A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 243 Professor Sweet Potato?

Professor Bathsheda has short and slightly curly hair, simple and capable; she wears a loose robe, which is comfortable and natural. She always sat quietly behind the desk, concentrating on studying the runes on ancient manuscripts. At first glance, he appears to be an intelligent and confident scholar.

The only thing that ruined the image was the protective glasses on his head. This item distributed during the basilisk crisis last year has an extremely powerful zoom function. She can shed her magnifying glass and myopia and delve deeper into the secrets behind these ancient manuscripts.

Bathsheda slowly raised her head when she heard the movement in the room. Only then did she realize that the classroom was already full of third-year students taking this course.

"Oh, class is about to start! I'm so sorry, please wait for me!" She said, quickly rolling up the manuscript and putting it into the porcelain jar next to it.

The students all looked at the magic text professor with curious eyes, especially her pair of protective glasses. The basilisk is already blind and is being used by everyone in the secret room to practice spells, so why is it still wearing it?

In addition to the professors, the classrooms here are also special. Looking around, the walls were covered with rune display boards with various hieroglyphics painted on them. On one side of the classroom, there is a huge glass display case. Inside are pottery, nameplates, and even some well-preserved ancient magic tools.

This place does not look like a classroom, but rather like the unearthed site of some ruins, or the basement of a museum.

Bathsheda tidied her desk, took a deep breath and looked at the students: "Are you curious why I wear these protective glasses?"

She pointed at the glasses and praised: "What a great invention. It can automatically adjust the distance of vision. Whether you are studying manuscripts or living in normal life, you don't need to rely on other tools."

"Everyone should know that runes are a kind of hieroglyphics. Although they have not disappeared, they are dead..." Her words were full of enthusiasm, like opening a faucet of knowledge, continuously instilling the knowledge of runes into the students.

Hermione glanced at the projector that was recording, and whispered to Roger: "Professor Sweet Potato is very quiet when he is researching, but as soon as he starts teaching, he becomes eloquent. It is like a different person."

"Huh?" Rogge was stunned for a moment and looked at Hermione in confusion. What was going on with the Chinese pronunciation in her mouth?

Although Sweet Potato and Bathsheda are very similar, who else in the school would give such a nickname to the magic literature professor except him.

Hermione hurriedly explained: "I'm just using a metaphor. Her teaching method is like pulling out thread."

Roger stared at Hermione thoughtfully, his eyes sliding down the high bridge of her nose. Passing over her cute little mouth and delicate chin, she unconsciously stopped at her white neck.

Roger couldn't help but get closer to Hermione, wanting to explore more beauty. In the blink of an eye, they are all in third grade. Unfortunately, the school uniform was very tight, so I had to quietly look away.

His eyes were fixed on the golden light shining under the school robe, which was an exquisite gold chain. If the guess is correct, there must be a golden timer tied under this long chain.

"What are you looking at!" Hermione noticed Roger's gaze and hurriedly covered the gold chain with her school robe.

"Who are you Hermione?" Rogge asked curiously, his fiery gaze causing Hermione's face to blush.

Hermione didn't answer, just turned her head and pretended to be paying attention. Roger secretly tugged on her sleeve and whispered in her ear: "Sweet potatoes are edible, but they are also sweet."

Hermione's head snapped and she realized that it was her name for the professor that revealed her secret. But she stood up stubbornly, unwilling to explain to Rogge or talk to him.

"Let me see! Anyway, I've seen it all!" Rogge requested while trying to stretch his hand over.

This is a time-turner, a world-class buggy item. Its ability to travel through time and space is a top-notch artifact in any world. Just turning the hourglass can bring the wearer from the future to the present or even the past. How could Rogge not be tempted!

The Ministry of Magic has hundreds of laws in place to prevent abuse by wizards. To avoid causing time anomalies and adverse effects on the world. But the more this happens, the more it proves its value.

If Voldemort knew the existence of the time turner, why would he grab the magic stone? Going to the Department of Mysteries and seizing a cabinet full of time-turners is no better than fighting and killing Dumbledore!

Rogge was full of curiosity about the research projects in the Department of Mysteries. He wanted to know what magical things the Ravenclaw graduates were studying there. Why not share these results, let me... let the world share this Wisdom and miracles.

"No!" Hermione stretched out her hand and tightly grasped Roger's protruding paw.

She blushed and refused to let him touch the time turner on her chest. Rogge came back frustrated and pulled his hand back helplessly. He sat sideways, with his back to Hermione, his head propped on his hands as he listened to the professor tell the history of the runes.

The professor held an almost torn rune textbook and excitedly introduced the origin of runes. Every time he opened his mouth, the words came to him like a tidal wave, and he seemed to be able to talk continuously for a long time without needing to take any breath.

No wonder he gave her the nickname "Sweet Potato", it was so apt.

"Rune is a pictographic symbol and an important part of ancient magic script. We found the oldest rune in Scandinavia, which was engraved on a plate." Professor Ba Si As he spoke, he put a rubbing on the blackboard and introduced it to the students.

"The runes have 24 runes, usually arranged in three groups, each group has eight runes. Such groups of runes are called clans..."

"This ancient writing is the product of a combination of natural images and magic. In our courses, you will truly understand that runes are not only a writing tool, but also a bridge between wizards and magic. . Of course, this is just the beginning.”

The professor's topics went far beyond the history of the runes, she delved into every detail of the runes and covered almost everything. She showed a runic manuscript in which each ancient symbol was interpreted in detail, as if they each held a unique story.

"This symbol, you see, was discovered in Babylon in the seventh century BC. At that time, wizards used this symbol to influence the weather so that Muggles would have a good harvest."

She dances as if she is traveling through the world of runes, her words are full of passion, and every symbol is an integral part of her life. She wanted her students to experience the beauty of the runes while also reveling in her never-ending narrative.

Listening to the professor's chatter, the students discovered that there was a course even more maddening than History of Magic. If Professor Spencer is cold and scripted, then Professor Bathsheda is enthusiastic and free.

She didn't read the textbook at all, and the knowledge points hit her like a metal storm. Everyone's quills were writing quickly on the paper, as if they were about to produce smoke. However, Professor Basi still had more to say and continued to explain the mysteries of runes.


Seeing that Roger ignored her for a long time, Hermione called his name softly. Roger didn't seem to hear and was focusing on Professor Bathsheda's lecture.

He flipped through the textbooks at the professor's pace, took notes carefully, and unknowingly delved deeper into this mysterious field. Apart from Snape's one-on-one tutoring, it had been a long time since I had felt pressure in class.

It wasn't until Hermione patted him gently that Rogge showed a sly smile and leaned his face over.

"Well, what are you doing?" Rogge deliberately pretended to be ignorant.

Hermione leaned closer and said in a very small voice in his ear: "I'll let you see it, but you have to keep it a secret."

Rogge showed a bright smile and nodded cheerfully in agreement.

The two of them were lying on the desk, their heads almost touching. Hermione carefully pulled open the collar, revealing the ineffectual gold chain.

"I'm Hermione in 10 hours." She said and took out the golden timer, which still had body temperature on it.

"This is the time turner." Rogge looked at it curiously.

The time turner is composed of multiple golden concentric rings, with a small hollow disc with a six-pointed star in the center. In the center of the disk is its centerpiece: a crystal hourglass filled with fine golden-pink quicksand.

"Don't move." Hermione only let Rogge take a look, and then placed it close to her body.

Just when Roger was about to say something, Professor Bathsheda held the manuscript and lightly tapped Roger and Hermione on the heads.

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