A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 606: Interesting, or... just out of interest

Chapter 606 Interesting, or just out of interest

Compared to the middle school manga artist who has already opened the [Crazy] aura and is in a busy state, and the girl who is also desperate under the aura, Nizuma Eiji, who has also accepted the invitation to participate in the [God's Advent Plan], is much more relaxed... Of course, this seemingly free time is only temporary!

After all, at this stage, Nizuma Eiji still needs to serialize in both weekly and monthly magazines at the same time. Although he is a little unwilling, he still accepts Takahashi Makoto's weird excuse of [pacifying the country before fighting foreign enemies]...So Nizuma Eiji is not as busy as Takahashi Makoto for the time being, making the simple boy Sorata dumbfounded!


Nizuma Eiji, a manga artist with aspirations and fantasies, has not yet intervened at this time, so naturally he will not know how crazy and strict the requirements of a middle school manga artist are for every page of the comic in that comic!

Although Makoto Takahashi has provided all the characters and part of the plot, Eiji Niizuma did not follow his usual preferences and start drawing the comics in his spare time after completing his comics. Instead, he carefully thought about the plot and characters while reading the comics "One Punch Man" serialization over and over again!

Eiji Niizuma can be regarded as someone who has read the serialized version of the comic "One Punch Man" and the magical [original version]... Of course, Yoshida, the editor-in-chief who read both versions of the comics under the coercion of a certain chuuni cartoonist, cannot be counted because his observation behavior was influenced by external forces rather than his own will!

A comic can influence the observer, making him interested in the world constructed in the comic, and even willing to spend time and effort to search for information and conduct in-depth research. Then, the observer will be excited because he finds some similar or similar information in the process of searching for information and research; or the observer will feel a sense of accomplishment as he gets more and more familiar with everything constructed in the comic... The root of all this is the phrase "interest" that Saitama teacher often says!

... In short, it is the so-called "interesting"!

As long as the comic is interesting...

Comics can be serialized if they are interesting...

This was the concept of the entire weekly "Shonen Jumk" when Editor-in-Chief Sasaki was still in office, or it could be said that he warned and recognized Eiji Niizuma when he was willful and reckless... Although Editor-in-Chief Sasaki has left the weekly now, the concept planted in the hearts of many cartoonists at the time has already sprouted... No, it should be said that it has grown vigorously!

As early as when observing the magical style of the original version of "One Punch Man", compared to the other cartoonists who were amazed by the almost clumsy style of Makoto Takahashi, Eiji Nizuma felt the potential of this comic... and the huge pressure that this comic would bring to him after serialization!

Now the development of the facts is just as Eiji Nizuma expected. The comic "One Punch Man" is quite interesting and well received by readers... and since the serialization, almost every time the results of the comic performance statistics come out, the comic "One Punch Man" always beats his comic "Hero Academia" with a slight advantage!

Is the comic "One Punch Man" interesting?

Of course it is interesting... Otherwise, Eiji Nizuma would not have submitted a comic with a similar theme to the serialization meeting after seeing this hero-themed comic!

Is "Hero Academia" completed by Eiji Nizuma interesting?

Of course it is interesting, otherwise this manga would not be compared with the manga "One Punch Man" in the weekly magazine, from the fighting power between characters to the development of the plot... by readers from all aspects horizontally and vertically!

He did this because of "interest"... Should we say that Eiji Nizuma deserves to be called a "genius cartoonist" by the former editor-in-chief of the weekly magazine, Sasaki?

Not long ago, after learning from Makoto Takahashi that the manga "One Punch Man" was going to be completed, Eiji Nizuma did not try his best to stop it like a certain editor-in-chief did... because Eiji Nizuma could understand why Makoto Takahashi was going to end it!

It's not the weird reason of "offering it as a sacrifice to summon the masterpiece", but because the manga artist Hououin Kyouma himself has lost interest and enthusiasm in comics and doesn't plan to continue drawing... No, it can't be said that way. There should be another work that has shifted all the attention of the manga artist Hououin Kyouma to it, and he is even willing to give up all the popularity and achievements of the comic "One Punch Man" since its serialization!

Just like when Eiji Nizuma debuted, he temporarily changed the serialized work!

"A comic that is more interesting than the comic "One Punch Man"..." Eiji Nizuma's eyes flashed with excitement, and he couldn't help but shout loudly, "I can accept the invitation of Mr. Hououin and join in to complete it... Ah, I really want to finish all the comics I am serializing now!"

The editor-in-chief Yujiro, who had just entered the door, felt a lot of pressure after hearing Eiji Nizuma's brutal speech...

Before, because of Makoto Takahashi's intention to end the manga, the editor-in-chief Yoshida had to inform all the editorial senior staff at the serialization meeting after repeated persuasion failed... To be honest, when I saw Yoshida, my usually sharp-tongued colleague, being besieged and denounced by the editorial staff, Yujiro was still a little excited!

But now, as soon as he arrived at Eiji Niizuma's house and heard Eiji Niizuma's brutal declaration, Yujiro's original joy and excitement disappeared in an instant... Is this the so-called [retribution]?

"Well, Nizuma-kun, you just said that you want to finish all the comics that are currently serialized..." Yujiro, who thought that everything he heard before was a so-called [auditory hallucination], held a devout hope like a believer, and cautiously asked Nizuma Eiji, "...I must have heard it wrong, right? I must have heard it wrong, right? Ahaha, I must have heard it wrong, right?"

"Oh, Yujiro-san, you're here!" Nizuma Eiji didn't notice the expectant look on Yujiro's face, and calmly said what Yujiro didn't want to hear the most at this moment, "You didn't hear it wrong! I really want to finish all the serializations quickly..."

"Absolutely not!" Yujiro first stated his attitude firmly, then slowed down his tone and began to ask Nizuma Eiji the reason, "Speaking of Nizuma-kun, let's not talk about the manga "A Certain Scientific Railgun" serialized in the monthly magazine... The popularity of the manga "Hero Academia" is now But it's quite impressive! If there is no special reason, please don't easily say something disturbing like [want to finish] or [plan to stop publication]!"

"Yada! I just..." When Niizuma Eiji was about to say something, he noticed the weekly "Shonen Jumk" magazine in Niizuma Eiji's hand, and then immediately asked with shining eyes, "Hey, Yujiro-san, the issue of the weekly in your hand... is it the latest issue?"

"Yeah, I brought it to you by the way!" Yujiro put on a calm look as if [I just happened to pass by and didn't come here on purpose], "By the way, don't change the subject! What did you just say... What exactly is going on?"

"Ah, Hououin-sensei is really planning to finish "One Punch Man"! "After getting the latest issue of the weekly, Niizuma Eiji decisively ignored Yujiro's question... No, it should even be said that he ignored Yujiro's existence! "Enemy from the universe... This kind of setting usually appears in the [Final Battle]!"

"Hey, Nizuma-kun!? I say Nizuma-kun!!!" At this time, Nizuma Eiji, who has been completely immersed in the comic world, cannot be awakened by a mere weekly editor, so he still holds this naive and childish delusion, Yujiro...

You'd better accept your fate as soon as possible... or just give up!

Tsk, after watching Uncle Ba's [Food] teaching, a certain cat who originally planned to make some midnight snacks suddenly couldn't feel the buff called [Hunger] at all.

Alas, the adaptability of the human body is really poor. By the way, it's time to watch Food Wars!

Ahem, dear readers, please rest early, that's all!

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