The female boss couldn't help laughing out loud.

This little brother is a bit interesting.

Female Bodhisattva, this is the first time she has heard someone call her that.

"My name is Gu Si, what's your name?"

Gu Si stretched out a hand from the Porsche 718 to greet Su Yu.

Although Su Yu didn't know what she wanted to do, but out of politeness, she stretched out her hand: "Just call me Su Yu."

"Does Su Yu's little brother live here?"

Gu Si pointed to the house at the door.

Su Yu nodded: "This is the ancestral house of my hometown, what's the problem?"

Gu Si: "I didn't say there was a problem! Let me introduce myself first. I am the owner of the Changfeng 4S store. This is my business card."

Su Yu took the business card and looked at it.

The owner of the 4S store?

But why are you following me all the way home?

At this moment, Gu Si tugged at the corner of Su Yu's clothes.

"I saw you upstairs in the afternoon lifting a car by yourself. Are you strong? My sister likes you very much. Have you considered coming to work with me?"

Gu Si blew into Su Yu's ear full of temptation.

Su Yu's face turned red.

If he met a lion or tiger, Su Yu would not hesitate at all.

He slapped and called up.

But this time what I met was not a lion or a tiger, but a charming young woman in her thirties.

Su Yu immediately broke the defense.

Invite yourself to work at her place?

Su Yu is not a fool.

Clearly said to go to work.

Isn't the subconscious meaning just to take care of you?

Su Yu sweated profusely: Is it possible that I, Su Yu, am going to eat something soft at a young age?

This is not acceptable.

Facing the olive branch thrown by the rich woman.

Su Yu smiled awkwardly: "Sister Gu, it's not appropriate, I already have a job, and it's pretty good now, I appreciate your kindness, let's forget it."

Gu Si smiled mysteriously: "I'll give you this amount a month, and you don't have to do anything when you get there, just be my personal secretary, how about it?"

Gu Si stretched out three fingers and looked at Su Yu meaningfully.

Su Yu took a deep breath.

Thirty thousand a month?

So the annual salary is more than 300,000 yuan.

The key is that you don't have to do anything, just paddle every day.

This, this, this...

Who the hell can stand it?

In addition, Gu Si's good looks can fight, even though he didn't get off the car, Su Yu can also tell that he is definitely in first-class figure.

If it weren't for Su Yu's firm will and the system in his body, he would have nodded.

It's a pity that if Su Yu didn't have a system, he probably would have fallen.

But who bound himself to a rural live broadcast system?

We all have a bright future.

Su Yu: "No Miss Gu, I'm still young, and I still want to venture out on my own. If you have time, you can watch my live broadcast, Lion Tooth Live. I'll add a WeChat to you later, and I'll send the link of the live broadcast to you."

Su Yu politely rejected Gu Sishun and even advertised himself.

Su Yu: I'm such a clever little ghost!

Gu Si didn't expect Su Yu to reject him.

Looking at the back of Su Yu who quickly added a wechat to himself and then ran away.

The corners of Gu Si's mouth rose.

This little brother is interesting!

But my sister will not give up so easily!

Wait, Su Yu!

You can't escape my Wuzhishan.

Gu Si licked his lips, and the Porsche 718 sped away.

Only a faint scent of lipstick remained in place.

It took Su Yu a few words to Gu Si.

Uncle Zhang was still watching him at the gate of Su's house.

Seeing Su Yu walking back.

Uncle Zhang looked serious.

"Xiaoyu, who is that woman?"

Su Yu: "She, she is the owner of the 4S store where we bought the car today."

Uncle Zhang: "Did you know her before?"

"I do not know?"

Zhang Shuyu earnestly said: "Xiaoyu, you can't lie to me! The most important thing for us men is to have backbone, we can't rely on women to support us, you are still young, you have to earn money by yourself for everything, don't follow crooked ways, you know?"

Su Yu suddenly felt that Uncle Zhang looked at him differently.

Su Yu felt innocent at the time and cried out for injustice.

"Uncle Zhang, where are you thinking? I earned all my money, and I really don't know her well! It was just a misunderstanding!"

Uncle Zhang has a very meaningful expression.


People are almost sticking to your ears and talking.

You treat Uncle Zhang as my eyes are blind?

Didn't know you before?

You can fool others, but you can't fool Uncle Zhang!

never mind!

He didn't want to worry about it either.

Young people have young people's thoughts, and everyone's life is different.

Uncle Zhang is an open-minded person.

As long as Su Yu is happy!

Let him decide.

Uncle Zhang thought about patting Su Yu on the shoulder: "Okay, I trust you now, it's getting late, I'll go back first."

Uncle Zhang is about to leave.

Su Yu: "..."

You clearly don't believe it in your eyes, okay?

Su Yu: "Wait a minute, Uncle Zhang, this bank card is for you."

Su Yu suddenly remembered something and took out a bank card from his pocket.

Uncle Zhang looked at Su Yu strangely: "What is this?"

This kid's hush money?

Su Yu: "You forgot, I've already sold the set of bows you gave me before. It's 120,000 in total, and I've stored them in this card for you."

Uncle Zhang opened his mouth wide when he heard that.

"Xiaoyu, how much did you say you bought it for?"

Su Yu: "120,000! What's wrong?"

Uncle Zhang: "Really? Is that thing so valuable?"

Uncle Zhang never thought before that a set of bows and arrows that cost more than 100 yuan to build decades ago is actually so valuable now.


This is too outrageous.

Such a large sum of money is enough for them to earn for how many years.

Su Yu: "Uncle Zhang, I told you before, this thing is very valuable now, I didn't lie to you."

Uncle Zhang nodded mechanically, but hadn't reacted yet.

Then, Su Yu stuffed the bank card with 120,000 yuan in Uncle Zhang's hand.

Uncle Zhang reacted and shook his head quickly: "Xiaoyu, this, this is not suitable, this is too much money, Uncle Zhang can't take it, just give me half of it."

If Su Yu hadn't helped him sell it, Uncle Zhang himself might never have known that set of bows and arrows was worth so much.

Maybe one day it will be thrown away.

So Uncle Zhang thought that Su Yu should get half of the money.

Just take the other half for yourself.

Su Yu shook his head and said resolutely: "Uncle Zhang, how can there be such a reason! That set of bows was originally yours, and I just sold it off. If I took half of the money, wouldn't I be a second-hand dealer? Parents know, why don't they come to strangle me at night?"

Su Yu didn't ask for Uncle Zhang's money, so he pushed him back.

Besides, he is not short of this money now.

Only then did Uncle Zhang happily accept it.

I made 120,000 for nothing.

Uncle Zhang was very happy.

I forgot about the disc herniation found out before.

Pulling Su Yu to his house for dinner.

"Xiaoyu, we must have a good drink with Uncle Zhang today! We won't go home until we're drunk!"

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