A Magical Hogwarts

Vol 7 Chapter 2: Dragon Knight

In the living room, wizards sat at a long, well-decorated table.

No one dared to move, no one dared to speak, all bowed their heads, like a wood carving.

Speak... what can I say? !

Ask the Dark Lord, what did you do when you called Narcissa away alone for half an hour?

Or... ask Narcissa, why is her clothes disheveled, she came home with tears in her eyes, and looked like she was in a trance?

Otherwise, what is the situation with that scream?

Could it be that Malfoy's son Draco found something and wanted to stop it?

These doubts alone are enough for the Death Eaters to come up with a love story no less than that of Uncle Qin, the room of the magic department.

But you can't ask... don't die!

So, it was miserable or Lucius was miserable.

The man is in prison, and he just went to reform... The manor was occupied by the Dark Lord as the headquarters, and now even his wife and children...

I'm afraid that if he finds out, he will write seven miserable words in a row in prison, and then he will be angry and turn into a super green man.

However, Voldemort didn't care what the servants were thinking. With a big wave of his hand, he announced the official start of the war meeting.

At this meeting, many new faces appeared.

This is normal. After several failed missions, many Death Eaters were killed or captured, and they had to be replenished with fresh blood.

There are also wizards who Voldemort personally came to win over. The most striking...the McFastey family.

"Come and sit here, Jaehaerys." Voldemort beckoned and called out cordially.

Jaehaerys McFasty sat calmly beside the Dark Lord under the jealous eyes of everyone.

Many people secretly cursed:

None of the wizards sitting beside the Dark Lord had a good end.

The earliest Bella, the kid from Rozier last summer, Malfoy a few months ago...Which one didn't have an accident?

Thinking of this, everyone suddenly regained balance.

However, Jaehaerys' words immediately made the wizard present feel uncomfortable.

"Master, we can provide sixteen well-trained Hebridean black dragons." Jaehaerys said eagerly.

"With the help of our family's Wulong Knight, we can ensure that any task can be completed without failure."

Jaehaerys glanced at the other Death Eaters with some pride, and the sarcasm was self-evident.

However, Jaehaerys really has such confidence.

The Hebridean black dragon is a species of dragon that lives in the Hebrides, Scotland.

They are more aggressive than the other common Welsh green dragon, native to the British Isles.

And for centuries, the McFasty family has tended to the Hebrides black dragons.

In other words... this is the family business of others, born to train fire dragons.

Even the coat of arms of the McFasty family is a single three-headed fire-breathing dragon with a red background on a black background.

"Master, if you can take down Romanina and hand over the Fire Dragon Reserve to our family..." Jaehaerys talked eloquently.

"I promise to provide you with thirty tame fire dragons after one year.

With these fire dragons and dragon knights, we can turn any land that refuses to surrender to scorched earth.

The flames will burn every rebel who opposes you. "

The "Fire Dragon War" was indeed effective, but Voldemort was noncommittal, glanced at the others, and let everyone speak freely.

Dolokhov couldn't wait to say: "Master, I object, this proposal is not feasible at all."

"Oh, talk about it." Voldemort looked at Dolohov.

Dolokhov was encouraged, got up quickly and said:

"Romania is in the Balkans, too far from England.

Besides, France, Italy, Switzerland, and Austria, the four European countries, blocked the road to Romania.

And these Ministers of Magic are almost all friends with Stark.

We may be able to occupy the Romanian Dragon Reserve, but the price is unbearable. "

Dolohov's words made many wizards nod in agreement.

These four Ministry of Magic are the first countries to express their condemnation of Death Eaters and mysterious people.

I don't know what conditions Stark promised.

Voldemort did not speak, but he also agreed with this point of view.

Unlike Grindelwald, he is not willing to let the war spread to other countries... This will only cause more opposition.

Grindelwald's side is still lurking, at least until he regains Eastern Europe, the Romanian Fire Dragon plan can be realized.

Jaehaerys didn't think about success either, he just deliberately threw a high demand to pave the way for the future.

He immediately stepped back and said:

"In that case, Master, the fairies also have a dragon breeding base in Ireland, which specializes in training Gringotts guards.

There are also three dragon sanctuaries at the Ministry of Magic. "

Jaehaerys looked around and said:

"As long as it is defeated, our combat power will be greatly increased, enough to sweep the Ministry of Magic and the Order of the Phoenix!"

"The fairies are now neutral." Avery whispered.

"Once attacking the fairies, they will immediately fall to the Order of the Phoenix because of their pragmatic character... It's really unwise."

Many people joined in.

Of course they don't like fairies, but Gringotts can't fall to the Order of the Phoenix... After all, their own vaults are still inside.

"The Fire Dragon Reserve of the Ministry of Magic can be attacked, the goblins are suspended, but they must be put under immediate pressure." Voldemort decided.

Jaehaerys clenched his fists, excited.

Their family has coveted these fire dragons for a long time, which is why he is willing to fall to the Dark Lord.

Voldemort looked across the table, the fire glowing eerily in his red eyes.

"Have you found the residence of our new minister? Yaxley?!"

Everyone turned their heads around again.

"Not yet, but..." Yaxley raised his chest.

"Master, I have taken control of Herbert Cholet, Assistant Minister to the Muggle Prime Minister.

As is customary, the new Minister of Magic will go to meet with the Muggle Prime Minister, and we will know by then. "

Voldemort nodded slightly and reminded: "The Muggle Prime Minister is also protected by wizards."

"This... I didn't find out." Alexton was startled and scratched his hair uneasily.

"It's alright, Severus has found out, it's Emmeline Vance." Voldemort smiled. "She's protecting the Muggle Prime Minister."

The Dark Lord gave the order:

"Dolokhov, you led a team to ambush Borns, and you must kill her."

He looked at Yaxley again and said:

"Once Burns dies, the post of Minister of Magic will immediately become vacant.

Scrimgeour may take her place as the new minister.

He's also a hardliner, and it's not in our interest.

I need you to regain control of a high-ranking official~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to fight for this position for us, is there a choice? "

Yaxley said thoughtfully:

"Sinkness is a good choice, it is said that he is about to be promoted to the director of the law enforcement department.

He was in frequent contact not only with Scrimgeour himself, but also with the heads of the various divisions of the Ministry of Magic.

I think, if we control such a high-ranking official, it will be very easy to compete for the position of minister. "

"Very good, last mission." Voldemort fiddled with his wand and looked at Rookwood.

"I need Ollivander, and the owner of the Florin Popco ice cream shop in Diagon Alley... to capture them both."

Everyone looked at the Dark Lord in amazement.

Without Ollivander, many wizards would not be able to make wands.

Take this "arms" manufacturer into their own hands... They can understand this, but why arrest the ice cream shop owner?

Does the Dark Lord want ice cream?

Voldemort didn't explain, just banging his teeth on his teeth, his eyes blazing.

As long as he finds the legendary omnipotent wand, neither Stark nor Dumbledore is his opponent anymore.

This wizarding war...he won!



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