A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 613: Disaster Level of Takahashi Makoto and Mashiro Girl

Since Makoto Takahashi finished his comic book One Punch Man serialized in the weekly magazine, he did not hand over some of the completed comic manuscripts to the editor-in-chief Yoshida to submit to the serialization meeting as he did before. Instead, he began to accumulate comic manuscripts like animals storing food for the winter... and this also means that the editor-in-chief Yoshida has reduced the frequency of coming to Makoto Takahashi!

Although he has avoided being ridiculed and teased by a certain middle school cartoonist... But for the editor-in-chief Yoshida of the weekly magazine, this is not something worth celebrating!

Colleagues on the weekly editorial side secretly spread that the reason why Hououin Kyouma, who was once praised as the "evil manga artist" in the weekly "Shonen Jumk" for a long time, has not started a new comic series for a long time is because he has run out of ideas and can't think of new plots or draw new comics...

"Let me tell you, Cheng is drawing a very interesting comic..."

"It's not that he has run out of ideas, but Cheng has very high requirements for the quality of comics. As far as I know, the comic draft of the first chapter of that comic has been redrawn no less than five times..."

"Do you know the famous genius girl painter Mashiro..."

"That genius girl, Now I am helping Cheng to complete the new comic as an assistant..."

"Humph! So you short-sighted people can imagine that the comic that Cheng is about to serialize will dominate the weekly with a crushing attitude..."

In the beginning, Yoshida would be unhappy about these rumors, and then he would use his unparalleled eloquence of [poisonous tongue] to refute them...

However, as time passed, one month, two months, and now it has been almost three months, Takahashi Makoto still has no plans to serialize a new comic, and the editor-in-chief Yoshida can no longer refute the rumors among his colleagues as before!

To be honest, if he hadn't accidentally witnessed the comic manuscript privately saved by a certain chuuni cartoonist, and if a certain chuuni cartoonist had repeatedly [requested] Yoshida not to disclose any news about the new serialized comic in advance... Maybe Yoshida, like his colleagues on the weekly editorial side, would doubt whether Takahashi Makoto still has the ability to construct a new plot and complete a new comic!

"This is not scientific at all..." Since Takahashi Makoto's comics in the weekly magazine were finished, Yoshida didn't know how many times he had repeated this sentence in such a resentful tone...

According to Yoshida's understanding of a certain chuuni manga artist, after completing the content of a new comic's comic manuscript, Takahashi Makoto likes to show off and show off in the first place?

Remember when the comic "One Punch Man" was completed, after part of the comic manuscript was completed, it was the kind of storyboard that was not as good as the ordinary cartoonists', full of magic and even distorted in style [original version], didn't the chuuni manga artist still show off in a very proud way, inviting several cartoonists who were familiar with him and friendly to him?

But it was Takahashi Makoto who liked to show off in Yoshida's memory. This time, he was able to not disclose any matters related to the new comics for a full three months! Not to mention the chuuni manga artist's ability to keep secrets...

Speaking of Takahashi Makoto... he actually has such a strong tolerance! ? He didn't help showing off to others! ?

This is really not scientific at all! ! !

Even Yoshida began to doubt that this middle school cartoonist who was drawing comics at home was a fake Phoenix Court murderer!

For some unreasonable, unscientific and even inhumane behaviors, humans may not be able to accept them at the beginning, but as time goes by, humans will gradually get used to those behaviors and no longer resist them as before. To exaggerate, they may even become dependent on them and become [unable to live normally without such habits]... The theory may be a little obscure or even difficult to understand, but if you give an example, it is almost similar to the principle of taming (training) cats and dogs, as well as men and women!

From this point alone, humans are indeed a very strange creature... or existence!

Of course, making humans accept certain behaviors, even turning them from habits into dependence... This kind of crazy practice is definitely worse than Pavlov's [dog saliva fanatic collector]! This behavior is essentially the same as some unspeakable drugs, which are potentially addictive, that is, once humans get involved and become dependent, they can no longer easily get out of it!

Just like Yoshida, the editor-in-chief of a certain chuuni cartoonist, after getting used to being tricked by a certain chuuni cartoonist, he gradually developed a kind of dependence that [I feel uncomfortable if I am not ridiculed and teased today]... Tsk tsk tsk, it seems that [every sadist has a sadist heart] This is not just an urban legend, but a naked reality!

Compared to Yoshida, the editor-in-chief who pretends to be confident on the surface but is already extremely anxious in his heart, Takahashi Makoto's life is very easy... After all, compared to the need to serialize multiple comics at the same time before, now he only needs to concentrate all his energy and complete a comic seriously!

Although the quality requirements for comic manuscripts are a bit... ahem, they should be very strict!

"White coat, why is King Arthur a woman?"

"Mashiro girl, in this world where everything can be feminized, feminizing a mere legendary King Arthur... shouldn't it be a natural choice?" In response to Mashiro girl's doubts, Takahashi Makoto pretended to be a matter of course, "What's more, the leader of Britain now is not the black prince's father, White Curly, but the real Queen... To some extent, this can also be regarded as leaving the possibility of [super fusion] for the two-dimensional world and the three-dimensional world!"

"Oh! I see..." After the doubts were answered, Mashiro girl lowered her head and continued to draw Draw... However, after working for just a moment, the girl Mashiro looked up again and asked, "Then why don't you make all the characters feminine?"

"All feminine... Oh! Girl, you have a lot of ideas. Learn from me how to conquer the world and play with humans!" After hearing Mashiro's creative proposal, Takahashi Makoto paused and thought for a moment, and a [pleasant] smile appeared on his face, "I've decided! After this comic is serialized, I will start to draw all feminine fan fiction!"

"White coat, you haven't answered my question yet..." It seems that Mashiro is... unexpectedly persistent in some aspects!

"Hmm... How should I put it..." Although Takahashi Makoto looked very conflicted, he quickly answered Mashiro's question, "If all the characters in the comics are feminized, not to mention the time it takes to modify the plot, it will make the weekly editors and my cats all mad... More importantly, Mashiro, nowadays is an era that values ​​looks and appearance!"

"In an era that values ​​appearance...?" The innocent Mashiro said she couldn't understand...

"Since the comics revolve around the [Holy Grail War], it will inevitably be accompanied by the death of the characters..." Takahashi Makoto put on a compassionate expression and said with a slightly melancholy tone, "If all the characters are feminized, Feminization, in comics, there will naturally be female characters with various attributes and cute points, and then... it seems a bit too cruel to kill these female characters! "

Listening to Takahashi Makoto's reluctant tone, Uncle Ding Ding, who was also drawing comics, and the boy Kota, who was helping Mashiro to post the grid, twitched their mouths in an unusually synchronous manner...

In the comic "Rebellion", you let Lelouch shoot Euphemia directly and bury Shirley with his own hands...

In the comic "Madoka", you killed the senior sister very cruelly, played with Sayaka, and dragged Kyoko into hell...

You who drew these comics now actually said that you can't kill people because of their appearance!?

Takahashi Makoto, you really dare to say that!

"Speaking of which, Mashiro-chan, you have a servant named Kota who you can play with at any time... I really envy you!" After answering Mashiro-chan's question, Takahashi Makoto suddenly changed the subject for no apparent reason, "My cats haven't appeared recently, so I can't get any pleasure at all... Tsk, I'm unhappy!"

"Kota is mine!" Like a little lion declaring its sovereignty over food, Mashiro-chan hugged Kota-chan's arm and stared at Takahashi Makoto seriously, "I can't lend it to you... the white coat!"

"... Eh? Why, why did you suddenly change the subject to me?" Kota-chan, who was caught in the crossfire, Mashiro-chan and a certain chuunibyou manga artist who were having a fierce eye exchange, complained helplessly, "And... I'm not a commodity! Not even a toy!"

"Tsk, stingy!" Takahashi Makoto smacked his lips in dissatisfaction, and then... and then continued to draw the comics with his head down!

"I won, Sorata!" Mashiro said in a calm tone, and then... and then, like a certain chuunibaku manga artist, she continued to draw the comics!


Successfully provided Mashiro and a certain chuunibaku manga artist with a sense of [pleasure]... From this point of view, Sorata is a very remarkable existence!


It's really terrible!

The combination of a natural fool and a chuunibaku partner... the degree of terror is rising geometrically!

Uncle Ding Ding, who silently watched the whole process of [Sorata's misery], tried his best to maintain a posture of [I was drawing comics seriously and didn't see anything], but in his heart, he quietly raised Mashiro's disaster level to [Dragon Level]!

By the way, in Uncle Ding Ding's mind, the disaster level of a certain chuunibaku manga artist... is [Super God Level]!

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