A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 356: Xiaoxiao, you can't escape

"What?" Li Xiaoman heard the words and looked at him with a staring eyes. The clear eyes were filled with surprise and disbelief. He even asked her to give him a daughter?

She tickled her lower lip slightly, and looked at him with a sharp edge, "Do you want me to give you a daughter? Long Sihao, in your status, wants to give you more women Yes……"

Thinking of Ji Yuqing, she narrowed her clear water eyes, her voice was a little colder, "There is one achievement beside you, why did you choose me? You... Um..."

Long Sihao didn't wait for her to finish, suddenly extended her long arms, pulled her into his arms, lowered her head and grabbed her temptation|Human lips, rolling lightly on her pink lips After kissing for a while, she gazed at her soberly, "I only want to have children with you in my life, and only want the daughter you gave me."

"Are you using me as a tool for your child again?" Li Xiaoman raised his eyes and looked at him. The clear eye wafted a layer of crystal mist, thinking of him five years ago that he was just thinking of her as a life Words of children's tools.

Seeing her wet eyes, Long Sihaoying's handsome eyebrows deepened, and the color of guilt in her narrow and long eyes was even worse. She glanced at her deep eyes with a bit of softness and self-blame, and her voice was low, "Xiao Xiao, Sorry, I shouldn’t have said those words that broke your heart five years ago.

Li Xiaoman lowered his eyes and sneered from the corners of his lips. "What you say is equal to the water spilled out. Do you know that it will be collected? Is it difficult to cover the water? Do you not know?"

She bit her lower lip tightly, and the tears at the bottom of her eyes instantly came out of her eyes, falling down her beautiful cheeks.

Seeing her tears drooping down, her eyes and face could not hide the sadness, Long Si Haojun's eyebrows were deep, and the narrow and narrow eyes looked at her tightly, "Xiaoxiao, do you still love me, right?" You still love me."

"Don't love...Don't love..." Li Xiaoman gazed at him indifferently. "Long Sihao, I don't love you anymore. If I love you, I won't be with other men... Umm..."

Long Sihao didn't want to hear what was behind her, and once again lowered her head to grab her pink lips and sucked fiercely.

The pain from the lips made Li Xiaoman frown, and his slender hands thumped his muscular chest. "Well... Dragon... Long Sihao, let go... let go..."

Her thrashing did not stop Long Sihao from stopping, but instead leaned over to hold her sideways and overwhelmed her on the luxurious round bed|.

Without giving her any chance of rebellion, he first held her hands tightly, her narrow narrow eyes narrowed, and her eyes glanced at her quietly, "Xiao Xiao, from now on, you dare to mention it once in front of me Man, I want you ten times, in different ways."

The last sentence he said was attached to her ear.

Hearing his words, Li Xiaoman was physically and mentally trembling, and his clear, watery and moving eyes glanced at him in disbelief, "Long Sihao, you dare to touch me, I must... don't..."

Before her words fell, Long Sihao's big palm ripped the clothes on her.

The summer clothes and the cloth were thin, and his big palm ripped hard, and it broke in a few clicks.

Without any hesitation and stay, he almost stripped Li Xiaoman and himself cleanly, and Li Xiaoman was too late to stop.

The two frankly opposed ones, one with red eyes, cold eyes, full of tears, and the other with hot eyes, the blood in the whole body was boiling.

She could not help but say something to stop, Long Sihao grabbed her lips fiercely, engulfed all her words, regardless of her struggle, and took a strong account of her.

When the wood had become a boat, Li Xiaoman gave up struggling and closed his eyes, letting the tears from the corners of his eyes slide down, his slender hands clenched the bed sheet tightly, biting his lower lip without making any sound.

Long Sihao is like a wild horse that has run off for a long time before ending.

While he was galloping, her tight zhi and still green reaction told him that she didn’t seem to be with other men many times, she was misleading him and made him think that she had been with other men a lot Times.

The moment he just rushed into her, she was like a first-time personnel, he obviously felt her trembling and the initial discomfort.

He came down from her body, he was dyed with love|The narrow eyes of the desire looked at her for a while, but he tightened his thin lips and said nothing, and then bent over to look indifferent, but still red. She hugged her face into the bathroom.

A large bath was built in the bathroom, and Long Sihao took her directly into the bath.

Li Xiaoman, who had not spoken for a long time, was scary with red eyes. She looked at Long Sihao with cold eyes, and the voice was cold, "Go out."

Long Sihao's eyes narrowed, her deep, sharp eyes locked on her small, rosy, moving face, her white, slender fingers caressed her moist, delicate lips, her thin lips curled a bit, and her voice was deep and inaudible. With anger, "Nine more times."

Hearing this, Li Xiaoman squinted at him, "Long Sihao, you want to kill yourself, there are many ways."

Long Sihao narrowed her eyes narrowly, her thin lips lightly biting her white as jade earlobes, spraying a thin, hot breath, and her voice was low with a bit of hoarseness, "Peony is dead, and ghosts are also good, Xiao Xiao, you can’t escape Lost."

When the words fell, he lowered his head again and kissed her lips. This time the kiss was surprisingly gentle, just like taking care of fragile things, for fear that she would break and hurt.

His gentleness made Li Xiaoman's heart tremble. She looked at him indifferently and was about to push him away. Long Sihao caught her slender hands in time and put her in his waist to let her hug Holding his back.

Just as she was about to let go, Long Sihao left her lips and a burning kiss fell between her ears and neck, her voice low and hoarse, "Xiao Xiao, aren't you tired? You know you can't get rid of it, Why waste energy to resist?"

Hearing his words, Li Xiaoman sneered coldly, gazing at him sharply, "You mean I should enjoy it? Enjoy your service, your service? Long Sihao, you just worked hard, you Do you know how I feel?"

"I don't know, and I don't want to know." Long Sihao's eyes were dull, and she didn't give her the opportunity to tell the answer. The kiss that fell on her lips had evolved from the tenderness of the gentleness just now. Gnawing heavily.

Her cold sneer made him heartbroken, and he knew she would say something to stimulate him again, so he didn't give her the chance to say it.

He didn't want to lose his mind because of her words, and did something to hurt her.

The lips were bitten, but Li Xiaoman frowned tightly, but didn't make a sound.

After being "tossed" by him for so long, she didn't have much strength to resist him. Even if she had the strength, she couldn't get rid of his shackles with special training.

She let him kiss her, but she didn't respond indifferently.

He did not stop because of her indifference and non-response.

Like to fill back all the beauty they lost in the past five years, Long Sihao "tossed" her in the bathroom for a long time, and then fought on the bed|, asking, entanglement, kissing, all night, almost no rest.

When it was almost dawn, Long Sihao let her go and hugged her to sleep.

Despite being very tired, very lacking, and sore all over the body, Li Xiaoman still had his eyes wide open in the arms of Long Sihao, who forcibly hugged him, and did not fall asleep.

Next day

When Long Sihao woke up, he saw Li Xiaoman's eyes wide open, his eyes fixed on the ceiling, his expression was indifferent, his lips closed.

His handsome eyebrows fell deep, and one turned over and pressed against her. Without a word, he kissed her lips again, and today's "Morning Luck" kicked off.

After the end, Long Sihao went to the bathroom to wash as usual five years ago, and then fetched water to clean it for her.


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