Rhubarb was scolded by Su Yu.

Obediently gnaw on the bones.

Because of the addition of the South China Tiger.

Su Yu's family has now been split into two camps.

The first camp is Xiaobai and Rhubarb.

These two guys came a little earlier, and they got along well, so they naturally formed a party.

Then there are three South China tigers.

Because there was a grievance with Rhubarb before.

Consciously in the wrong, even though Rhubarb has repeatedly provoked to death, the Page family still resisted the urge to slap it to death.

Because of the arrival of three South China tigers.

Su Yu's grilled pork chops were simply not enough.

It was split in the blink of an eye.

Su Yu himself didn't take a few bites.

Solved a lunch.

Su Yu planned to go to the county seat in the afternoon.

So much pork can't be spoiled in such a short time, but if it's just exposed for an afternoon, the meat will definitely stink.

So Su Yu had to buy a freezer as soon as possible to store wild pork.

Before leaving, Su Yu settled Lord Grim's matter.

Jun Moxiao, the bosses in the live broadcast room, want to buy wild ginseng.

Anyway, I can't eat so much wild ginseng as a meal.

It's a waste to keep such high-end things here.

Better to sell it to someone else.

Simply fooled Xiaobai.

While Xiaobai was still in a daze.

Su Yu took out all the remaining dozen wild ginseng.

Added Jun Moxiao and others' WeChat friends.

Then Su Yu created a wechat group.

Pulled in [Jun Moxiao], [Promise], and [Wings of Night].

Su Yu took a picture of all the wild ginseng and sent it to the group.

Su Yu: "Guys, all the ginsengs are here, what do you think you want?"

Lord Grim: "So many? I thought it was only a few!"

Promise: "It's too much for me to eat alone, I want three."

Wings of Night: "My three roots are about the same."

Lord Grim: "Then I'll round up the rest, give away some to others and keep for myself in the future."

Promise: "By the way, Master Su, we haven't asked yet, what's the price of your wild ginseng?"

Su Yu: "I'm not very clear about this, I've never sold this item before, how about you set a price?"

Lord Grim: "Master Su, these wild ginsengs of yours are of high quality, and they come from regular sources, absolutely original. We can all see this with our own eyes. Judging from the spiral pattern on the taproot, these ginsengs are the ones with the youngest age. The roots are more than 30 years old. I can’t say for sure if the oldest one is in the 80s or 90s. Of course, it may be a century-old ginseng. This level of ginseng can already be sold at a very high price, Mr. Su Let me tell you, this kind of wild ginseng is sold by the gram.”

Su Yu nodded, and weighed each one.

Most are very light, only a few grams.

The lightest one is even only 8 grams.

Su Yu murmured in his heart: so light, how much is this worth?

After a while, Su Yu took a picture of the scale and sent it to the group. Every ginseng has a number and weight.

Promise: "I want sizes 1, 4, and 6! Is the price 10,000 gram?"

Wings of the Night: "These ones should be about 30 years old, and the price per gram is about 10,000. Anchor, I want numbers 2, 7, and 8. The year should be about 50 years, so consider the price of 30,000 per gram? "

Su Yu looked at the price given by these bigwigs on the phone.

I almost choked myself to death after taking a sip of water.

"Cough cough cough!"

Su Yu coughed for a while in the live broadcast room, and almost dropped his phone on the ground.

The audience in the live broadcast room looked at Su Yu's abnormal appearance: "???"

"What happened to Master Su?"

"Choked on water?"

"Master Su, be careful! You look a little strange!"

"I've been playing with my phone since just now,

Who are you chatting with? "

Su Yu has not responded to the audience's barrage in the live broadcast room.

Still in shock right now.

He hasn't woken up from the quotation just now.

The gram price is 10,000!

The gram price is 30,000!

Is wild ginseng so valuable?

Su Yu couldn't help pinching his face.


It's not a dream!

Before, Su Yu himself thought that ginseng was too light.

The lightest one only weighs 8 grams.

But now it seems.


It turned out that I was an idiot.

Even if it's only 8 grams.

But the gram price is 10,000!

One can sell for 80,000 yuan!

80,000 yuan!

In the past, Su Yu could not save this amount in his first-year class deposit in the imperial capital.

It's so easy to make money!

And Su Yu still has so many wild ginseng in his hands.

Developed, developed!

Su Yu sold the ginseng directly.

All of a sudden, it was six ginseng shots.

Just these six ginseng Su Yu earned more than 1.1 million.

Promise that each of them paid a deposit of 50,000 yuan first.

In other words, within a few minutes, Su Yu already earned 100,000 yuan.

In the end, Lord Grim laughed.

Lord Grim wants the most.

Wrapped seven or eight ginseng in one go.

And they are all older and bigger.

It is estimated that the years are around seventy or eighty years.

If you take out any one, there are more than 20 grams.

Not to mention that the medicinal properties of ginseng will become stronger with each year of age, and the price will naturally skyrocket accordingly.

It was promised that the price of the 50-60-year-old ginseng they bought would still be within 50,000 grams per gram.

But in the 1970s and 1980s.

The gram price of the market price directly rose to 80,000 one gram.

Lord Grim bought 7 wild ginseng in one go.

Just wrap all the last ginseng in Su Yu's hand.

A total of more than 150 grams.

The total is 12 million.

Jun Moxiao directly transferred a deposit of 2 million.

Su Yu was stunned.

Is this the handiwork of the boss?

2 million is the same as playing.

No wonder brushing gifts on Lion Tooth live broadcast every day is like playing.

Su Yu suddenly remembered something.

"By the way, Lord Grim, did I send you that bow by the way?"

Lord Grim pre-ordered Uncle Zhang's traditional black bow from Su Yu.

Su Yu has never been in touch with Lord Grim, so he just took this opportunity to send him a message.

Lord Grim: "Okay! Then I will trouble you."

Lord Grim still trusts Su Yu.

Before receiving the goods, he directly transferred Zhang Shuhei Gong's money.

Su Yu watched as the 120,000 arrived.

Su Yu: "Ah, you're not afraid that I'll steal your money."

Lord Grim: "You won't, because Master Su, you are a smart person."

Su Yu looked at WeChat and smiled.

Indeed, I would not cheat Lord Grim of this little money.

Because in the past few days, Lord Grim has tipped almost 100,000 yuan in gifts in his live broadcast room.

It's not worth the business to blackmail such a godly man just for the money, and Su Yu is not stupid.

After dealing with the ginseng matter, Su Yu happily put away his phone, ready to go out to the county to buy things.

If you want to go to the county town of Xiantai Village, Su Yu's hometown, there is still some distance.

However, it is more difficult to take a taxi in these rural areas.

The bus is never on time.

Su Yu thought for a while.

In the end, I came to Uncle Zhang's house and planned to borrow a Sanbengzi from him.

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