A Magical Hogwarts

Vol 7 Chapter 19: Pull X Ruthless William

At the door, Mera saw Professor Targaryen and that... strange witch.

She ushered the two of them in and led them to her separate cubicle as an Auror.

Many single male Aurors looked around and found that it was the ancient Rune professor again.

Then they all secretly beat their chests and feet, and sighed in the sky.

A golden flower in the Ministry is about to be plucked!

It's not how beautiful Mera is, of course she's good looking, but the most important thing... is that the Picqueri family is amazing.

My grandfather used to be the chief of staff of the Magical Congress of the United States, responsible for assisting in the management of the chairman of the Magical Congress.

Aunt Seraphina Picquili, former president of the Magical Congress of the United States, fought in the war against Grindelwald.

Uncle is the former head of the legal department.

Dad is the most ordinary...and that's the head of the Auror's office.

Which Auror have you seen, a miner for a year, who came back to serve again?

Mela is that special being.

This network, this prominent background... can it be compared by ordinary wizards?

If this catches up, you can save 80 years of struggle and go straight to the stomach!

I can only blame myself for not having a face similar to Stark.

That's right, everyone thinks that this eldest lady has a good impression of this young professor because he looks like Stark.

But as we all know, that famous genius already has a girlfriend, and it is the equally famous Granger.

It was impossible for him to see Piquelli.

Therefore, many people maliciously slandered in their hearts:

"Poor substitute, Targaryen will be Stark Green sooner or later."

Whether it was green or not, William didn't know. Anyway, seeing Piquelli so enthusiastic, he was a little uncomfortable.

The two had met a few times before, but their relationship was very flat. I didn't expect her to like her little vest so much.

I don't know how Professor Babbling seduces girls... Next time I will learn something like her.

William was thinking wildly, while Picquiri gushed:

"Professor, did you come back from Canada yesterday? Why didn't you tell me in advance, so I can pick you up!"

William thought about the character set up by Babling, and he pushed the gold-framed glasses to create a refined temperament:

"I came back a little late, so I didn't bother you. How have you been lately?"

Picquiri said with a smile, "I'm exhausted. I was distracted during the meeting just now, and was criticized by Mr. Graves."

She turned her head to look at Hermione and asked curiously, "Who is this?"

Hermione extended her hand warmly, "My name is Katherine, I'm from Finland, and I'm a good friend of Darren.

He took me on a tour of America. "

Picquiri squeezed Hermione's hand, a very official one.

"My name is Mera Picquili. You are so lucky...to have a professor as a personal tour guide.

However, he came to the United States that year, and he was still my tour guide. "

Two women in one play, Picquiri began to confront this strange chick. "He may be unfamiliar with many places, if you want, I can replace him..."

"It's alright," Hermione said feigning enthusiasm, almost making her roll her eyes.

"Don't bother you, just have Daeron, I think he's great!

The two of us were in the room last night, and we talked for a long time... until late at night. "

William narrowed her eyes at Hermione.

We are all vests, but she did not forget to take the oath of sovereignty.

Hermione was about to say it straight, and after "chatting" on the bed for a long time, Picqueri looked at her and didn't speak for a long time, and the atmosphere was a little awkward.

"It's funny," she said finally. "But the professor has been here in Ilvermorny for several years, and it may not be the same as before."

By the way, the book chasing app I've been using recently, [app] caches and reads books, read aloud offline!

"It's alright, we're getting to the bottom of it." Hermione winked playfully at William.

"I will slowly find the tacit understanding of the past with him, talking about everything."

Picqueri took a few breaths. She, who had never been in a sweet relationship, was obviously not Hermione's opponent.

William realized that if this continued, the situation would be unmanageable, and he hurriedly interrupted the two of them:

"Mella, I have something for you... I asked you for it before, remember?"

"Actually, I've forgotten," she replied, narrowing her eyes. "You asked me to do so many things, I can't remember which ones."

Another awkward silence.

Mera burst out laughing. "Professor, I'm joking with you!

Is it about the purgers? "

"Frankly, for Derry's Florence Dayne's sake," she said with a grin, "I don't understand why you're so obsessed with this history."

Derry France Dean is an American woman.

She was accused of witchcraft during the Salem Witch Trials of 1692-1693.

Therefore, American wizards are used to calling out her name when they are surprised, which is very similar to the phrase "Merlin's XXOO".

Therefore, just from the spoken language, you can easily tell which region a wizard is from.

William is naturally not wrong in this regard, he can easily imitate the Nordic accent, and then explains:

"I'm writing a paper, you know, the purgers are a good place to start."

Meera nodded and rummaged through her bookshelf.

William glanced at the documents on the table and said curiously:

"Is there a case?"

Mela sighed: "During this time, six children were missing in New York."

William glanced at the documents and saw that they were all Muggle families.

He wondered:

"Why does this kind of disappearance alert the Auror to investigate?"

Wizards generally don't care about Muggles, after all, Muggles have national governments to manage them.

Especially in the United States, the gap between the government and the Magic Congress is deeper than any other country, and there is no reason to care about it.

"Because there are traces of wizards." Mela said solemnly:

"When the Office for the Prohibition of Misuse of Magic was monitoring, it found that there were magical fluctuations in that Muggle community.

Then a child went missing from that community. "

She obviously didn't remember the rules of secrecy very well, as if pouring jelly beans, she said to William, who is a 'lack of people waiting':

"Mr. believes that this serial disappearance case is related to wizards, but now there is no clue."

No wonder Babbling wanted to seduce Picquile, if it was William, she would definitely develop her into her own little bird.

Tonks Type II spy activated.

Mela handed the sorted documents to William, and whispered:

"Recently, someone has formed a Third Salem organization, it seems to be related to the purgers, and it has been giving speeches all over the place.

The Magic Congress is also monitoring. "

William suddenly realized that he finally understood the reason why Professor Babrin asked him to find Picquiri.

Turns out Tom's clue...here!

He speaks everywhere~www.wuxiaspot.com~ with his eloquence, bewitching wizards.

This is indeed his old line of work.

"Where did they do it?" William asked.

"I think about it..." Picqueri pondered: "Freedom Island."

"Well, Mela will have time to talk later, I'll leave first!" William took Hermione's hand and ran out immediately.

"Huh?" Picqueri craned his neck and looked at Targaryen who was far away.

After getting the information, just leave me here and take the other women away?

Oh ~ man!



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