A million ways to survive in the dungeon

Chapter 107 One Zero Seven: The Fall of Genius

It was a snowy winter six years ago.

One hundred and twenty kilometers outside the royal city, there is a family in the small town of Lujiao Bay.

In front of the simple dining table, the family of three lowered their heads and remained silent.

The eldest one is a middle-aged woman in her forties, with a head full of snowy hair that looks older than sixty years old.

In his hand was a handkerchief with several holes in it, which had been used for who knows how many years.

"For this money, let's think of something else for my mother."

The young man wearing silver armor and carrying a sword clenched his fists tightly and said nothing.

There was a look of guilt between his eyebrows.


Next to him, a petite and cute girl gently held his hand: "It's okay, it's money, I'll just earn it back when you become a big hero.

Besides, didn't you always say you were not interested in women before? It's not easy to find one you like. If my mother and I make do with each other, we will definitely help you get the rest of the betrothal gift. "

The young man was silent for a long time, and in the end he could only squeeze out a hum from his throat.

That was Zheng Sepi, who was only twenty years old.

He, one of the two prides of the royal city, was troubled by a mere tens of thousands of gold coins.

"What's wrong? Zheng Sepi? Didn't you say you're about to get engaged? Why don't you look so good lately?"

Returning to the Zhanwang Gate, Luo Xia greeted him enthusiastically as soon as he entered the training ground.

The spear in his hand was eager to try, obviously because Zheng Sepi had been away for three days and had no suitable opponent to practice with, so he was a little hungry and thirsty.

"It's okay, I'm fine."

Zheng Sepi didn't waste any time. He pulled out his sword and slashed it with one stroke, knocking Luo Xia back several steps.

The apprentices around him exclaimed.

Rorschach is level 30. Currently, in the King of War sect, except for the newcomer Kacheski, no one has a higher level than him.

Zheng Sepi actually struck lightly with his sword. He tried his best to parry but was still struck back several steps.

"Hi~wow." Rorschach couldn't stop trembling with his gun in his hand.

He opened and relaxed the hand holding the gun several times, and then the numbness in the palm of his hand was relieved: "You are not level 40, are you? Why are your muscles so strong?"

Zheng Sepi, however, turned the sword around a few times in a bored manner, and finally the tip of the sword touched the ground: "It's just level 39."

"Huh? Another level up."

The drop of cold sweat on Luo Xia's excited face betrayed the shock in his heart.

He took a lunge and counterattacked towards Zheng Sepi.

The messy rain of guns swatted at Zheng Sepi like a hedgehog.

However, Zheng Sepi always held the knife in one hand, moving around and parrying easily.

After only three or five moves, Zheng Sepi hit him in the abdomen with the handle of his knife and was knocked away again.

After six or seven rounds, Rorschach, who had exhausted his AP, knelt on the ground on one knee, leaning on his spear and breathing heavily.

"I really can't beat you." Luo Xia shook his head and said with a wry smile: "You are progressing too fast. If this continues, you will definitely become the king of battle, right?"

Zheng Sepi sheathed his sword and said without interest: "I don't know, but you should be able to do it, right? We are only 9 levels short."

"Stop making fun of me. It's not like you don't know how big the actual gap is between us."

After saying that, Luo Xia stood up after taking a breath, stepped forward, hooked Zheng Sepi's shoulder, and said with a smile: "Hey, by the way, how are you and Xiao Xuan doing?"

"It's okay." Zheng Sepi put the knife into its sheath, his expression basically unchanged.

Luo Xia Nu pursed her lips: "You're so cold. How did you get your personality to fall in love with Zong Renling's daughter?"

"Who knows?"

Zheng Sepi said and walked out the door: "I'm patrolling the streets today, so I'll leave first."

Luo Xia stared at Zheng Sepi's back and smiled softly.

In this year, Zheng Sepi was in high spirits.

No one in the streets knows its name.

Level 39, the fiancé of Zongren Ling's daughter, a seed player who has high hopes from the acting war king. Once he reaches level 40, he will be the youngest Ningjin-level adventurer in Eastern Sichuan.

But behind this glamor, no one knows about Zheng Sepi's suffering.

Being a famous risk-taker doesn't necessarily mean you have money.

Zheng Sepi has no interest in fame and fortune, nor in women.

When he was six years old, Zheng Sepi's father was buried forever in the snow in order to protect Lujiao Bay.

My father was just an ordinary soldier.

But his spirit of hard work and thrift will forever be imprinted on Zheng Sepi’s DNA.

My father died to protect his family and the people.

From that year on, Zheng Sepi vowed to inherit his father's last wish.

Eliminate the monsters and protect the people until death.

"Brother, can't you act like an ordinary boy and think about lewd things in your mind?"

"I'm not interested in women."

"No, I mean, you always want to start a family, right? You are the only male in our family. Although I admire you very much and will not pour cold water on your determination, but...but what you do is so dangerous, I I'm afraid that if you...are like dad, our family...our family will be the last to die."

As my sister spoke, she mumbled: "If it wasn't ethically unfeasible, I wouldn't mind giving you one."

"What is this? Urgent marriage?"

"What do you call urging marriage? I just hope that my brother will not have to work so hard and can have the same happiness as ordinary people. Of course, if my brother is not willing, then there is nothing I can do."

My sister had said such things before, and Zheng Sepi had always taken them to heart, but she had never found a girlfriend.

Because career is the most important thing.

But later, the reputation of Wangcheng's Shuangjiao spread, and even reached the ears of Ling Xiao Baoguo, the clan leader of Wangcheng at that time.

Soon, Xiao Baoguo extended an olive branch to Zheng Sepi.

At first, Zheng Sepi wanted to refuse.

But then I thought about it.

Sister Zheng Ning'er's expectant eyes.

My mother was peeling sweet potatoes alone on the bed.

Think again about the ferocious monsters outside.

If I die, they, my relatives, will be all alone.

For the strong, death is nothing to be afraid of.

But his family is a concern that Zheng Sepi cannot let go of.

The clan leader has taken a fancy to my reputation as one of the two prides of the royal city, and hopes that I can join their family and make their family more prosperous.

The younger sister's future and the rest of her mother's life both need someone to take care of them.

Zheng Sepi finally thought twice and accepted the olive branch.

After that, he met Xiao Xuan, the daughter of Zongren Ling.

At first, the two got along well.

Xiao Xuan has a gentle personality and is obedient to Zheng Sepi.

Every time she went out on a mission, she would give him a kiss.

Every time she came home late at night, she would prepare a table full of hot meals.

Zheng Sepi, who was not interested in women at all, even felt that he had been too wrong in the past.

It turns out that the so-called happiness of ordinary people is such a warm feeling.


"If you want to marry my daughter, you must pay at least 60,000 gold coins as a bride price."

"Huh? Betrothal gift?"

When Zong Renling said this in the hall, Zheng Sepi was stunned.

To be honest, he had never thought about the bride price.

As an adventurer, as a warrior.

Zheng Sepi is not very interested in money.

In addition to his own equipment, medicine and training needs, more money is spent on some companions who cannot afford medical treatment and equipment.

After all, many of the soldiers around me do not have high incomes. Sometimes when they go to the battlefield, the swords they hold are so broken that they look like they have been chewed by dogs.

Zheng Sepi didn't want them to die on the battlefield because their equipment and medical treatment couldn't keep up. That would be an unjust death.

Therefore, I will often use my own money to provide some soldiers with new equipment or corresponding healing medicine.

Over the past few years, Luo Xia had saved 200,000 yuan, while Zheng Sepi only had 20,000 to 30,000 yuan in savings.

Sixty thousand gold coins stumped these two prides for a while.

However, Zong Renling said: "What? You don't think that if I extend an olive branch to you, you don't have to pay anything?

The betrothal gift is sincerity, 60,000 yuan, which is already very cheap for people like us who are relatives of the emperor. If you don't want to, just break up with my daughter as soon as possible.

There is no shortage of geniuses in the royal city! "

When Zheng Sepi went to Xiao Xuan to discuss the matter in private afterwards, Xiao Xuan's answer became the first step that led Zheng Sepi to a dead end.

"Is 60,000 gold coins a lot? Oh, just think of a way. Zheng Zheng, you are the pride of the royal city. It's easy to earn 60,000 gold coins, right? Why don't you just take on a few extremely dangerous tasks?

My dad said that we have been talking for too long and we can’t delay it any longer. If you can’t come up with 60,000 yuan next month, he will help me find other candidates, and he already has someone.

So, I have no idea, you can figure it out yourself. "


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