A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 108 Entering Mo Mansion at Night

The backyard of Mo Mansion was a large garden with many rare flowers and plants planted in it. Although it was difficult to see clearly due to the dark sky, the strong fragrance of the flowers still filled his heart and lungs, making Han Li take a deep breath.

"Hey! Han Li suddenly exclaimed. Although the fragrance of these flowers was strong and tangy, he could still distinguish the familiar fragrance of herbs.

"Someone is growing herbs here." Han Li chuckled. This extremely familiar smell made him curious about the person who planted it. It seemed that someone in the Mo Mansion had inherited Dr. Mo's medical skills.

Han Li didn't dare to delay any longer, so he slowly followed the path in the garden to where there were still lights.

Along the way, Han Li discovered several hidden sentinels. If he hadn't been able to detect people, it would have been difficult to detect them. It seems that the security of Mo Mansion is very tight.

But since he had figured it out, it would be easy for him to bypass these sentries.

Han Li stopped in front of a two-story building.

The reason why he chose this place was because he found that the security in this building was much tighter than in other places. There were twenty or thirty people guarding the area.

Han Li saw that the second floor of the small building was still brightly lit, and knew that there should be important people in the Mo Mansion who had not yet fallen asleep, which was a good time for him to investigate.

So, he took advantage of the night and was as fast as lightning. In a blink of an eye, he quickly reached the downstairs. Then he pushed his feet hard and climbed up to the second floor. The whole process was completed in an instant. The bright lights all around him There were secret sentries on guard posts, but they did not notice Han Li's invasion at all.

Han Li stood close to the wall of the room on the second floor, letting his body disappear into the shadows, and then raised his ears to listen carefully to the situation in the room.

With his superhuman hearing, Han Li heard a woman talking in the room. It seemed that there was not only one person in the room.

"The Secret Helm of Changping Town sent us 7,300 taels of silver."

"The secret helm of Luogu Town has sent five thousand eight hundred taels of silver."

"Blue Moon Town Secret Helm, I will send you 15,000 taels of silver."

"Wu Ling Town..."


"These are the silvers sent by the Dark Helms last month. They are basically more than a quarter less than at this time in previous years."

A pleasant female voice came to Han Li's ears. The voice was clear and energetic. It sounded like a young daughter's, but her last words contained a hint of dissatisfaction.

"Mom, the people in charge of these dark helms are becoming more and more courageous! The money they send is getting less and less every month." The woman said angrily.

"I know, I know it from my heart!" Another low, magnetic female voice sounded.

"Is she one of the three beauties of the Mo family?" Han Li cheered up and felt that he was lucky. The other person in the room seemed to be Dr. Mo's wife.

"You always say you know it, can't you think of some ways to rectify it? If this continues, sooner or later those dark helms will not take our chief helms into consideration!" the young girl complained.

"I don't have a good idea now! You must know that the power of the dark helm has always been controlled by your mother alone! No one else in the Mo Mansion can get involved!" The woman replied helplessly.

As soon as these words came out, the room fell silent for a moment.

After a while, the young girl's unwilling voice came again: "Mom, are you really letting Wu Niang keep occupying the power of those dark helms? You know, since Uncle Ma and the others broke up a few years ago, and other After the suppression of the forces, the power of the Dark Helm has become the biggest pillar of our Jingjiao Society. Since you are the acting head of the Jingjiao Society, mother, of course this greatest power should be controlled by you!"

"That's true. But when your father left, it was your fifth mother who handed over the Dark Helm to you. I really have no excuse to interfere. And now your Fifth Mother takes most of the profits from the Dark Helm every month. After handing it over to the chief helm, I will be even more embarrassed to ask any more questions!" the woman said lightly.

"But our Jingjiao Association is already very weak. If we don't integrate our forces, how can we still hope to make a comeback? Dad, it's true! Since I've left the affairs of the Jingjiao Association to your mother, why do you still have to deal with the secrets of the Jingjiao Association? The helm is now exclusively given to Wu Niang!" The young girl's voice was full of resentment, and she was obviously very dissatisfied with the father she spoke of.

"Don't talk nonsense! Your father certainly has deep meaning in doing this. How could you, a child, make random comments?" The woman sternly reprimanded the girl.

"I see, why don't I admit my mistake? It seems that my mother is really infatuated with her father!" The girl seemed to be used to this, and looked like she didn't care. Instead, she started to make fun of her mother.

"You kid..." The woman was so doting on this girl that she could only smile bitterly and remain silent.

Han Li was already sure that the woman in the room was the Yan family he was looking for, and the girl should be Mo Caihuan, the child he had with Doctor Mo. It seemed that he was really lucky to have found the right place right away.

Han Li reached out and touched the letter written by Doctor Mo and the token hidden under his body, and prepared to show up to meet the two men.

"Mom, that fake guy is so annoying! When he met me in the back garden today, he was so attentive to me and tried so hard to show off his literary talents. He looked like he thought he was versatile in both civil and military affairs. It's really annoying!" The girl suddenly acted coquettishly. He said something like that, which shocked Han Li, causing the kick he originally took to retract unconsciously.

"Be polite to that man surnamed Wu. After all, he is now your future brother-in-law in name. Don't let him see any flaws!" Yan became solemn after hearing this and said a little sternly.

"Ahem! The eldest sister has been pestered by this person all day long, and she pretends to be attracted to him. It's really hard for the eldest sister! If it were me, I would have chopped him down with a sword." The girl sighed.

"There is nothing we can do about it. Although we know that the person named Wu is a fake and have found out his details, in order to buy more time, we can only sacrifice your eldest sister's reputation and delay with this person's hypocrisy. After all, The enemy's momentum is too great. If they knew they couldn't defeat us, they would probably launch a strong attack immediately. We have no chance of winning!" Yan's voice was full of tiredness, and her words revealed the flavor of physical and mental exhaustion.

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