A Magician with Super Powers

Chapter 133 It's Time to Conquer Foreigners

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But afterwards it seems that the girl's wish really came true.

In the middle of March, the International Fashion Week kicked off. As the most popular supermodel in the United States, Kendall's traffic and business itself are very popular. She has grand events in New York and Paris.

So Kendall is very busy during this period of time, she can't take care of both career and love, but Li Lekang is very tolerant and understanding to let her take care of her career and leave him alone.

After all, he has a lot of girls to play with... Of course, in Kendall's eyes, this man is really considerate, understanding and tolerant of her!

She was so moved that she didn't stop to show her kindness all night, as if she wanted to express her love through this move, but Li Lekang didn't feel very happy like this, he even felt that the other party was repaying his kindness with revenge!

Although there is no fear of tossing with steel and iron bones, but happiness has a time limit. After the wave passed, he had to sleep hard but couldn't live in peace. She was always touching herself, and it would be annoying!

Li Lekang feels that he still can't escape the nature of a man, what he can't get is very beautiful, but what he gets is easy to get bored! No wonder the ancients said that a small farewell is better than a new love!

He gives Kendall some ancient wisdom, and she finally realizes: "Is it because I'm so clingy that you hate it?"

He didn't want to be so blunt: "No, I didn't mean that, I meant that a proper distance would be better, and it's already two o'clock in the morning, don't you have to catch a plane during the day, I'm really worried that you won't be able to carry it !"

"No!" She shook her head and got into his arms: "I just want to stay with you for a while!"

"Okay, but make sure you don't move the position below the neck!"

Li Lekang told her about this famous scale line for online writing!

"Pfft, you're so cute!" She couldn't help laughing, "Then I'll kiss the face, mouth, and ears!"


Li Lekang felt that he was always digging holes for himself.

It was almost dawn, and they could finally have a good sleep for a while, but the alarm clock woke him up from the dream soon, and Kendall threw away his mobile phone in a wake-up mood, and then fell down and continued to sleep.

After the alarm clock rang twice more, she finally got up reluctantly, went to wash and change clothes, and then came to the bedside,

After kissing the sleeping man, he hurried away with his high heels and last night's luggage.

Li Lekang glanced at the closed door, then reached out to touch his phone, and began calling friends to gather in Miami!

As the first show of Flying Apsaras abroad, it's time to conquer foreigners!

Save these foreign devils from always thinking that there is no fashion in Greater China—we were already more imaginative than you a thousand years ago, okay?

So he had to invite some friends in the circle, Mike the dog's good brother, Mike, and then his good buddy Malone, and of course if they came, there would definitely be yachts and hot girls.

Then let the assistants of the saints arrange a superyacht, which is less than 60 meters in length, don't tell me about it, can park a helicopter, and has a large freshwater swimming pool.

After making a few phone calls, friends were invited one after another, chartered two or three more planes, brought relatives, friends and luggage, and set off for Miami!

Like Los Angeles, the sun is also full and abundant, but the coastline is wider and wider than Los Angeles. You can see a large blue ocean on the highway, and yachts and cruise ships are driving comfortably on the sea.

It feels like people want to loosen up all of a sudden.

The convoy drove to the coastal residential area, and then came to Saint Florida Manor surrounded by green trees.

Continuing the saint's consistent arrogance, it occupies a vast area, the building is surrounded by iconic palm trees, the towering green plants climb the walls, and then a private road is opened from the lush greenery!

When the convoy drove into the manor, a Spanish-style building appeared in front of you. The classic style of red tiles and white walls, a large number of stone pillars and arches carved with jade, green grass, and clear water pools are so beautiful!

"It has a private beach the size of Santa Monica!"

"Is that big yacht on the sea ours?"

Chloe's jump of joy is a testament to the excellence here.

The motorcade stopped in front of the house, the door was opened by the butler, and a respectful greeting was sent: "Your Excellency, welcome to the Florida Manor!"

"I am Marshall, the housekeeper here, and I will serve you sincerely!"

Li Lekang got out of the car in a leisurely manner, shook hands with the other party, then looked around, and praised the environment here.

In addition to their family, dance troupes from China were also invited to stay in the manor. After all, this place is much more comfortable than a hotel, and there is enough space to rehearse together.

The countdown to the show in Miami is already underway. While enjoying the holiday, Li Lekang also rehearsed twice for Fei Tian's show, and the visual effects presented are still top-notch.

So he didn't continue after passing twice. In the eyes of the backup dancers, he was one of those talented people who could learn it quickly, but they couldn't slack off because they represented the country.

The members of this youth dance troupe have traveled thousands of miles to perform abroad, and it is to show the essence of Chinese culture, which is of great significance to them, so they are very diligent.

When Li Lekang is basking in the sun, they are rehearsing; when Li Lekang is having a yacht bikini party, they are still making unremitting preparations, making sure nothing goes wrong.

Because the Miami station is the first show abroad, and the superstar lineup is gathered!

As far as the guest list in Judy's hands is concerned, there is already a long list. Among them, there are many popular singers like Beyoncé and Rihanna, as well as well-known film stars like Downey and Xiao Lizi, plus sports industry celebrities. , the old and strong James, the retired but still active O'Neal, and so on.

This debut show in Miami can be called a gathering of stars and big names!

Compared with the last New York show, this time the lineup is even more luxurious!

There are many reasons for this. Not only is Li Lekang's fame and unshakable strength and status; but also his capital status has improved, and his influence is extraordinary.

LAA is now working for him. Even if he is facing a Hollywood film company, Li Lekang's power behind him may not be weak. In this case, there are many, many friends who give face!

In addition, Fei Tianxiu has a very popular reputation in China, and countless news have been published. Fei Tian's five-minute video has also received hundreds of millions of views on the Internet. Everyone is curious!

Can Li Lekang's Feitian show conquer the audience across the ocean?

In the end, it is a strong brainwashing, but also acclimatization?

This has contributed to this magical show with a luxurious guest lineup!

Although there will be as many as three Feitian shows, people want to see it quickly, and they all want to be at the forefront to see what's new!

This principle is the same as watching a movie premiere, it’s fun to watch it first, and it’s boring to wait for others to spoil it! And celebrities don't have to worry about buying tickets, LAA invites them directly!

So in the face of such a luxurious audience lineup, it is impossible for several young dancers to say that they are not nervous. They can't be like Li Lekang. The performance starts tomorrow, and today they can still play water guns with girls!

Li Lekang can't quibble, because the water gun is really an irresistible game for men!

Little Lizi spoiled me!

Long story short, with the blessing of the superstar lineup, the Flying Apsaras performance in Miami is coming!

Located outside the American Airlines Arena, home of the Heat, the long queue meanders.

In addition to being used for basketball games, this stadium is also often used for concerts and other activities. It is already familiar with receiving tourists, and it can accommodate 20,000 people.

The venue was in full swing, and the venue was also in full swing. The usual celebrity sign-in occasions were not absent, and a red carpet was specially prepared, and many well-known media photographers were invited to stand aside to shoot.

Celebrities have come from afar, and if they are willing to make an appearance, of course they can go there. After all, Li Lekang's event is very popular and attracts a lot of attention.

Celebrities who need to be exposed are naturally on the stage, while those who have been famous for a long time are more low-key. Beyoncé and Brother Mars don’t need it. Shandong Tianhou simply wears a mask to show off.

But there are also some very enthusiastic ones, such as O’Neal, who has been acting funny everywhere after retiring, and just now he was yelling at fans there that he and Li Lekang are good at playing basketball, and he was impatient when he made air gestures!

The media shot recorded this scene: the big man jumped over the fence and charged the buffalo, and unexpectedly picked up the other party and gave him a big kiss.

There is a lot of fun here, and the audience is gradually filling up. The much-anticipated Huaxia Feitian Show, after the lights in the auditorium dimmed, ushered in its first overseas stop!

ps: Here is the fourth update. In addition, I would like to thank my favorite book friends such as Back to the Three Kingdoms, Unremarkable Appearance, Yunjuan Yunshu, Thepassersby, etc. for their support. I always forget to thank you.

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