A Mercenary’s War
Chapter 401: Bullet ants crawling on the ground
While dozens of grenades flew out, Gao Yang suddenly felt that something was not right. He couldn't say why, but he felt something was wrong. He almost shouted subconsciously: "Flash!"
The grenade was thrown out, followed by the fact that after the grenade exploded, it was right to use the instantaneous fire to suppress the momentum. Even if you do n’t plan to rush to the face-to-face distance, you should immediately score a victory or defeat. After a round of grenades, it slowly withdrew, throwing out the grenades and immediately evading them in full speed.
In order to allow others to execute his orders immediately, Gao Yang chose to yell instead of whispering, and almost at the same time when Yang yelled, Lucica suddenly yelled in Spanish with surprise. , But she immediately shouted in English: "Run!"
After roaring loudly, he immediately turned around and ran back two steps, then immediately swooped forward. In front of him was a bunch of plants with spiky shrubs on the branches. While striding across the bushes, a large stride took the opportunity to leap forward, and then fell heavily into the thorny bushes.
After landing, I only felt a tingling sigh in my body, and my eyes suddenly bulged into a frog's eye. I didn't know how many thorns pierced his skin in an instant, and I was going to get up and build a defense again. At the position, he heard the continuous loud noise behind him.
The blast wave and shrapnel caused by the explosion blew off the branches and leaves of the bush next to Gao Yang. If Gao Yang's response was slower by half a beat and did not lie down on the ground in time, these shrapnel would hit him instead of the bush.
Luckily, Gao Yang couldn't take care of the pain or the sharp spikes. He straightened up with his hands. After twisting and throwing two grenades backwards. Whispered: "Concealed. Pay attention to enemy grenade and report your situation."
"The worker bee was injured and his left hip was slightly injured, which did not affect the battle."
"Toad is safe."
"Big dog is safe."
"Rabbit is safe."
"The test tube is safe, and the two guides on the side are injured, and the visual inspection is slightly injured!"
The situation quickly returned, except that Tommy and the two guides suffered minor injuries. Everyone else was intact, but Gao Yang could hardly imagine what would happen if his order was delayed two seconds late. Now those who report safety are at least half dead.
Gao Yang was anxious to shift his position, but he was stabbed with a lot of thorns, and he would be hurt by the branches sticking into the flesh when he moved. At this time, Lucica ran to Gao Yang's side and reached out to help Gao Yang pierce him As the branch was taken down, he said anxiously: "The enemy's voice was deliberately released by the enemy, and I was fooled. Sorry!"
After removing all the spikes from the body with tears, Gao Yang stretched out his hand and touched Lucica. Dao: "Now is not the time to say this, you stay a little behind and hide first!"
The other party seemed to know that the previous round of grenade bombing did not cause them to blow too much damage, so they did not press them all, and they did not throw the grenade again and popped out. They crouched on the ground and moved a few steps to the side, looked at it Cui Bo and Grolev on his left grabbed the intercom and whispered: "Rabbit, with broad sword, two!"
The enemy was very powerful, and Gao Yang decided to withdraw immediately. At this time, he could only use the valuable directed anti-infantry mines.
Cui Bo immediately took the backpack behind him, and after signing for cover, he quickly took out two Scottish broadsword directed anti-infantry mines, and quickly set the fuses and switches.
Gao Yang The broad sword they carried was detonated by remote control. After setting the broad sword, Cui Bo threw it at Fry near him, and then made two gestures to indicate the direction of the broad sword they installed. Quickly run to the best position to set the directional mine, and then insert the directional mine on the ground.
After Cui Bo made an ok sign, Gao Yang immediately said: "I, the toad and the big dog left the cover, the others retreated 20 meters to establish a cover position, act!"
After a few people stood up and greeted the guide, the cat ran quickly backwards on his waist, and then evacuated Cui Bo whispered: "All have reached the cover position."
To retreat, but can't turn his head and run, Gao Yang stood up, observing the situation in front and slowly walking backwards, but he just walked a few steps, but found that Lucica did not retreat, but stood By his side, Gao Yang couldn't help but be furious. Lucica was fooled and provided false information, and Gao Yang would not blame her at all, but Gao Yang ordered the Lucca to retreat, but Lucica continued to stay in place, which made Gao Yang unbearable.
After glaring at Lucica, and waving his hand fiercely, Gao Yang lowered his voice and said, "Retreat, hurry!"
Lucica's face turned red, and she reached into her clothes and grabbed a few of them. She whispered: "Damn, I have bullet ants on me!"
The so-called bullet ant is a kind of ant unique in the Amazon rain forest. It is said to be the most painful animal in the world. This ant is very large, up to 2.5 cm long. After biting, it will release toxins and people are bitten After that, it was as painful as a shot, and the pain lasted for 24 hours. The pain that did not weaken within 24 hours hit after wave. The pain after being bitten by this ant can be imagined And know.
Lucica almost twitched when she hurt, so she slapped and slapped a big ant on Lucica's neck, and then she was going to pick up Lucica's clothes. When the clothes finally came to mind, Lucica was female, and the clothes could not be taken off.
Lucica was so strong that she did n’t fall to the ground and rolled around ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ When she walked back, she hurriedly said on the intercom: "Big dog and toad cover me, test tubes come to help, hurry."
Gao Yang walked a few steps in Lucica, and Bruce ran up and down, and when he saw Gao Yang, he said angrily, "What's going on?"
"Bullet ants, on her!"
Bruce is not like Gao Yang. After hearing Gao Yang talking about bullet ants, he immediately swiped Lucica's coat from bottom to top, and immediately began to pat the ants on Lucica's chest. After going down, and after seeing a stunned rapture, Bruce hurriedly said: "What's the matter, help!"
Gao Yang hurriedly slapped the bullet ant on Lucica's back, but Bruce was hurriedly whispered to Lucica: "Is there on the leg? Is there still? Fak! Take off pants!"
Gao Yang's voice just fell, but suddenly someone in the forest shouted, "Is the ram opposite? I know it must be you, old friend, and we will meet again." (To be continued ...) ()
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