Hearing Li Yi's reminder, Huang Xiaoming was dubious: "Will such a thick porcelain basin be hot?"

"Try it if you don't believe it."

Li Yi let go of the hand that stopped him.

Huang Xiaoming glanced at the porcelain basin, but didn't start with it. Instead, he took a temperature measuring gun at the side and measured the temperature on the outside of the porcelain basin.


The temperature gun showed a temperature value, which was 165°C.

Seeing this number, Huang Xiaoming was afraid for a while: "I thought the thick porcelain basin would not be hot...Thank you!"

He thanked Li Yi, if Li Yi hadn't stopped him, he might have burned his hand right now.

"It's okay."

Li Yi waved his hand.

Huang Xiaoming just wanted to help.

But Huang Xiaoming's doubts are justified. There is a certain amount of time for the porcelain basin to transmit the temperature.

But it is because of this that it is more dangerous.

If Huang Xiaoming really picked up the porcelain basin just now, and then the scalding heat spread to his hands, he couldn't help but let go, the basin of hot oil would have to fall to the ground.

At that time, he will not be the only one who gets burned, and the feet of the people around him will probably suffer.

"Let it dry for a while, let it cool down and serve it again."

As Li Yi said, he brought two stainless steel bowls over, and scooped out two bowls of oil from the basin.

"Don't touch these oils, be careful to burn them."

He turned around and gave Liu Yifei and the others a warning, then returned to the counter and started making minced meat.

Less than a third of the meat from yesterday's slaughtered pigs was used to make the banquet.

The average weight of those ten big native pigs is about 150 jins, and the gross weight of ten is 1500 jins.

Calculated based on an 80% meat yield, ten pigs, including meat and bones, would weigh a total of 1,200 catties, or 600 kilograms.

The old people who came yesterday, together with the staff, totaled almost 200 people.

The meat and bones consumed for one banquet were about 35 catties, and only 350 catties were used for ten tables, which is not counting the suckling pigs.

Even so, the amount of dishes is already very large, and each person can get three and a half catties of vegetables on average.

So the old people didn't finish eating at all until the end, and the little suckling pigs were all eaten by the staff.

There are still more than 800 catties of local pork frozen in the freezer. For this reason, the sponsor specially sent two large freezers.

The meat will not taste good if it is not used up as soon as possible.

This time, I will make 3,000 servings of pasta, which is just enough to eliminate the meat.

When he was going to get suet, Li Yi took out a piece of plum blossom meat and put it on the freezer to thaw.

After boiling the oil at this moment, the meat just melted.

Bringing the plum blossom meat, he shaved off the skin, and then chopped the fat and thin meat into minced meat with a pair of knives.

After the minced meat was chopped, the temperature of the porcelain basin containing the lard also dropped.

After the sponsor delivered the freezer, the contents of the frozen layer in the refrigerator were transferred into the freezer.

After Li Yi put a few layers of tin foil in the freezer of the refrigerator, he put the porcelain basin in it.

Tin foil can speed up the heat transfer efficiency and shorten the cooling time.

Afterwards, Li Yi brought some tin foil and squeezed it into a bowl-shaped tray with his hands.

Then, he placed the stainless steel bowl filled with lard in the center of the tinfoil tray.

The stainless steel bowl is higher than the tin foil tray, but the tin foil tray is a circle larger than the stainless steel bowl.

Seeing Li Yi's operation, Zhao Jinmai was curious: "Brother Yi, what are you doing?"

"Cool the lard."

Li Yi was making another similar tray, and explained casually: "The temperature of lard must be lowered to below 15°C before it condenses. What I want is solid lard, so let it condense quickly."

With that said, he made another identical tinfoil tray and put another bowl of lard in it.

After setting up the two bowls of lard, Li Yi took out the liquid nitrogen.

The liquid nitrogen was carefully poured into the gap between the lard basin and the outer tin foil tray, and a billowing white mist evaporated, covering the lard basin.

As the white mist transpired, it could be vaguely seen that the lard in the basin had also begun to condense.

First, it started to condense from the walls and bottom of the basin, and then, the lard inside the basin also began to condense.

Li Yi observed the condensation of the lard, and seeing that it was almost done, he put on heat-resistant gloves and took out the lard bowl.

Seeing Li Yi's operation, not only the people present were amazed, but the audience in the live broadcast room also posted barrages of praise.

"Every time I see Brother Yi using liquid nitrogen, it feels like he is making alchemy."

"Actually, if you put it in the refrigerator, it can be frozen overnight, but Brother Yi probably wants to save time."

"The color is really white! It's like cream!"

"Extravagant, to use liquid nitrogen to cool down."

"In fact, the liquid nitrogen is that the tank is more expensive, and the liquid nitrogen itself is very cheap."

"Can ordinary people buy liquid nitrogen? Why haven't I seen anyone selling liquid nitrogen?"

"There are gas companies in every place. You can buy it yourself or have it delivered to your door. Liquid nitrogen is generally only 10 yuan a liter. Our laboratory tests are all delivered by the gas company."

Li Yi put the lard away, and saw the barrage floating in the live broadcast room.

Seeing the last item, he reminded: "It's best not to try it lightly at home, there is still a certain risk in using it if you have no experience in using it.

I only used this method to cool down to save time. If you are not in a hurry, it is best to choose natural cooling. "

After explaining, he glanced at the bullet screen a few more times to make sure that the audience understood what he said, and then turned around and started making mincemeat.

[Fresh Meat Mooncake] The stuffing is pure meat stuffing, there are no side dishes except pork.

The seasoning of the meat stuffing is also very simple, just the right amount of salt, sugar, white pepper powder, dark soy sauce, soy sauce, a little white wine, and some ginger juice, and it's done.

Master Cai was meticulously filming Li Yi's movements, which was strongly requested by the audience.

Glancing at the camera in front of him, Li Yi explained with a smile: "The filling method is very simple, there is nothing special about it. The key to this kind of Soviet-style mooncake lies in its crust."

With that said, he put the prepared minced meat aside and covered it with plastic wrap.

Next, he started making the pie crust.

He took a bag of low-gluten flour, and while digging the flour, he explained: "The skin of fresh meat mooncakes is the unique meringue of Soviet-style mooncakes.

This kind of pastry is made by mixing two kinds of noodles, one is dry pastry and the other is water oil noodles. "

As he said that, he brought another bag of all-purpose flour, dug out some, and put it in the basin.

Hearing Li Yi's introduction, Wu Lei, who was grinding glutinous rice flour, ran over: "I'll take a break, let's see how the dough is made."

Putting low-gluten flour and medium-gluten flour together, Li Yi introduced to the camera: "Dry pastry, as the name suggests, is to be dry.

Instead of using water to knead the dough, it uses lard.

The ratio of flour to lard used in dry pastry is generally 1:1.

But modern people do not lack oil and water in their stomachs. In order to eat more refreshingly, I changed the ratio to 5:4. "

Hearing Li Yi's introduction, Wu Lei hurriedly asked, "Can there be less lard?"


Li Yi vetoed it straight away: "It's not crispy enough if it's less."


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