A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 213 Alternate Professor

The phantom solidified, and Grindelwald stood before them.

The flashing light of thunder reflected the form of the Dark Lord. His body was very thin and his face was extremely pale. However, his weak body could not hide those deep and cold eyes.

As he appeared in the mountains and forests, there seemed to be a dark atmosphere surrounding him.

Grindelwald looked at Jessica and Rogge calmly, not worried about being caught escaping from prison. When his eyes glanced at the two of them, Jessica and Roger felt lightning flashing around them, and their muscles tensed in shock.

"Who is it?" His eyes were locked on Rogge, his voice was low and majestic.

"Grindelwald!" Jessica pulled out her wand and pointed it at him, protecting her son tightly.

"Mom, it's okay." Rogge signaled his mother to relax.

He raised his head and looked at the Dark Lord calmly. There was even a smile on his lips: "Mr. Grindelwald, magic is always magical.

Death in Midsummer is nothing but a prophecy. Like all prophecies in the magical world, the outcome may have been predetermined. "


At this moment, a purple thunder streaked across the night sky, making a deafening sound, as if tearing the sky apart.

Thunder light reflected their faces, and big raindrops fell one after another, as if the world was responding to Rogge's words.

"Prophecy?" Grindelwald muttered softly. He stared into Rogge's eyes and questioned: "You have no vision. It is impossible to see the future through prophecy."

"Magic is always magical." Rogge repeated this sentence, his voice firm and bright.

Grindelwald's eyes became sharper, and Rogge stared back with wide eyes. They are like two wrestling bulls, competing against each other's will, neither of them willing to give in.

Finally, the old Grindelwald slowly closed his eyes. His expression became decisive and firm.

He took a deep breath to calm down the turbulence in his heart and said, "I agree to take up the position of professor. But, now!"

Jessica was shocked by Grindelwald's decision. She didn't understand what the Death of Summer was, but it actually made the Dark Lord change his mind.

"Grindelwald, not now..." Jessica tried to explain, but received Grindelwald's gloomy eyes.

The look in his eyes seemed to kill someone, freezing the air around him.

Jessica plucked up the courage and reminded: "The school director and Dumbledore have agreed that if the werewolf..."

"Tell me what it's called. A wolf cub, kill it." Grindelwald's tone was very flat, as if killing a werewolf was like trampling an ant.

Jessica looked at the other party almost dumbfounded. Is this the Dark Lord?

Ruthless and decisive, it seems that there is no moral restraint at all. He talks about killing people as calmly as drinking water, completely unscrupulous.

"That professor was specially invited by the principal." Rogge reminded, "You know our principal. If you kill him, you may never be able to enter Hogwarts."

"He is the greatest white wizard in the wizarding world. It is extremely difficult for the school board to make Dumbledore back down."

Hearing Jessica's words, Grindelwald laughed nervously. The thunder flashing in the sky was eerie.

Rogge curled his lips, he wouldn't think that the greatest dark wizard was himself, would he?

"Black and white match?" Rogge cursed.

He deliberately put down the picture. As long as Grindelwald still had feelings for Dumbledore, he would not be able to help but recall the past.

Coupled with the clues he left behind, Grindelwald will definitely not be able to help but use his prophecy ability to peek into the future.

What is the future?

Dumbledore fell under the Death Curse and engineered his death to turn Harry Potter into the savior.

Rogge had an indifferent attitude towards this. But Snape wanted to be the executioner who killed Dumbledore, and he couldn't tolerate it at all!

My teacher is a top potion master, why should he become Dumbledore's murderer? Carrying a huge scapegoat and carrying sins that can never be washed away.

No matter what he thinks personally, he will definitely be engraved on the pillar of shame by the entire magical world after his death.

As for Harry, maybe he would say: "Snape is a good man."

Good guy? It's the most worthless thing in the world, meaningless.

Didn't Dumbledore believe in prophecies and the so-called savior?

Then give the true master of prophecy and the Dark Lord Grindelwald a real future: the death of Midsummer.

He didn't believe that Grindelwald would watch Dumbledore die in front of his eyes.

Let prophecy fight against prophecy, let darkness fight against darkness, let lover against lover.

As for me?

Roger chuckled in his heart, I am just an innocent Hogwarts student, what bad intentions can I have?

Grindelwald's reaction was as expected, even stronger than he expected. Just his power...

Rogge secretly smacked his tongue, he had been imprisoned for nearly half a century, how could he still be so strong?

"Mr. Grindelwald, although the gears of fate have begun to turn, it will not be in the middle of this summer." Rogge said, throwing a bag filled with gold galleons to the other party.

"You are no longer the Dark Lord who dominates the wizarding world, but a wizard with a banned wand. I think that a candidate professor at Hogwarts should not only be handsome, but at least be generous."

"Huh, candidate professor?" Grindelwald grabbed the bag and wiped his face with rainwater.

He turned around and was about to leave, but Rogge stopped him again: "Mr. Grindelwald, the letter of appointment from the school board will be sent to you at any time. What is your address?"

"Whatever." Grindelwald turned his back and replied absentmindedly.

"Oh? How about the Pig's Head Bar in Hogsmeade Village?" Rogge waved his hand in a very cheerful tone.

Grindelwald almost fell down and turned back to stare at Rogge angrily. This damn kid, doesn't he know that Aberforth is the owner of the Pig's Head Bar?

Aberforth's sister Ariana was accidentally killed because of a dispute between the three of them. Even if Grindelwald is not the murderer, he cannot escape responsibility.

Aberforth's son Aurelius was even used by himself as a sharp sword against Dumbledore, and was eventually killed.

In this life, his entanglement with the Dumbledore family will never be over.

If Grindelwald went to the Pig's Head Bar, I'm afraid Aberforth would try to cut off his head and hang it on the wall as a pig's head.

"Hmph, this kid is too aware!" Grindelwald took a deep breath, fearing that he would not be able to help but take action against Rogge.

Fortunately, Rogge was very considerate and changed his address: "How about the Leaky Cauldron in Diagon Alley? Maybe you can meet the principal's favorite student."

"Favorite student?" Grindelwald's tone was very strange, curious and disdainful.

He quickly disappeared into the mountains and forests, fearing that Rogge would call him again. Jessica looked at the place where the Dark Lord disappeared, and her tense nerves relaxed.

If it weren't for protecting her son, she might not have had the courage to point her wand at Grindelwald in her entire life.

But what is Midsummer Night? How much did this boy hide?

Jessica frowned and stared at her son.

"Mom, it's raining so hard, why don't we talk about it after we go back?" Rogge suggested cautiously.

"Explain it honestly!" Jessica snorted and pulled Rogg back the same way.

Back at the villa, Barbara's family has taken a rest. Jessica brought some fruits, vegetables and broth to soothe their growling stomachs.

“A Midsummer Night is a Prophecy.”

"Prophecy? What prophecy?" Jessica wiped the corner of her mouth and asked all at once: "How could he know about the new prophecy after being imprisoned in Nurmengard for decades?"

There is also the second update. How can you say that I am not good at writing.

Hehehe, do you have a ticket for this?

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