A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 152 Basilisk appears

But the little wizards didn't know this yet. They were completely attracted by the story dictated by Lockhart, and looked at their dear headmaster eagerly.

"Okay, I promise you. But be careful, I don't want the auditorium to be burned down by the ash snake again."

"Headmaster, don't worry. There is no ash snake in Lockhart's story. I will contact my friends to get a real Eastern European vampire." Kettlebo patted Lockhart's shoulder with his strong hand, and he used his 63rd detention Watch assured Dumbledore.


"Of course! Professor Lockhart, you can't kill them during the rehearsal. We need to use them in the official performance, so we must be merciful."

"I will...if you have read my books, you should know that I am very good at making friends with vampires." Lockhart looked at Kettlebo, who was in high spirits, thinking that he was just talking.

"Hahaha, of course, I firmly believe this. Then you can personally demonstrate how to use Defense Against the Dark Arts to defeat vampires."

"Show it in person..." Lockhart lost his composure. It seemed that Kettlebo really wanted to find a vampire.

"Don't worry, I still have the hippogriff. When the time comes, I can let the little wizard who plays the boy ride on it. Wouldn't that be more eye-catching?"

When it comes to theater, Kettlebo can't stop talking. He held on to Lockhart so hard that he couldn't get away. Lockhart could only smile and listen to Kettlebo's opinions.

"Does this count as one thing reducing another thing?" Rogge looked at this scene and couldn't help but laugh.

At this time, Harry and others had just finished the death anniversary party held by the ghost. He, Ron, and Patil were walking in the aisle lit with black candles.

"Maybe you haven't finished the pudding yet?" Ron said hopefully. There was indeed food prepared for Nick's party, but none of it was edible for a living person.

The cold wind blew from the corridor, and several people felt a little cold, and their stomachs kept growling.

"...tear...tear you apart...kill you..."

Harry suddenly heard the voice again. He had heard it in Harold's office before, cold and murderous.

He staggered to a stop, clung to the stone wall, and listened intently. The voice was intermittent, and I could never hear a complete sentence.

In the dark corridor, the cold wind kept blowing into my clothes. Harry squinted his eyes, looking up and down for the source of the sound.

"Harry, what's wrong with you?" Parvati noticed something was wrong with Harry and immediately came over with concern.

"Have you caught a cold?" She reached out and touched Harry's forehead, and Harry's face quickly turned from white to red.

"Oh~" Ron shouted from the side, "I didn't expect our Gryffindor housewife to like Harry."

Parvati blushed and quickly retracted her hand. She looked at Harry uneasily and felt a little happy when she found that he didn't refuse.

Since Hermione joined the Raven Magic Society, Harry no longer has the annoying know-it-all around him, and others can have better contact with him.

Parvati was already very curious about the Boy Who Lived, so she took this opportunity to drag her sister to play with him. She was bolder and paid less attention to school rules. After going back and forth, they soon turned into a group of four who violated school rules.

We had agreed to attend the ghost party together, but Padma caught a cold. As a twin sister, Parvati knew that her timid sister would not dare to attend the party for the dead.

"I heard that voice again, please stop talking!" Harry whispered with a blush, then listened carefully to the strange voice.

"...I'm so hungry...it's time to kill someone..."

The sound became weaker and weaker, and Harry was sure that the other party was moving, right above his head! He stared at the dark ceiling with a mixture of fear and excitement.

What on earth could be able to swim inside the stone wall? Ghost?

"Come with me, it's heading in that direction!" Harry shouted to the two of them and ran after him.

They ran up the stairs and passed the foyer. The laughter and laughter in the auditorium echoed outside, and the aroma of food wafted out. Harry ran towards the second floor before Ron and Parvati could catch up.

"Wait for me...Harry!" Ron shouted from behind.

"Shh!" Harry shook his head to keep them quiet, and the voice came again, weaker.

The voice whispered: "...the smell of blood! I smell the smell of blood!...Kill! Kill! Kill!..."

Murderous whispers echoed in Harry's ears, and he shouted: "No, it's going to kill someone! It's upstairs!"

Ron and Parvati looked at each other, confused and horrified. They followed Harry, running up the stairs in three steps and two steps. Several people were like bees that couldn't figure out their direction, wandering around the third floor, and finally found something unusual in an empty corridor.

Something shone on the wall, and Harry approached cautiously, squinting to see what it was. Between the two windows, there is some red writing daubed on it. They shimmered in the light of the torches.

"The secret room has been opened. Those who are enemies of the heir, be alert!"

"It's written in blood..."

"What's hanging there?" The three of them looked at each other and slowly approached. As I got closer, I realized that the black shadow was actually Filch's pet, Mrs. Norris!

Several people were startled and backed away in panic. The water on the ground almost made them slip.

"Harry, let's leave quickly!" Ron heard the low noise approaching and looked at the corridor next to him uneasily.

At this time, Harry was still thinking about rescuing Mrs. Norris, but it was already too late. After the banquet, the little wizards were walking from both ends of the corridor.

Everyone gathered in groups, making cheerful and noisy sounds. When they saw Mrs. Norris hanging upside down, all the noise disappeared instantly.

"What I'm most afraid of is that the air will suddenly become quiet." Rogge hummed in a low voice and looked at the bloody words on the wall.

Surrounded by everyone, the three Harrys didn't know what to do. It was obviously not them, but the eyes of their classmates only contained suspicion and fear. Colin, Harry's little fan, secretly raised his camera, but Percy pressed it down.

"Roger, look, it says Heir of Hogwarts!" Malfoy squeezed to the front of the crowd, saw the writing on the wall and turned around excitedly and shouted to Rogge.

"Seal the tongue and lock the throat." Rogge waved his wand, and Malfoy was speechless for a moment. He blushed and looked at Rogge in confusion.

"What are you all doing here?" Filch was attracted by a group of young wizards who were standing still. He pushed through the crowd with his shoulders and saw the stiff Mrs. Norris.

Filch stumbled back a few steps, then rushed forward in fear to hug Mrs. Filch down.

"My cat! My cat!" He screamed heartbreakingly, fell to his knees and cried bitterly while hugging Loris. In the entire Hogwarts, only Mrs. Norris stayed with him. Now, a little wizard actually poisoned her!

"Who? Who did it!" Filch's eyes were red, like an evil ghost rushing out of hell. He raised his head and looked around. Everyone stepped back in fear, making Harry's position even more prominent.

"You! You killed her!" Filch shouted, looking at Harry fiercely. He stood up and rushed towards Harry while yelling: "I'm going to kill you! I'm going to..."

"Stop it, Argus!"

Dumbledore's voice came, and Filch stopped helplessly. He looked at the principal with red eyes, silent tears flowing. Dumbledore and the professors walked in and saw the line of blood written on the wall.

Dumbledore's expression changed and he said seriously: "Everyone go back to the dormitory immediately! Except you three..."

"Principal, I happen to know something about the heir." Rogge suddenly shouted, and everyone stopped and looked at him.

Malfoy called him the heir of Hogwarts just now. Could it be him?

Dumbledore looked at Rogge and nodded without stopping him. In fact, he was also curious about how much Rogge knew about the secret room and the heir.

"According to the records in "Hogwarts: A School History", Hogwarts was built by four founders. Theoretically, heirs refer to the descendants of the four founders."

"But unfortunately, Slytherin's Bloody Barrow committed an unforgivable crime. He killed Helena, the daughter of the Head of Ravenclaw, and finally committed suicide to apologize."

It was the first time for many young wizards to hear about this incident, and they did not expect that the school ghost would have such a past. In this case, why does Bloody Baron go to Ravenclaw's tower every night.

However, the little wizards of Ravenclaw breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the heir matter had nothing to do with them.

"The heir, that is pure blood or mixed blood. Principal, do you need to let others go back?"

Dumbledore shook his head, "It's not a secret, just keep talking."

"Okay. So the heirs come from the remaining three colleges. However, it has been a long time and there is only sporadic information about the Travis family."

Rogge gave himself a good reason first, and then continued: "The descendants of Slytherin are the Gaunt family. I'm sorry, our ancestors did not intermarry with them."

He looked at Malfoy and easily lifted the spell. Malfoy moved his tongue and was finally able to speak again. Malfoy originally thought that the heir was Rogge, but he guessed wrong.

"Of course, this does not mean that the heir is not in Slytherin. After all, our college has the largest number of pure-blood wizards."

"I don't know what the surnames of Gryffindor's descendants are, but they should have dazzling red hair like their ancestors."

"Red hair?" Everyone exclaimed, pure blood and red hair, or Gryffindor house, obviously the Weasley family. It's just that their family is so poor, could they be descendants of Gryffindor?

Percy looked at Roger uneasily, then turned to look at his brothers. Hey, why isn't Ginny here? I didn't seem to see her at the party just now.

"It's really possible!"

"The Weasley family has always been Gryffindor."

"Yes, they have seven children in their family, all of whom are Gryffindors."

"It's so abnormal that they're still purebloods."

"Could it be the Sorting Hat? There are thoughts left behind by the founder in that hat..."

The Weasley brothers felt uneasy, but at the same time they were also a little proud listening to everyone's discussion. If Gryffindors are really their ancestors, then they are born to be extraordinary.

Rogge ignored everyone's comments and continued to tell what he knew.

"Hufflepuff... To be honest, I don't have any clues about her descendants. It is rumored that their distant descendants are named Smith." Roger thought about Hufflepuff's golden cup.

Voldemort had killed Hepzibah Smith to obtain this magical item. This also shows that the direct descendants of Hufflepuff have been completely cut off.

The young wizards discussed among themselves. According to the information provided by Rogge, the heir was between Slytherin and Gryffindor.

"I don't know about the secret room mentioned in the first half of the writing on the wall." Rogge looked at Dumbledore and reminded: "I think it has something to do with Hogwarts Castle."

"I have heard about the Chamber of Secrets from other principals." Seeing that the matter had reached this point, Dumbledore stopped covering up the truth.

"Salazar Slytherin was originally a good friend of Godric Gryffindor, but the relationship between them continued to deteriorate due to ideological issues. Later, Slytherin did not believe in Muggle-born wizards. Finally chose to leave school.”

"This is also recorded in the book. But it is said that before he left, he secretly built a secret room. I hope that one day, his heir will be able to open it and eliminate all those who are not worthy of learning magic."

"Not worthy of learning magic? Isn't that mud..." Malfoy reacted immediately, and Rogge glared at him, telling him to hold it back.

"Who is the heir?" Everyone stared at the principal. The heir indicated on the wall was obviously a descendant of Slytherin.

"However, these are all legends." Dumbledore tried to reassure everyone. "The school has naturally investigated this matter, more than once. But so far, no secret room has been found. It can be seen that legends are legends after all."

Many Muggle-born young wizards looked at Dumbledore nervously. Although the principal did not discover the whereabouts of the Chamber of Secrets, it did not mean that it did not exist. Everything in front of them is too weird. Are Mrs. Loris and the bloody writing on the wall a warning to them?

"I don't care who did it, my cat was killed and I want someone to be punished..." Filch looked at Albus. If it wasn't Harry, then who was it?

"It's a pity to see such a thing." Lockhart took the opportunity to stand up. He smacked his lips and said regretfully: "I remember that similar attacks occurred in Ouagadougou. There are detailed records in my autobiography. If If I could provide you with some amulets before, this would definitely not happen."

"Argus, it's not dead, it's just petrified." Dumbledore comforted softly after checking it.

"Not dead?" Filch choked, looking at the stiff cat in disbelief.

"She was petrified..."

"Oh, of course. I think so too. It's a pity that I wasn't there, otherwise my spell could have solved it on the spot." Lockhart quickly made up for it, but Dumbledore ignored his words.

"We will find a way to cure it, Argus. As far as I know, Professor Sprout's mandrake grows very well, and once mature, a medicine can be made to awaken Loris."

"Principal, why not purchase it from outside? The mandrake in the greenhouse will take several months to mature. The long wait will only make everyone feel more panic." Rogge put forward his own suggestion.

"Roger, it is not easy to cultivate mandrakes. They only grow in summer. If there is no greenhouse..."

"We can look for it in the southern hemisphere. I think the New Zealand branch of the Ministry of Magic should be able to help us. If that doesn't work, we can also ask Professor Lockhart. He is so famous, so he must have strong connections."

"Me?" Lockhart looked at Rogge in surprise. Can he find it?

However, when facing so many people, he must not feel guilty: "Don't worry, I have cultivated mandrake and listen to its whispers every day. You must know that plants also have worries."

Lockhart's words aroused the little wizard's exclamation. Couldn't the cry of mandrake kill people? Everyone looked at Professor Sprout in unison. The professor shook his head with a dark face, speechless at the unlearned Lockhart.

"Don't worry, I have used it to prepare potions at least a hundred times. I guarantee that I can brew potions while dreaming..."

"Excuse me!" Snape stood up and interrupted Lockhart. How could such a idiot be a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts?

He looked at Lockhart coldly and said flatly: "I think I am the Potions teacher. But why didn't you attend the Halloween party?"

Snape turned to look at Harry, his dark eyes glaring sharply. He had been looking for Harry at the party but had never found him.


"We went to the ghost's death anniversary party. Hundreds of ghosts can prove it to us." Parvati stood up and explained for Harry.

"Oh? Then why did you run upstairs again?"

"Because the death anniversary party is over, we want to go to bed early." Ron said.

"No dinner? Are you hungry?" Snape listened to the noise in the stomachs of several people and looked at Harry proudly. As if to say, your lies have been exposed by me.

"You're not entirely telling the truth, are you?" Snape stared at Harry.

Harry looked at the other person with difficulty, feeling that he couldn't tell what happened when he heard that voice. Rogge and the principal's words finally cleared his suspicions. If he was told, he would become the heir to the secret room.

Otherwise, why was he the only one who could hear that strange voice, like the whisper of a wandering spirit?

"Headmaster, my opinion is that Harry should leave the Gryffindor Quidditch team. Wait until he is willing to explain the matter honestly and clearly."

"With all due respect, Severus." Professor McGonagall stood up and pulled Harry to her side.

"Whether the writing on the wall or the legendary secret room is true or false, it has nothing to do with this child. They just happened to run into this scene."

The two were at a stalemate, and Dumbledore had to intervene: "The problem we are facing now is the misfortune of Mrs. Norris, not the Quidditch team. Harry is a good boy, and I believe in him and this matter." It doesn’t matter. We need to find out the truth, not fight.”

After saying that, he looked at Harry gently: "Harry, if you know any clues, please tell me. With us here, no danger will occur."

Those piercing blue eyes stared at him, and Harry felt as if the headmaster had seen through everything.

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