A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 177 Lucius’ uneasiness

In 1993, the date of Easter in the Eastern and Western churches was actually the same, April 11th. On this special day, the symbolic number 7 in the magical world magically appears again.

There are seven grades in Hogwarts, seven Horcruxes in Voldemort's life, seven players in Quidditch... there are many, many, too numerous to enumerate, and they all seem to promote mysterious themes.

However, the first day of the week is not only because of the mystery of these numbers, but also because it symbolizes the resurrection of the Lord.

Therefore, people set Sunday as the first day of the week to commemorate the day when the Lord rose from the dead. On this day that should have rested, a judgment fell on one-seventh of Riddle.

Dumbledore cleared his throat, glanced at wizards from all over the world, raised his voice, and began to speak: "Dear friends, we are gathered here today to judge a special magical item."

Dumbledore held up Riddle's diary. The worn black cover was wrapped with mysterious magic chains. It looks full of mystery.

Everyone who didn't know the truth started talking about it. Is this book worthy of everyone gathering together? Is it still being judged on such a special day? In other words, this book contains mysterious power.

"Tom Marvolo Riddle. You and I both know that his life path is full of darkness and distortion." Dumbledore's voice spread throughout the square. When Voldemort's real name was mentioned, the surroundings fell into a horrifying atmosphere. silence.

Everyone knows that Voldemort is a terrifying being whose name cannot be mentioned lightly. Even though he has been dead for many years, his terrifying rule and cruel methods still disturb everyone's minds all the time.

The wizarding world refers to him as a mysterious person, a person whose name cannot be mentioned, and even his real name has been subconsciously forgotten by everyone.

To this day, except for Dumbledore who still calls him Tom, and a few stupid people who call him Voldemort, no one dares to call him that. Even though he didn't participate in today's trial, he seemed to be still around.

When Dumbledore mentioned him now, everyone realized that this trial was unusual. It must be related to the mysterious man, is it that book?

Dumbledore continued, his voice solemn and steady: "Today, we are going to judge an item that is closely related to Voldemort, Riddle's diary.

This was left by Tom when he was in school, and it contains his 16-year-old soul. For some special reasons, Riddle's diary returned to Hogwarts. "

Everyone in the square cast doubtful and alarmed glances, and everyone sensed a danger in Dumbledore's words.

Dumbledore's eyes looked down from above and fell on Lucius. Lucius held the cane nervously and quickly avoided Dumbledore's sight.

"In this school year at Hogwarts, we have experienced many negative events. Among them, the heir of Salazar Slytherin, a descendant of the Gaunt family, once again opened the Chamber of Secrets and released the basilisk."

Dumbledore took a deep breath and said slowly: "The basilisk hurt the students, causing Colin Creevey to be petrified. Fortunately, we used mandrake to undo the petrification."

A wizard said softly, "Mandrakes, I remember that the wizarding world used to put a bounty on them."

"Yes, it was the bounty provided by the Travis family. Looking back now, the trouble at Hogwarts should have started then."

"You're right, Travis heard it cost a lot of money."

"Tens of thousands of galleons. They are also very trustworthy. Even if it is not a mature mandrake, they are still willing to pay some hard work."

"Oh, it's a pity that I don't have time at that time. Otherwise, I can go to the Southern Hemisphere and travel for free."

"It's not too late. If you win the Daily Prophet's Golden Galleons Award, you can go wherever you want for 700 Galleons."

"Okay, don't talk about these things." The old wizard wearing a wizard hat stopped their chat. Today's young people always fail to grasp the key points.

"That diary contains Riddle's soul, which is part of You-Know-Who."


Everyone suddenly looked at the diary in Dumbledore's hand, and commotion gradually appeared in the crowd.

Many people stepped back in fear, but more people pushed forward with red eyes.

Those wizards who had a bloody feud with Voldemort took out their wands and wanted to tear it apart now. Those former Death Eater wizards felt the hatred and oppression from everyone, and wished to kill them now.

If Dumbledore hadn't been on top, a melee might have broken out. The secret of this diary may be related to a mysterious person, and wizards are struggling with anxiety and excitement.

"Draco, go to Roger." Lucius frowned and patted his son on the shoulder.


"Be obedient." Lucius took a deep breath and held the wand tightly. Although he knew that there would be such a tense situation before coming, the reaction of the wizards present was far beyond his expectation.

He couldn't help but wonder, if the mysterious man really came back, could he defeat the wizards in the magical world? He had been defeated once, and his undefeated halo ended in front of a baby.

The British wizards are not the only ones participating in the trial. Even if the mysterious man takes over the British Isles, everyone can still go to other branches to continue to resist. With the mysterious man's tyrannical rule, he is destined not to last long and is destined to be overthrown.

Lucius's wife Narcissa looked at her husband worriedly, and asked uneasily: "Lucius, how about I take Draco away?"

"No." Lucius shook his head with a firm attitude, "Others can leave this trial midway, but we must stay."

"Why?" Narcissa was confused. "The Wizengamot has clearly tried us, and we are innocent."

"But the Chancellor of the Wizengamot is up there." Lucius' words left Narcissa speechless.

They were Death Eaters in the past, and many people present had their relatives die at the hands of Death Eaters. Therefore, in this trial, the Malfoy family must show enough attitude.

If you leave the meeting yourself, or ask your son to leave early. In the eyes of interested people, will it become evidence that he is still loyal to the mysterious person?

Lucius didn't dare to gamble, and he couldn't gamble. Dumbledore already suspected that he came to Hogwarts because of his diary. Now it's just that there is no evidence, so it has been stuck in the stage of suspicion.

He took a breath and looked up, his expression solemn. It's Dobby! Damn house elf, why did it appear next to Harry?

"Dobby?" Narcissa looked confused, "Why is it here?"

Lucius frowned, "Damn Dobby, I should have killed him a long time ago!"

He clutched his crutch tightly, feeling extremely uneasy. Because the elf Dobby knows too much, including family secrets and past actions.

Dumbledore knocked on the podium to silence the wizards around him.

"Riddle's diary is not an ordinary black magic item. It can bring Tom back to life. But no matter how many back-ups he leaves behind, he will definitely be defeated!"

"October 31, 1981, just before Halloween." Dumbledore nodded to Harry and motioned for him to come over.

"It was here, in Godric's Hollow, that Tom hurt the Potters. It was here that Harry defeated him."

He continued, "Almost 12 years have passed and it never occurred to me that anyone still had the dark magic items that Tom left behind.

If it hadn't been for Arthur's proposal to amend the Muggle Protection Act, it would still have remained in a secret room, rather than being exposed to everyone! "

"We need to hear Dobby the house elf's accusations before the formal trial." Dumbledore invited Dobby to come forward.

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