A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 472 Witness the bravery of the disciples!

Regarding Makoto Takahashi's analysis of why the manga "White Rabbit Candy" can suppress the manga "Zhan", both the editor-in-chief Yoshida and the editors on the monthly editorial side said they did not believe that nonsense at all, but from time to time Judging from the feedback after the release of the monthly magazine, there are reasons why everyone cannot but be convinced...

This is probably what is called [facts speak louder than words]... right!

Takahashi Makoto once told Shizuo Hehe that the results of his comic "White Rabbit Candy" serialized in the monthly magazine will not be very good... Shizuhe He didn't really believe this statement at the beginning! Because Shizukawa once served as Makoto Takahashi's assistant, and he learned a lot while assisting Makoto Takahashi in completing the manga draft! The construction of characters, the arrangement of plots, the processing of lines, the light and shade of drawings, using simple scenes to display complex content...

It is precisely because he learned a lot from Takahashi Makoto that Shizuka knows more clearly that he is still far behind compared to Takahashi Makoto... It is precisely because of this that at the monthly serialization meeting, After learning that his comics could be serialized, but Makoto Takahashi's comic "White Rabbit Candy" could not be serialized, Shizuka was surprised for a long time!

However, after the comic "White Rabbit Candy" also started to be serialized in the monthly magazine, Shizuka realized that what Takahashi Makoto said to him before was not a lie, but the truth! Compared to the comic "Railgun" published under the pseudonym - [Makoto Shinkai] with Eiji Shinzuma, Shizuka pays more attention to the comic "White Rabbit Candy" written by Makoto Takahashi alone! Ever since the manga "White Rabbit Candy" began to be serialized, it has become one of the first comics Shizuka reads every time he gets a monthly sample!

The plot of the comic "White Rabbit Candy" is not very complicated. At least after observing the content of the first chapter, Jing Hehe has already vaguely guessed the style and plot direction of this comic... Just as Takahashi Makoto said. In other words, compared to his own "Zhan", the content of the first chapter of the comic "White Rabbit Candy" seems to be slightly inferior!

Although just judging from the content of the first episode, the plot of the manga "Zhan" is more interesting than the manga "White Rabbit Candy", Shizuka is not arrogant enough to think that he has surpassed Makoto Takahashi! Because Shizuka knows that neither Makoto Takahashi nor the comic "White Rabbit Candy" can only be this level...

Because the manga "White Rabbit Candy" is neither the pinnacle of the manga artist Phoenix's fierceness, nor is it the true strength of Makoto Takahashi... Shizuka knows this very well!

At least judging from the situation obtained from the editorial side of the monthly magazine, this is indeed the case...

"Well... although the current performance of the comic "Zhan" is finally out of the stalemate with "Railgun", it is indeed a little behind the comic "White Rabbit Candy", but I am still very optimistic about Mr. Shizuka Yours! If the plot of the manga "Zhan" continues to be at this level, I think as long as it persists, Mr. Shizuka's comic "Zhan" will definitely surpass Mr. Phoenix's comic "White Rabbit Candy". This is not a consolation! It’s not a perfunctory thing... because I believe in your ability, Mr. Jinghe!” This was the answer given by the editor in charge of Jinghe when he asked about his own comic performance and the other two comics!

It did not conceal the fact that the comic "Zhan" is currently not inferior to the performance of the comic "White Rabbit Candy", nor did it conceal the information that the comic "Railgun" is slightly ahead, nor did it take the opportunity to accuse or ridicule... Jing Hehe edited from the monthly magazine What I got there was not so much real information as it was encouragement full of trust and praise!

This is not the first time that Jinghe asked his editor about the results, but the result is still the same... the results of the comic "Zhan" this time are still not as good as the comic "White Rabbit Candy"!

"The result is still a little worse this time...?" Jing Hehe, who has always regarded himself as [Phoenix Academy's fierce disciple], although he had expected this result, when he actually faced it, he still found it a bit difficult. accept! "Phoenix Academy teacher is still as awesome as ever! It seems that my previous guess may be true... right?"

Because the comic "Zhan" was his first work after leaving his assistant and becoming a cartoonist, the Phoenix Academy teacher deliberately prevented the comic from being serialized successfully for the sake of his incompetent disciple...

Even after the manga "White Rabbit Candy" began to be serialized, from the content of the first chapter, one can feel the attitude of a middle-class cartoonist who still refused to go all out...

Everything that the Phoenix Academy teacher did, everything that was hidden under the randomness and willfulness, was actually just to give all-round help to his incompetent disciple...

Maybe it’s because Shizuhe admires Makoto Takahashi too much, or maybe because Shizuhe is too imaginative... In short, due to various reasons, all the [interest-driven] actions of a certain middle-class cartoonist are completely unacceptable. It was thought by Jinghe’s classmate that [this is the teacher’s deliberate behavior to take care of him in all aspects]... This is Jinghe’s speculation, or it is just the behavior of a certain boy [who has just turned from an assistant to a cartoonist] What a crazy idea!

Should I say that he is worthy of being the cartoonist Jing Hehe... What a ferocious brain-feeding ability this is!


Are you unwilling?

Maybe! Not only because the comic "Zhan" failed to surpass the comic "White Rabbit Candy" as expected, but more importantly, Jinghe River felt that he was once again taken care of by a middle school cartoonist... because he was weak, because he was not strong enough to be worthy of the person he admired to face with all his strength!

Is he angry?

Maybe? After all, this is a comic that he worked hard to complete in order to prove himself, but in the end, not only did he fail to prove himself, but he was completely suppressed by a comic that looked extremely simple in both character design and plot... He worked hard and seriously, but got such a result. Even a boy like Jinghe River who is usually not good at speaking would have angry fire in his heart!

Of course, more importantly...

"In order not to let down Mr. Fenghuangyuan's care for me..."

Whether it's unwillingness or anger, it will always disappear with the passage of time, but the reason that makes my body tremble constantly at this moment...

"In order to get Mr. Fenghuangyuan's recognition..."

At this moment, the passion that drives my body and the burning in my heart...

"As a disciple, I still need to work hard!"

Is it the existence called [Fighting Will]?

"Then Mr. Fenghuangyuan..."

I didn't spend too much time to sigh, nor did I spend too much time to feel melancholy. The only thing to do now is the only thing I can do...

"Next... Please witness the bravery of my unworthy disciple Jinghe River!"

I just do my best to complete the comic draft that I should complete!

That's all!

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