A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 317 The dawn of victory is about to disappear

Faced with the opponent's shameless sneak attack, everyone in Hogwarts stood up and protested. Whether it's Gryffindor or Slytherin, at this moment, they are Hogwarts.

The common hatred and excitement in the audience did not affect the referees or the players flying in the snow. As long as the game is going on, the referee is the greatest authority on the court.

Even if he blew the black whistle, both sides had to continue the game. Especially in the case of heavy snowfall, the blurred vision makes it impossible for the referee to accurately judge who is right and who is wrong.

Even if the stray Bludger was struck by a Thunderbirds Chaser with a broomstick, the rules don't explicitly state that this behavior is illegal.

"The wind and snow were so heavy that we could barely see what was going on on the field."

The audience could only understand the game through the commentary box. Li Qiaodan imagined the fierce battle on the court by observing the direction of the black shadow's attack. His mental ability is pretty good, and he can explain the white snowflakes vividly and vividly.

In the last sentence, Hogwarts still had the advantage, but the next moment, the score of the Thunderbirds changed. However, Li Qiaodan can use rhetoric to cleverly reverse the wrong explanation. Rogge even doubted whether he had studied journalism.

Even before graduation, he has already shown his ability to make things up and make things up. It seems that it was not unreasonable for Rogge to beat him up because of his erroneous explanation.

Due to the heavy snow, everyone could only see black shadows passing in front of their eyes. Rogge also hurriedly held down Daphne's shoulders to let her avoid the Quidditch players flying over her head.

The snowflakes were densely covered with goose feathers. Not to mention the students, even the wizards who had lived in the Scottish Highlands for many years saw such weather for the first time.

Snow accumulates beneath the course at a rate visible to the naked eye. Now if someone falls, he will definitely not be injured, but should worry about being buried in the snow.

Suddenly, the snow stopped briefly. Mrs. Hooch quickly shouted over the court: "George, Fred, come down!"

The Weasley twins fell into the lounge with their heads full of white hair, and their eyebrows were covered with ice crystals. They argued with Mrs. Huo Qi: "Coach, we still have physical strength."

Mrs. Huo Qi shook her head firmly and signaled Boer and Montague to hurry up and go up. She explained to Gemini: "Your physique is too weak. With such heavy snow, your technical advantages cannot be used at all."

"I asked Montague and his team to stick to the opponent's batter to prevent the Thunderbirds from taking advantage of the loopholes in the rules again." Mrs. Hooch was full of anger and was very dissatisfied with the Thunderbirds' unfair methods.


Suddenly, a loud voice broke the silent air. Someone fell off the broom and landed in the snow, making a human-shaped hole.

Mrs. Hooch was shocked, but soon relaxed, because the fallen player ran in the direction of the Thunderbirds.

Breathing, the snow began its dance again.

"Oh my god, I can't see anything." Daphne rubbed her eyes. The world in front of her eyes was white, and she even suspected that she was blind.

"Thermal forming." Rogge took out his protective glasses and tapped it with his wand.

"Put it on and try it." Roger handed the glasses over, and when Daphne put them on, she found that many orange-red figures suddenly appeared in the originally white world.

"You have turned into little red people!" she shouted in surprise, and then turned her eyes to the court. Among the falling snowflakes, hot shadows streaked across the sky.

The scores kept refreshing, and the point difference between Hogwarts and Ilvermorny reached 100 points. The snow gradually became lighter, and everyone was finally able to vaguely see the situation in the field.

Malfoy and his teammates struggled in a high-speed, low-temperature environment, and everyone was exhausted. They have white hair, like Santa Claus. Even though his face was red from the cold, he still held the Quaffle tightly and attacked.

The opponents did not give in too much. They carried out strict one-on-one defense and wanted to stick to each other. Li Jordan, who was in the commentary box, saw Angelina being pressed tightly against the big black man of the Thunderbirds and stood up angrily.

Angelina is obviously his girlfriend, but she hasn't done anything yet, so why are your faces touching each other?


The coaches of both sides unanimously called on the starters, and the second team finally had a chance to show off their skills. However, Harry cannot be replaced at the moment because he is chasing the Golden Snitch.

The broomstick under the Thunderbirds' Chaser's butt felt like diarrhea. From time to time, a ball of flame burst out, and he suddenly accelerated past Harry. Since the broom could not continue to accelerate, his speed slowly slowed down and fell behind Harry again.

It keeps happening again and again. Although the threat is small, it is extremely disgusting. Because when his tail blows fire, he emits a stream of green smoke, which looks like a disgusting thick snot color.

Others may have only seen the abnormally colored smoke, but Harry, as the person involved, felt miserable. The smell of the smoke was pungent and spicy, making him sneeze constantly.

The opponent is not fighting for the Golden Snitch at all, but is trying to avoid being ended by Harry. He glanced up at the score, 180:60, Hogwarts led the Thunderbirds by 120 points. As long as Hogwarts scores 4 more goals, the game is over.

As for the failure, it was the Chaser's responsibility anyway and had nothing to do with him. He held the handle of the broom and the Star Whisker 20 on his crotch accelerated again. The thick smoke drew a long tail, and Harry Potter could only walk through the exhaust.

The Golden Snitch jumped up suddenly, and Harry in the smoke was completely unaware of this change. When he got out of the smoke, he saw his opponent flying towards the Golden Snitch.

"Hey." The Thunderbirds' Chaser didn't forget to turn around and taunt Harry. His originally dead desire to win suddenly surged because of Harry's mistake.

"This is a foul!" Mrs. Huo Qi, like an old hen guarding her calf, angrily mounted her broom to argue with the referee.

"The Chasers of the Thunderbirds used smoke to interfere with Harry Potter's vision. You are using such despicable little tricks to undermine the fairness of the game! There are also illegal modifications, these are not allowed!"

"Foul! Foul!"

The students in the audience also shouted angrily, and Hermione solemnly ran back to the castle and brought a thick book "Thirty Thousand Basic Rules of Quidditch".

"No, Mrs. Hooch, these behaviors are not prohibited by the rules." The Thunderbirds coach sneered, his face full of pride and provocation.

"The transformation of Starduster 20 is completely reasonable and compliant. As for interfering with Harry Potter in your mouth, oh, he is your chaser, right?" His erratic tone was full of sarcasm, and he looked fearless. Looks like: "He insisted on rushing into the exhaust, and that's none of our business. If there is an accident, he can only blame himself."

He continued: "The secondary league originally covers many magical circles, and many schools can't even afford decent flying broomsticks. If you want to ban modifications, aren't you using the latest and most expensive broomsticks to buy the champion? This is too unfair. That’s fair!”

The other party slapped him down confidently, looking quite distressed.

"But... you, you!" Mrs. Huo Qi was at a loss for words and didn't know how to refute the other party's remarks.

She looked at Harry Potter in the air. Even though he was desperately trying to catch up, he was still three positions behind his opponent. She looked at the scores of the two sides again. Hogwarts was 130 points ahead of the Thunderbirds and still had 3 goals to win the game.

However, it will take at least ten minutes to end the game. If the opponent deliberately uses the pass to delay, then they will lose to the opponent's disgusting little tricks at the dawn of victory.

It’s Christmas Eve, I’ve finished editing the Christmas plot, and I just have to update the Christmas plot tomorrow

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