"Brother Feng, are you okay?"

The assistant saw that the lid of the pot was broken, and hurried forward to ask about it.

Xie Tingfeng looked at his wrist, rubbed the burned area, and shook his head: "It's okay."

Fortunately, the splashed oil was not too big, and it was not very hot, but it was slightly red.

After Wu Lei heard the movement and saw what happened, he ran quickly to get tools to clean up the broken casserole.

"Are you okay, Brother Feng?"

He asked.

"It's okay, just a little accident."

Xie Tingfeng shook his head: "I'm sorry to trouble you."

"No trouble, it should be."

Wu Lei swept up the debris and asked with a smile, "Can you help me?"

"No, I can do it."

Xie Tingfeng returned to the stove and carefully looked at the sliced ​​ginger and garlic in the pot.

The ginger slices and garlic cloves were browned, but not mushy, but not crumbled anymore.

Seeing this, he hurriedly poured all the chicken on the side into the casserole, and started frying it with a frying spoon.

On the other side, Li Yi put the chicken into the pot before him, but he hasn't turned the chicken yet.

Holding the ears of the pot, Li Yi gently turned the body of the pot, letting the oil at the bottom of the pot fry the chicken pieces.

He would shake the pot every now and then.

At first the chicken nuggets were stuck to the bottom of the pan, but as they fried, the parts where the chicken nuggets touched the bottom of the pan began to shrink, the protein began to solidify, and the chicken nuggets fell off the bottom of the pan.

This is the basic skill of frying meat, and it can also be used when frying fish.

However, Xie Tingfeng obviously didn't understand this, and he started to fry the meat as soon as it was out of the pot.

Li Yi didn't even need to look to know that the chicken in his pot must have stuck to the bottom of the pot.

Gently shaking the pot, seeing that the chicken pieces began to fall off and slide, Li Yi held the ears of the pot and flipped the pot over, turning all the chicken pieces over completely.

Seeing that the bottom of Li Yi's pot was clean and there was almost no sign of sticking to the pot, the audience in the live broadcast room were very surprised, and they all sent barrage.

"Eh? Why didn't brother Yi stick to the pot? Xie Tingfeng's side has already stuck to the bottom of the pot."

"This pot is really good, isn't it the Zhangqiu iron pot that brother Yi said?"

"I don't take it seriously when I see it in class. Brother Yi said, this is the Leiden Frost effect."

"Isn't that right? That kind of effect needs to be heated to a very high temperature, but the temperature in this pot is not high, brother Yi?"

Li Yi was frying the chicken in the pan, and looked up at the barrage.

Seeing the doubts of the audience, Li Yi explained with a smile: "This is fried rice, not water fried rice, and it doesn't use the Leidenfrost effect.

It uses the density difference principle of oil-water separation and a certain Maillard reaction browning effect to achieve the non-stick effect. "

Hearing Li Yi's words, a series of "?" suddenly appeared in the live broadcast room.

Liu Yifei on the side couldn't help but ask in doubt: "Isn't the Maillard reaction adding to the flavor of the food?"

"True, but its browning also denatures the protein, dehydrates it, and separates it from the bottom of the pan."

Li Yi shook the frying pan while explaining: "Generally, starchy ingredients and protein ingredients stick to the pan, and when they directly touch the bottom of the pan, they will form water-insoluble compounds and stick to each other.

Whether it is a metal pot or a traditional casserole pot, clay pot, or clay pot, they all have tiny holes.

After the starch and protein in the ingredients enter the pores, they are easily denatured and solidified, leading to adhesion.

The Leidenfrost effect is to heat the food at high temperature, so that the water in the food evaporates quickly, forming an air cushion.

But it has a problem, that is, the temperature is too high, and it can only handle small ingredients, but it cannot handle larger ingredients.

It dehydrates and chars the ingredients quickly, which can lead to undercooking if the ingredients are too large.

And not every dish can take advantage of this effect.

For example, when dealing with relatively large ingredients, such as meat pieces and whole fish, there is no way to raise the temperature too high, otherwise it will be easy to burn. "

As he said that, while shaking the chicken pieces in the pot, Li Yi picked up the chicken pieces at the bottom of the pot with a frying spoon, and explained to the camera: "The principle of the Leidenfrost effect is essentially to keep the ingredients from the bottom of the pot without direct contact. Air cushion effect isolates ingredients.

So before this effect is applied, how to solve the sticking problem?

The same is true, just find a way to isolate the ingredients and the bottom of the pot.

As for the isolated raw material, it is the same everywhere in the world, that is grease. "

While speaking, the chicken nuggets in the pot had already started to fall off, Li Yi started to fry them with a frying spoon when he saw this, and continued: "The predecessor of the pot is a slate, and the slate can be used to fry and roast raw meat when placed on the fire.

Through frying and roasting, the ancients could find that in places with rich fat, the meat pieces will not stick to the slate, and in places with little fat, they will stick.

Based on this principle, Chinese chefs invented the technique of stir-frying.

On the basis of the frying method, stir frying and smooth frying have been developed.

Neither of these frying methods will stick, but they use two very different effects.

Stir-frying uses the Leidenfrost effect.

It uses high temperature to quickly evaporate the water on the surface of the food, producing a large number of air bubbles, which not only isolates the bottom of the metal pot, but also isolates the grease.

Stir-frying is to wrap the ingredients with a lot of oil, so that the ingredients will not directly contact the bottom of the pan and avoid sticking to the pan. It uses the principle of oil-water separation. "

As he spoke, Li Yi scooped up a piece of chicken that had been slightly charred on the surface, and asked the photographer to take a close-up, explaining: "Smooth frying can't completely separate the ingredients from the bottom of the pot, because of gravity, or The support points of some ingredients will break through the oil film and touch the bottom of the pot.

At this time, it is best to keep it still, let the ingredients continue to be heated, let the protein gradually denature, the water will be lost, and the texture will shrink, so that the place that originally adhered to the bottom of the pot will naturally fall off.

But this process takes time, so don't rush it.

When it is just out of the pot, the position where the ingredients are in contact with the bottom of the pot is still relatively moist and tender.

If you flip it in a hurry at this time, the sticky position will be stuck to the bottom of the pot and torn off.

If the ingredients are turned to the side, they will still be stuck.

Therefore, it is best to let the protein in the adhesion of the ingredients first denature, shrink and fall off, and then stir-fry, so that it will not stick to the pan. "

Listening to Li Yi's extremely detailed explanation, the audience in the live broadcast room suddenly realized.

"No wonder Xie Tingfeng's side was sticky all over the pot, he was too anxious to stir fry."

"This is called professionalism! The technology is all in this kind of detail!"

"So don't use your hobbies to challenge other people's careers, it's not at the same level at all!"

"As soon as an expert makes a move, he will know if there is any. Once the dish is cooked, the level will be tested!"

Xie Tingfeng could also see the barrage in the live broadcast room.

He silently stir-fried the chicken that had been broken into small pieces in the pan, and the chicken skin that fell off, without saying a word.

After hearing Li Yi's words, he realized that the reason why he fried the chicken stuck to the pan was because of a problem with the way he fried it.

But listening to Li Yi's mouthful of technical terms, he was at a loss.

It's just cooking, why do you need to know all kinds of reactions?

This is not a chemistry class. Is it necessary to make it so complicated?

Focusing on the pieces of chicken in his own pot, he quickly glanced at the wok in front of Li Yi.

Looking at the chicken nuggets in the pot that were intact and curled into beautiful flower knife balls, he tried to comfort himself.

Good-looking but not necessarily delicious, right?

Although his chicken was a bit crumbled, it was definitely more flavorful.

Seeing that the minced chicken and chicken skin stuck to the bottom of the pot had been peeled off, he took the wine bowl and soy sauce bowl and poured them into the pot together.


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