A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 444: I guess this baby is a son

Seeing her approval, the smile in Long Sihao's eyes grew stronger, and her eyes became more and more spoiled by tenderness and affection.

"Wife-in-law, we are finally legal couples, where do we want to celebrate?"

Li Xiaoman's slender hands clasped his neck tightly, and the clear water eyes glanced softly and affectionately at him, "want to go home."

"Good!" Long Sihao responded softly and started the engine.

Upon seeing this, Li Xiaoman raised his eyebrows and smiled at him.

It was heard that Long Sihao, who was starting the engine, moved slightly, and looked at her with a deep gaze, "My wife, don't... for the time being... Um..."

Not waiting for Long Sihao to deny, Li Xiaoman suddenly leaned forward and took the initiative to put his lips together and kiss him.

Her initiative, Long Sihao has always been irresistible.

His slender five fingers fell into her long curly hair and clasped her head tightly, deepening the kiss.

After a long kiss, the two ended the kiss.

Li Xiaoman's pink lips were moisturized and delicate, exuding an attractive luster.

She gasped slightly and gazed at Long Sihao with her soft eyes, "Her husband, Si Hao, I know what you want to say? Are you trying to say that Shuiluhu Villa can't go back temporarily, are you afraid of danger? I'm not afraid, no Are you still there? I think I can find some clues only when I go back there. I want to find out the truth about my mother’s death early, and I want to find out the mysterious person whose design behind the scene framed me and you."

As the words fell, her slender hands clasped his neck tightly, and gently pecked at his lips. The delicate voice was hint of coquettishness, "Her husband, I want to go to the water heron lake to enjoy nothing. Is it okay? There are so many servants there. I can get my clothes to reach out and open my mouth."

Long Sihao gazed at her with a smile, and tapped her little nose with her finger movements. She bent her lips and smiled, "Xiao Xiao, are you the one I'm waiting for? I can also let your clothes reach for you Open your mouth."

He then turned sharply, "Well, since you want to go back to Shuilu Lake, we will go back now."

Seeing his promise, Li Xiaoman smiled and leaned into the corner of his lips, lightly kissed, and quickly evacuated.

Long Sihao raised his lips and smiled, and the dark ink eyes were full of happy smiles.

At this moment, he is very happy, more happy than ever, because his Xiao Xiao is finally his veritable wife.

Now they are about to have a wedding, he will definitely give her a prosperous wedding.

Arriving at Shuiluhu Villa, Li Xiaoman snuggled tightly in Long Sihao's arms, gazing at him with emotion, and entered the hall with him talking and laughing.

Just a few maids cleaned the floor in the hall. When they saw them hugging each other, they stood up immediately and called out respectfully: "Young Master, Young Lady."

Li Xiaoman glanced at the several maids standing in a row, slightly hooked the corner of her lower lip, stroking the flat belly with one hand, the sound was not too big, "Si Hao, guess you are a boy or a girl in my stomach ?"

Several of the maids behind her heard her, and several people with different expressions. Look at me. I look at you.

Long Sihao suddenly heard her say, slightly stunned, her narrow narrow eyes narrowed, her eyes locked tightly on her beautiful and moving face, her thin lips attached to her ears, and her voice was low. , Where is this singing?"

Li Xiaoman raised his eyebrows and smiled softly at him, "Guess the girl! I guess the boy, I must be the son of this baby."

Long Sihao narrowed his narrowed eyes, glanced at her deeply, then bent over to hug her sideways, and strode into the special elevator equipped in the hall directly to the third floor.

After entering the bedroom, Long Sihao lifted his foot and kicked back, closing the bedroom door directly.

Then he held Li Xiaoman straight to the round luxury bed.

After laying her flat on the big bed|, he was about to get up straight, and Li Xiaoman put his arms around his neck with a slender hand, and he pressed his unsteady center of gravity onto her soft and delicate body.

He narrowed his eyes, gazing at her with a hot eye, "Xiaoxiao..."

Li Xiaoman gazed at him softly, with a thick smile on the corner of his eyes and brows, and the voice tenderly held her affection for him, "Husband, I want to give you a son, I want Xiaosi Hao."

Long Sihao raised his eyebrows slightly, and put a generous palm on her flat belly. "Isn't there a wife here?"

Li Xiaoman's small face was reddish and her eyes dropped, "Is it true that you are still unclear? For what purpose did I just say that, you should be clear."

Long Sihao's smile condensed a bit, and his beautiful face sank. "Xiao Xiao, even if you want to lead that mysterious person, you don't have to use pregnancy as bait, just in case..."

Li Xiaoman gently covered his thin lips with green fingers, and raised his eyebrows and smiled at him, "I just hope that in case, this time, I won't be counted by the mysterious man again, he counted me so It’s my turn for a long time, and I will definitely give him back the damage he doubled to me."

At the end, Li Xiaoman's eyes flashed a cold color.

Long Sihao looked at Li Xiaoman, who was a little cold, and held her small face with her big hands. The narrow narrow eyes looked at her deeply. "It seems that my little daughter-in-law has really grown up. Now."

Li Xiaoman's eyebrows frowned, looking at Long Sihao with a worried look. "Isn't this bad? Am I getting bad?"

Long Sihao straightened up, and then she drew into his arms, arms and arms clenched tightly, her eyes gazed at her tenderly and tenderly, "My wife, you are so good, this is also not It’s called normal, it’s a normal counterattack. We can’t always be beaten without returning.”

"Si Hao..." Li Xiaoman glanced at him lightly, "Thank you, do you know what I'm afraid of now? I'm afraid you think I've changed, I'm not as kind as before, I'm afraid you will not Love me now?"

"Silly girl." Long Sihao bent his lips and smiled, his white and slender fingers spoiled the tip of her nose lightly, lowering her head and printing a kiss between her white foreheads, gazing at her eyes with thick concentration. The affection that cannot be turned away, "How could I not love you? No matter how you change, you are my Xiao Xiao, my Xiao daughter-in-law, I love everything about you, this person is you, not just yours Kindness, and, I don’t think you are bad now, you are kind, because you don’t take the initiative to hurt others, you are a normal counterattack, you know how to protect yourself, I am very pleased, wife, definition of kindness It’s not that you get hurt again and again and don’t fight back, but you don’t take the initiative to hurt others. You have done very well.”

After listening to his words, Li Xiaoman's eyes were red, and the corners of his eyes were wet. The teardrops could not help sliding down from his eyes.

"Si Hao..."

Her tone was crying, moving, and grateful.


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