A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 331 Resting on invisible legs

Roger walked from the first car to the last one, his eyes wandering along the crowded aisles. Hermione, my dear Miss Granger, my magical companion, where are you?

He searched around and didn't see Hermione until the train started. Rogge couldn't help but mutter: "Is she late?"

He returned to his carriage with some regret and looked at Neville across the table who was concentrating on arranging the candy wrappers. Those colorful candy wrappers were gifts Neville got when he visited his mother.

There is no denying that Neville's mother was a strong woman. Even though she was tortured to madness at dawn and could not even recognize her son, she still retained her love for Neville in her heart.

Every time Neville visits his parents in Ward 49, St. Mungo's, Alice gives him a Super Bubble Gum wrapper as a gift. This silent love is like spring light, warming Neville's heart.

"Are they okay?" Roger asked softly.

When Neville heard Rogge's question, the movements in his hands suddenly stopped. He raised his eyes from the candy wrapper and looked at Rogge blankly for a few seconds, as if he was thinking about who Rogge's question was directed to.

"They still don't recognize me," Neville finally said, with a hint of sadness in his voice that could not be concealed. "Grandma always throws the gifts my mother gave me into the trash."

He raised his head and stared subconsciously at the seat against the wall, as if there were secrets there that he could not tell.

Rogge followed his gaze and saw nothing. However, Neville was still staring there, as if there were phantoms he could see.

"Is there something?" Rogge asked curiously, his eyes searching for the answer on Neville's face.

"Ah, no...no." Neville stammered in reply, with a hint of panic in his voice. His eyes shifted in a panic, obviously not good at lying.

The corners of Rogge's mouth curled up slightly, and he lazily lay down on the sofa. Well, it feels very good, warm and warm. He took out his quill and drew at random on the paper. He still felt uncomfortable and used his transfiguration spell to create a pillow and put it under his head.

He waved his magic wand, and the carriage door closed with a sound, and the noise outside was instantly isolated.

He looked at Neville and asked, "Didn't Mrs. Longbottom ask the Headmaster for help? As far as I know, your parents are both first-generation members of the Order of the Phoenix."

Rogge didn't know much about the history of the Longbottom family, but he knew a lot about Neville's parents.

There was a sound of surprise in the air behind the pillow, and Rogge turned his head to look curiously. Everything seemed normal.

Neville carefully put the candy wrapper into his pocket and responded: "The principal said that my parents are mentally disturbed and he can't cure them. Roger, is there really nothing that can be done?"

Rogge sympathized with the Longbottoms' situation, but if Dumbledore couldn't handle it, what could he, a little wizard, do?

He looked at Neville's complicated eyes and sighed softly: "In addition to your parents' problems, you also have your own mental problems."


"Yes, you should have experienced some bad things and had to use magic to block those memories. Your amnesia is directly related to it." Rogge didn't expect that Neville didn't know all this yet, so he decided to let Neville went to find out the truth: "Perhaps, you should write and ask Mrs. Longbottom."

Based on the magical knowledge he learned at Hogwarts, one can't help but suspect that Neville has a persistent curse. No matter whether it is forgotten or the memory is extracted, it will not cause such bad side effects.

Moreover, as Neville gets older, the memories of his childhood can be slowly unblocked. Now that it is still under seal, one cannot help but doubt the motives of the person who cast the curse.

Rogge even wondered whether the curse had caused irreparable damage to Neville's brain.

The air under the pillow felt uncomfortable, and he slowly curled up. Rogge said to himself: "Well, how can the pillow slide down?"

There was a cunning gleam in his eyes, and he pretended not to know that Hermione was hiding nearby with the Apparition Charm. He was lying comfortably on the sofa, with his legs under the pillow.

Neville heard Rogge's words and slowly recalled them. He thinks very slowly and sometimes forgets what he just recalled. So much so that he had to hold his head in pain and recall from the beginning.

"Neville, I suggest you write a diary." Rogge lay on his side, stretched out comfortably, and his voice could not help but feel relaxed and comfortable.

At this moment, there was a sound of grinding teeth above the head. But when the quill started drawing again, it gradually disappeared.

"Diary?" Neville nodded, thinking this was a good method. He always has trouble remembering things. If he had a diary, recalling wouldn't be so difficult.

Malfoy ran in happily and threw a bag to Rogge: "Go on, Rogge."

"Thank you." Rogge touched it and knew the time and space converter inside.

He dared to say that on the first day back to school, Grindelwald would definitely come to her before Bathsheda. I really don’t know what bad things Grindelwald is going to do when he goes back.

"It's exactly what you said." Malfoy said mysteriously, "Amin from Uganda really sold me mammoth ivory for a nimbus broom. Moreover, she was also willing to help me collect other things. Such as caves Lion skin and all that, no matter what.”

"So cruel?" Rogge couldn't help but sigh after hearing this. Animagus are shapeshifters of wizards, and cave lion skin could mean murder.

Malfoy nodded and complained angrily: "However, that Amin is too greedy! She disliked that my offer was too low and hooked up with that American goblin Narlak."

"If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have found a middleman. Rogge, you don't know, they still have snake men in their hands..."

Rogge sat up suddenly and signaled Malfoy to stop talking. Well, he originally thought the snake man was created by an American wizard, but now it seems that goblins are most likely involved.

"You'd better tell Lucius not to get involved in Narlak's affairs." Rogge's tone was firm, and the warning was clear.

"Huh?" Malfoy looked at Rogge in confusion, "Why? My father said that as long as the plan succeeds, the wizard can have more wealth."

"Plan?" Rogge thought about this word again and again. He frowned and decided to reveal some information to Draco: "The Ministry of Magic is currently tracking down the American snake people."

Malfoy was stunned for a moment, because just a few days ago, Narlak and several wizards came to the manor with snakemen. They made the snake man into a protective shield on the spot. According to Narlak, it could withstand the Unforgivable Curse once.

Lucius is very optimistic about the prospect of snake-man shields and has reached an agreement with goblins and Ugandan wizards and funded their shield workshops in Rwanda.

"Really...really?" Draco asked nervously, with a hint of trembling in his voice. He realized that if the Ministry of Magic was after the Snake Man, that meant it was a big problem.

"I can't tell you the specific source of the information, but there is an American Auror in the Ministry of Magic. His name is Jack."

Seeing the certainty of Rogge's words, Draco became even more sure of the seriousness of this matter, and he immediately couldn't sit still. Although Animagus materials and snake-man shields are precious, since the Ministry of Magic is tracking snake-men, it means there is something wrong with them. He had to write back and tell his father the news.

"What is a snake man?" Hermione's voice suddenly came from the air next to her. She kicked Rogge and rubbed her legs, which were numb from the pillow.

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