"Hey, this is not my wand, it's my bone~" Bowman said, erasing the lines on the wand, revealing its original appearance: a slender finger bone.


"You're stupid!" Bowman stepped off the throne, scorning him.

"My body and soul fell into the light and shadow curtain together. I have both entity and soul. And you only have soul!"

"But I obviously walked in. Could it be that... is the door on the wall fake! Is it a painting?" Rogge looked at Bowman in shock, feeling incredible.

"I thought I pushed the door open, but actually I fell into the painting. The light and shadow curtain you mentioned is basically integrated with the painting! No wonder, no wonder!" Rogge finally understood why the simulation function did not respond.

Because the moment he touched the door, his soul was sucked into the curtain of light and shadow. The arch he saw was just a trap used to confuse him.

"Old Bowman has mastered the power of ancient magic through the light and shadow curtain, so can I!" Rogge kept himself calm and thought about ways to get out of trouble.

He vaguely speculated that ancient magic had not disappeared. It has always been there, and the wizard needs a key to sense it, observe it, and then learn it.

"Oh, although I can't master ancient magic, I can wipe out your soul and then take over your body." Bowman laughed wildly and turned into a sketch god standing on a dark cloud. He used his finger bones to draw and challenged Rogge. Doomsday.

The line segments were arranged like sharp swords, and they inserted into Rogge's body with a zero-width blade. Then there were sharp-angled arrows, cutting the wounds on Rogge's body into sections.

Roger quickly dodged and fled behind the oak tree. Bowman smiled and drew a dozen more chariots with sharp blade wheels that cut off Rogge's legs and feet.

"Can't you feel the pain?" Bowman came over and picked up Rogge's head.

"Hehe, this is the most magical place in the world of light and shadow." He said, inserting Rogge's broken arm above his head and connecting his two feet to his chin.

As if he had found a new toy, he was constantly tearing and assembling Rogge's body parts. Facing Bowman's manipulation, Rogge was first angry, then numb, and finally looked on with cold eyes. Bowman was having a great time, but Rogge always felt something was wrong when he saw himself being divided and assembled.

If this was your own soul, then soul cutting would be too easy. This is a forbidden technique in an absolute sense, and even Voldemort himself must handle it with caution. However, the soul was in Bowman's hands and allowed to be kneaded by him like plasticine. Not only did he not have to pay any price, he didn't feel any pain at all.

Seeing Rogge's cold expression, Bowman became fierce and erased Rogge's limbs bit by bit.

"What if this world is also fake?" Rogge recalled what he saw and heard when he entered the alchemy workshop, and thought of the relief.

"Oak?" He looked at the big tree next to him, which was exactly the same as the relief on the wall.

"Let you see randomly!" Bowman said, gouging out Roger's eyes and rubbing them into a ball of lines.

Rogge, who lost his eyes, was not blind, but could see more clearly. The bird's nest on the tree emits brilliant golden light, and a few eggs are faintly visible.

"...I became a painting! But that damn bird's nest is not..." Bowman's words echoed in his mind, and Rogge's eyes lit up.

It's not the soul that's trapped in it at all, but the perception. All Bauman did was cut, erase, or randomly splice his own perceptions.

But the body is outside the painting, no matter what means Bowman uses. As long as the will remains unchanged and the body is intact, the perception will not disappear.

Rogge looked at his head being rubbed into a black spot by Bowman. Bowman smiled triumphantly, thinking that he had wiped out Rogge's soul. But the next moment, the whole world echoed Rogge's voice: "The plane that loses its dimension will curl up into a point. When the point loses its dimension again, it will expand into a new world."

All the darkness disappeared instantly, and the world of light and shadow instantly filled with brilliant colors. Rogge woke up outside the portrait and looked up. There was no door at all, but a mottled oil painting.

Following Rogge's gaze, the mottled spots on the painting peeled off, and the brush strokes were recolored according to Rogge's will, creating an oil painting with a new color.

The little Bowman in the painting is mixed with various colors and looks quite happy. He seemed to feel something and turned his head to look outside the painting, with endless anger in his eyes.

At this time, Rogge was immersed in a refreshing spiritual baptism, and he felt that his spirit had become pure and full. Close your eyes and feel the various colored light spots floating around. Stretch out your hand, as if you can catch the wind in your palm.

Roger Travis

Magic: 110/110

Mental strength: 55

Talents: Elemental Heart, Dark Affinity, Strong Will, Night Vision

Skills: Fairy Language, Snake Language (Imitator), Intermediate Alchemist...

Magic spells: Transfiguration lv6, Brain Shielding lv3, Legilimency lv2...

Potions: Polyjuice Potion, Doom Potion, Memory Extraction Fluid...

Energy progress: 100%, countdown: 10 days and 4 hours

"Heart of Elements!" Rogge held his hand forward, where he sensed the light spot.

"My mental strength and magic power have also improved." He couldn't wait to take out his wand, wanting to test his current power with the oil painting in front of him.

"Child, please wait!" A hoarse voice suddenly came from the ceiling, and an old ghost and an open-minded ghost came out of it.

"Can you let this painting go?" The old ghost begged Rogge with hopeful eyes.

"Let it go?" Rogge was not a bad person, so he shook his head to express his refusal.

"Wait a minute, let it go, and I'll give you Golden Snitch's egg!" The old ghost quickly offered a price. “They were valuable in my day, and they are definitely more valuable now!”

"Are you Bowman Wright?" Rogge looked at the ghost's open chest, which was exactly the same as the location where he was stabbed by the knife in the painting.

"it's me."

"Then you and Bowman Wright in the painting have a father-son relationship?"

"No, we are not father and son, we are one person."

Bauman's words completely shocked Rogge. He looked at the oil painting and then at the ghost: "A person? Are you lying to a ghost!"

"I know it's hard to understand, but we are indeed one person." Bowman sighed and stroked the painting.

"He lost his father as a child, so I came along. It's hard for me to explain my presence, but we share a body.

Every night I wake up and help him organize his life for the next day. As time passed, he thought his father was still alive. "The old ghost sighed, his tone a little heavy.

Rogge was stunned for a moment. Is this a dual personality? The main personality of Bauman is in the painting, and the old ghost in front of him is his second personality. But he still doubts this and kills his own personality? So weird.

"We painted this painting together. He imagined his father taking him to play under the oak tree. But since we discovered the light and shadow curtain, things have changed."

Bauman roared in the painting, and the old Bauman imagined his voice in his mind: "Have I changed? It's obviously because you didn't teach me!"

"Ancient magic cannot be taught, you can only understand it yourself. I put a bird's nest on the oak tree just to help you. But you..." The old ghost shook his head and gave Rogge a meaningful look.

"and after?"

"Then he wanted to kill me...actually he killed us." The old ghost looked very sad when talking about this incident. He worked hard to take care of his master's personality and helped him become famous in the magic world. Unexpectedly, he was stabbed in the back.

"Then what kind of existence is he now?" Rogge asked curiously.

"As you can see, we are dead. He stabbed himself in front of the painting and from that moment on I was separated from him."

"His body and soul fell into the curtain of light and shadow, becoming a self-portrait. And I became a ghost. If he had been more patient, I don't think things would have developed to this point." The old ghost looked helplessly at himself in the painting, He waved gently, and the bird's nest on the oak tree flew out.

Just as Rogge was about to catch the golden bird's nest, a magic spell suddenly flew from behind. "Come quickly!"

He was startled and turned around to see that the bird's nest fell into the hands of the dark wizard. The visitors were none other than Rex's accomplices, Karl and Elijah.

"Finally found you!" Ilya put away the bird's nest and surrounded Rogge with Karl.

Seeing that something was not good, the old ghost got into the wall without saying a word.

Without waiting for Rogge to ask questions, the two cast Avada Kedavra on Rogge.

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