private use, publishing books to make money...

When Fudge was still on trial, he burst out a golden sentence: "Umbridge also did it!"

Umbridge did it, Fudge's crime, she participated in it, and she was also a party to an abnormal relationship between men and women.

She even committed a crime that Fudge never committed.

Abused students, fell to Death Eaters, pua staff of the Ministry of Magic.

The Auror in Azkaban Prison also denounced his confession, and was unwilling to give Umbridge a top bill.

Umbridge had threatened him, saying he would give his family the best possible life.

But now that Umbridge is in, it's all a fantasy.

Old Toad eventually pleaded guilty, but at trial, she claimed:

"It was Fudge who bewitched me. I was a little Auror back then, and he used the power of a minister to **** me in the office.

I used to be full of yearning for life, but this experience completely changed my life.

I was very scared in my heart, I didn't know what to do, I was afraid to face... I did so many wrong things, all of which were coerced and persecuted by Fudge. "

Umbridge lost control of his emotions and burst into tears, adding:

"It can be said that I am not good, but it cannot be said that I am not kind."

"I shouldn't be an evil person, I'm not someone who does evil things with evil..."

In the face of Umbridge's shameless defense, Dumbledore, the chief wizard of Wizengamore, refuted her in court:

"Many of the prisoners don't feel remorse for the crimes they committed, the only thing they regret is that they were caught.

To make the trial work in their favor, they do some disgusting little tricks.

They talk about their upbringing, they say they are not loved by their parents, they say that the society ignores them, and they all talk about these tiresome sophistry and self-deception nonsense.

But even if they are squeezed into the same environment, not even if they encounter a more cruel fate... Many people will never commit crimes, people who will not deprive others of their dignity so easily. "

Umbridge, like Fudge, was sentenced to life in prison.

It's not that Umbridge can't be executed, but that he will stay for two more years.

Dumbledore didn't want anything to happen to Professor Snape.

he thinks:

Retaining the Umbridge professorship and letting Snape act only as a proxy would be a good choice.

When the curse erupted like this, it wouldn't fall on Snape.

Also being judged were the Death Eaters. Of the twelve wizards, four were dead.

The remaining eight people are all sentenced to life imprisonment.

Azkaban has been destroyed by William and Voldemort. Under the leadership of the little black robe, the Dementors "betrayed" the Ministry of Magic and surrendered to the Death Eaters.

It is not safe to put these Death Eaters there, and the Ministry of Magic will choose a stricter method to imprison them.

After the trial, the OWL exam at Hogwarts also came to an end.

Hermione passed the exam easily... Except for the abandoned divination course, she took all the other eleven courses.

But Hermione's problem came again, she liked to worry about gain and loss.

This is the same as many academic elites, who obviously did well in the test, but all kinds of "Oh, it's over!" "I'm going to fail the test this time."

Every time the scumbag hears what the tyrants say, he thinks that everyone can't pass the exam.

In the end, I found that people are as good as ever.

Of course, I also have the confidence of honey, I think I did well in the exam.

For example, Ron, when he finished the exam, when he evaluated the score, he actually got the highest score in the academy for eight subjects.

Eight O's... it's also thanks to him that he came up with it.

After the exam, this semester is finally coming to an end.

As usual, Hogwarts hosted a Christmas dinner.

Not only to bid farewell to the graduating students, but also to dilute the haze of war.

There were not many surprises at the dinner, Ravenclaw won the Academy Cup.

Snape once again lost 11 consecutive championships, while Ravenclaw achieved the miracle of 6 consecutive championships.

This has surpassed Slytherin's previous record of five consecutive championships, which made Professor Snape particularly unhappy.

It is generally agreed that:

As long as William hasn't graduated from school, the House Cup is always a Ravenclaw.

But it doesn't matter, Big Shit will graduate in the last year, and the future belongs to Slytherin.

Snape had already made up his mind... In terms of favoring students, he was the only one.

Snape was in a rather happy mood. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Because before the dinner party, Potter and Weasley asked him to apologize, and he taunted them again.

Of course, the most important thing is that Dumbledore has agreed to let him be the teacher of Defense Against the Dark Arts next semester.

Snape waited 16 years for this position, and he really burst into tears.

Snape was called the Yang Guo of the wizarding world, and he really didn't say it casually.

The only regret is that he is not a professor, but an acting teacher, and the position is still hanging on Umbridge.

Snape also became the first existence to act as a dean as an acting teacher.

If he is not the dean, William can mock him face to face as an ancient Rune professor next semester:

You, a little acting teacher, dare to go wild in front of my noble full professor.

During the dinner, it was very lively.

The last time at Hogwarts, the twins brought a lot of wine to celebrate the end of their youth.

No more homework, no exams, no stern Professor McGonagall... Everyone was laughing, but it looked so sad.

Because youth is really about to end.

(Ask for a recommendation ticket and a monthly ticket, everyone.

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