A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 140: Caught up, the location of the forced landing is wrong

Back in his carriage, Aaron began to close his eyes and rest, quietly waiting for the train to arrive at the station.

In fact, telling George that Harry and Ron might not be able to make it to the sorting ceremony was just a whim on his part, and he was mentally prepared so that he wouldn't be so disappointed if he didn't see anyone in the auditorium.

About ten minutes later, the train slowed to a sound and stopped at Hogsmeade.

Students got out of the car one after another, and the scene became particularly noisy.

"Senior, this is my first time coming to Hogwarts." Colin looked at Aaron nervously, "I...can I follow you?"

"Don't worry, someone will guide you as a newbie."

As soon as he finished speaking, a familiar voice sounded not far away.

"First-year students, gather this way and follow me."

"Is it him?" Colin asked.

"Yes, Hagrid will lead the new students through the Black Lake in the traditional way and then arrive at Hogwarts Castle.

All in all, just follow him. "

"Thank you, senior." Colin smiled, showing his teeth, and happily went to the giant Hagrid.

"Actually, you don't need to take care of him like this!" Draco asked puzzledly, "Even if you don't say anything, he will know what to do."

Aaron shook his head and said meaningfully: "Not every Muggle-born wizard can be as confident as Hermione. When they are unfamiliar with everything, what they need most is a little kindness.

Besides, this kid is a little too naive, and I felt a little embarrassed if I didn't help him. "

"You are obviously only one year older than him, why should you be so deep?" Draco said speechlessly.

The two were in their second year and were considered old students. They did not need to take the boat to Hogwarts Castle. Instead, they followed another group of people after getting off the bus and walked to the other side of the platform.

On a rough muddy road, hundreds of empty carriages were parked here, but there were only carriages, not horses pulling them.

"Is this...an invisible horse?"

"So be it! I heard from Hagrid that the school has raised a group of Yeqi specifically for pulling carts." Aaron looked at the open space in front of the carriage, and the description he had read in the book came to mind.

Ye Qi is a type of Pegasus, tall and skinny, with the head of a dragon and the body of a horse, with a pair of broad wings on its back, and possesses extremely amazing perception.

They can be tamed and will not betray, but the only drawback is that only those who have witnessed death can see them.

Abe walked up to a carriage and curiously looked at the open space between the carriages with his big eyes, as if he could see a magical animal like Ye Qi.

But before it could take a second look, Aaron picked it up and took it to an empty truck.

Draco got into the carriage, closed the door, and the carriage automatically moved towards the castle.

"Please give me a break!

There are so many people here and it is easy to attract others' attention. "

Abe groaned and lay obediently in Aaron's arms.

Aaron's eyes twitched slightly, and he heard Abe's dragon language: Ye Qi is not as good-looking as me, and he is all skin and bones.

The carriage drove through two wrought iron gates, accelerated down a long ramp, and then came to a shaky stop.

Arriving at the castle, Aaron and Draco jumped out of the carriage.

"Boss, we are here."

Crabbe and Goyle ran over from behind and stood beside Draco like door gods.

"Where have you been?" Draco asked with some annoyance, "When I passed by your carriage just now, I didn't see anyone. You are so brave, you didn't even wait for me."

The two looked at each other and stopped talking.

After a moment of silence, Crabbe said angrily: "Actually, we should be in the carriage, but we accidentally fell to the floor when we got off the car, so..."


Draco slapped his forehead, speechless.

But this is his follower after all, so he can't do anything casually.

"Okay, don't worry about this little incident.

After all, he is a second-year student, and he will have to welcome a new Slytherin later. "

Draco glanced at the two of them angrily, "Let's go! I hope you will be more reliable next time."

The four of them followed the crowd up the steps, passed through the majestic oak door, and entered the spacious and deep foyer.

Then go through a marble staircase and turn a few corners to reach the auditorium.

Several prefects took the students from their respective colleges and sat on the long table belonging to their college. Directly in front of them were the college professors and other staff sitting neatly.

Principal Dumbledore looked at a letter on the table, frowning slightly and not knowing what he was thinking.

Professor Snape took a deep look at Aaron, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and then turned his face away expressionlessly. His coldness and arrogance were clearly reflected in him.

At this time, Professor McGonagall placed the Sorting Hat on an empty chair.

Perhaps a year later, it became dusty again. Aaron, who was sitting at the front of the long table, felt a little itchy inexplicably when he saw it, perhaps due to obsessive-compulsive disorder.

The Sorting Hat seemed to notice something and opened its human eyes, "I'm warning you, put away any little thoughts you shouldn't have.

I am a freshman in this class, so don’t tell me what to do. "

"Don't worry, I'm not that kind of person." Aaron said seriously, turning to look at Professor McGonagall, "Professor, can you give it a simple cleaning?

I think freshmen will instinctively resist a dirty hat! "

Sorting Hat:...

"Don't go too far. Did you agree not to point fingers?"

"It's not like I did it myself." Aaron said matter-of-factly, "Didn't I specifically entrust it to someone else?"

"This..." Professor McGonagall hesitated, looking at the Sorting Hat with a wrinkled balsam pear, and felt a little unbearable, "This is not good!"

"Minerva, you are more sensible." The Sorting Hat said, "Unlike some people who don't know how to respect their seniors, I am a magic item created by the four giants of the college, and the necessary respect must always be given."

"That's it." Professor McGonagall said sarcastically, "It can be considered the elder of the academy."


Aaron curled his lips in disapproval. Are the Big Four of the academy, Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw, amazing?

Maybe it was indeed amazing, after all, these four magicians were the ceiling of the wizarding world at that time, and they were the children of luck of that era.

But no matter how great it is, it is just a handful of dirt now, and people who have died have no deterrent effect on him.

Besides, his ancestors of the Gaius family may not be weaker than the Big Four. During this holiday, he was baptized by a group of old immortals, and his awe of those great wizards was greatly reduced.

Soon the freshmen followed Hagrid to the auditorium. The first-year freshmen, including Ginny and Colin, looked curiously at the magically decorated auditorium.

Hagrid walked straight to his seat and poured himself a full glass of beer.

"Ahem! Freshmen, follow me." Professor McGonagall took them to the front of the auditorium, and then picked up the sorting hat and a long list. "Students whose names I have read, please come forward. The sorting hat will You will be assigned to the most suitable college.”

The Sorting Hat grinned the wrinkles on its hat and gave a crooked smile. This was the time when it was happiest and most visible in a year, taking care of all the little wizards.

Professor McGonagall started the roll call as usual, and the freshmen sat on the chairs one by one to receive their sorting.

Aaron watched this scene quietly, hoping that some wizard like him would be able to sneeze at the Sorting Hat with tears in his eyes.

The next moment, he frowned slightly, because he vaguely heard the roar of the car, and as expected, it passed by the wall.

In addition, he heard a sharp scream and rolled his eyes speechlessly.

Harry and Ron seemed to have arrived at school successfully, but it seemed that it was not so smooth, otherwise they would not have made such screams.

"Do you want to report the situation to the professors?"

Aaron looked at the teacher's desk, hesitating for a moment, but soon he decided to pretend he didn't know anything.

On the one hand, it is because he has done enough and has helped all he can. From the perspective of his friends, it can be said that he has done his best. On the other hand, the professors may not believe it, and it will be even worse if they believe it.

Driving a speeding car to Hogwarts, although it is not written in the school rules, is not worth advocating. If you are caught, there will be no good consequences.

At this time, Harry and Ron were sitting in the Ford, breathing heavily.

Due to the long drive, the car was a little overwhelmed. Although it finally reached its destination, the position of the emergency landing was not quite right and it got stuck in a big tree.

It would be fine if it were an ordinary tree, but the name of this tree is the Whomping Willow, and it is a magical plant.

The Whomping Willow has a furious temperament and will be beaten up by the willow branch no matter what hits it.

The Ford is stuck on it, and that's fish on the chopping board.

Before the panicked two people could react, several branches as thick as pythons fell down.

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