"The gang I founded, Jingjiao Club, has 64,000 ordinary members and more than 7,000 core members. It is one of the three overlords in Lanzhou. The main helm is located in Jiayuan City, and the sub-helms are..."

"I married five wives throughout my life, gave birth to two daughters, and took on disciples..."

"The eldest lady Jin, with a gentle personality, and the only daughter of Jin Can, the chief escort of the Golden Lion Escort Bureau, has been killed, leaving behind a daughter, Mo Yuzhu."

"The second wife, Mrs. Li, is a well-educated and sensible woman. She is the daughter of a wealthy family and has no children.

"The third lady, Mrs. Liu, is fierce by nature, but quite ambitious. She is the sister of Liu Feng, the master of the Changfeng Gate in Quling City. She has no children, so we need to pay more attention to her.

"The fourth wife, Yan, is Yu's cousin. She is calm by nature, scheming, and has a noble demeanor. She gave birth to a daughter, Mo Caihuan. When she left, most of the power of Jingjiao Society was handed over to Yan, so she can be trusted.

"The fifth lady, Mrs. Wang, is taciturn and has a crush on me. The former first lady, Mrs. Jin, is a personal maid. She has no children. She secretly holds a secret power and can be trusted absolutely.

"The adopted daughter Mo Fengwu was the daughter of a former confidant. Her parents died, and she was later adopted as an adopted daughter. She was only seven years old when she left, and she was very smart."

"Yan Ge, the eldest disciple, has average qualifications. He has been taught the secret skill Demon Silver Hand. He was twelve years old when he left, and his character was undecided."

"Zhao Kun, the second disciple, has extraordinary qualifications. He has taught the unique skill of trapped dragon skill. He was ten years old when he left, and his character was undecided."

"Ma Kongtian, sworn brother, serves as the chief protector of the Jingjiao Society, his temperament..."


Han Li was holding Doctor Mo's suicide note full of handwriting in his hand, and was walking back and forth in the upper room of a hotel called Huiyuan Inn, thinking about something.

The suicide note was written very carefully. It not only explained clearly the Jingjiao Society, the foundation founded by Dr. Mo, but also briefly described the temperaments of all his wives, which made Han Li feel a little better. end.

However, the things mentioned in the suicide note were all nearly ten years ago, and the situation must have changed drastically now.

How to do it specifically? Should he get in touch with Dr. Mo's wife, or should he steal the jade and run away? This decision can only be made after Han Li learns the details.

In this way, Sun Ergou, the local snake whom he conquered yesterday, will be of great use, and I am sure we can get a lot of useful information from him.

After Han Li read the suicide note again, he put it in his arms. He looked up and thought about it, then walked to the bed and sat down.

He spread his legs to the left and right, placed his hands on his knees with his palms facing the sky, then closed his eyes and began to look inside at the situation inside his body.

The cold poison in the Dantian has been spreading outwards since a month ago. It was originally just a faint shadow, but now it has condensed into a black mass the size of a pea, and it is still spreading. It stops getting bigger.

According to Han Li's own estimation, it will take at most two months for this evil to completely explode. By then, he might really have to die.

When Han Li was worried and secretly determined to get the "Warm Yang Baoyu", someone knocked on the door outside.

"Come in!" Han Li opened his eyes and said coldly.

The door of the house was gently pushed open, and Sun Ergou walked in with his head lowered. When he saw Han Li, he bowed deeply, and then said respectfully:

"Hello, Master! Sun Ergou is here to listen to your instructions!"

"Not bad, you came to the door so quickly, you really have some skills!" Han Li said with satisfaction, then stood up from the bed, put his hands behind his back and walked to Sun Ergou.

"Thank you for the compliment, Master. If you can't do such a small thing, then what's the use of Master keeping the villain's life?" Sun Ergou expressed his loyalty with a smile on his face.

When Sun Ergou went back that day, he didn't think about reporting Han Li's matter to his superiors, and then bring the masters to take revenge. But when he thought about taking that "Rotten Heart Pill", all his courage disappeared completely.

After a night of hard thinking, he still had no choice. In desperation, he had no choice but to come to see Han Li, hoping that after giving him help, the other party would really be able to give him an antidote and remove this fatal "corrupted heart pill".

"Let's talk about your identity first! Judging from your appearance that day, it seems that you are still a young man." Han Li said leisurely and indifferently.

"I am the steward of the Siping Gang in Xicheng at that dock. With forty or fifty subordinates, I can be considered a leader." Sun Ergou said respectfully.

"Siping Gang?" Han Li asked calmly.

"Yes, the Siping Gang is one of the thirty-three small gangs in the west city of Jiayuan City. There are nearly a thousand gang members, most of whom are porters and coolies at the pier. The leader of the gang is Yuan Jizhongshan, who has three major protectors." Sun Ergou immediately He had all the knowledge and knowledge, and even though he was revealing information about his gang to outsiders, there was no trace of shame on his face.

"Is the big black man who attacked me yesterday also from the Siping Gang?"

"That's not the case. That man's name is Black Bear. He is the leader of the Iron Fist Club of the Thirty-Three Gangs. He and I have never been a bad enemy." Sun Ergou replied with a flattering smile.

"There are so many gangs in West City alone, so there must be even more gangs in Jiayuan City?" Han Li slowly turned back to the bed with his hands behind his back.

"Yes, there are more than forty small gangs with less than a thousand people in Jiayuan City, seven or eight medium-sized gangs with two to three thousand people, and there are as many as three large gangs with more than ten thousand people." Sun Ergou stood there and said honestly.

"Then tell me about the big and medium gangs, and don't talk about the small gangs!" Han Li lifted his clothes, sat on the edge of the bed, and waited quietly for Sun Ergou's story.

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