Hearing Li Yi's explanation, the stall owners couldn't help discussing in a low voice.

In front of the counter, on the screen held by the staff squatting on the ground, puzzled bullet screens also floated across.

"Don't you need to soak the glutinous rice?"

"When I make zongzi at home, I always soak them?"

"It has to be soaked, right? If you don't soak it, it will definitely be raw."

"When I make zongzi, the glutinous rice has to be soaked overnight."

Glancing at the bullet screen that flew by, Li Yi looked up at the whispering stall owners, and explained: "Whether you soak glutinous rice depends mainly on your own taste, and on the other hand depends on the variety.

In the past, when making zongzi, the glutinous rice was soaked in advance to cook better and save firewood.

Generally soak for two or three days, and cook for an hour in the pot to make it soft and glutinous.

But in fact, it can be cooked directly after washing and cooking in a pot, but it is not as soft as glutinous rice that has been soaked.

As for the difference in varieties, generally in the northern regions, round glutinous rice is grown, that is, japonica glutinous rice.

Therefore, when making zongzi in the north, they are always made of round glutinous rice.

Long glutinous rice is generally grown in the south, that is, indica-type glutinous rice, and long glutinous rice is used to make zongzi.

The water absorption rate and expansion rate of round glutinous rice are higher than those of long glutinous rice. The longer the soaking time, the softer and glutinous the taste will be.

In the north, sweet rice dumplings are usually made. The round glutinous rice has a slightly sweet aftertaste and a delicate and soft texture. It is more suitable for making sweet rice dumplings. Even if it is not dipped in sugar, it tastes sweet.

The water absorption rate of long glutinous rice is relatively low, and it is more resistant to cooking, so the effect of soaking in advance is relatively poor, so it is better to cook it directly in the pot.

Moreover, it has a low expansion rate, so it is more resistant to cooking, and it can maintain its original shape even if it is re-cooked.

In the south, long glutinous rice is generally used to make fresh meat dumplings.

Unlike sweet rice dumplings, fresh meat rice dumplings can be eaten even when they are cold, but fresh meat rice dumplings basically need to be reheated after they are cold.

If you use round glutinous rice with a soft texture, it will collapse after cooking twice, and the texture will be more watery, which will affect the taste.

But if you use long glutinous rice that is more resistant to cooking, you don't have to worry about this. "

Hearing Li Yi's explanation, someone from the stall owner understood and asked, "The round glutinous rice you're talking about is Jiangmi, right?"

"Yes, the north is called Jiangmi."

Li Yi smiled and nodded.

"That's true."

The stall owner who asked the question suddenly realized: "In my family, I use glutinous rice to make sweet red bean dumplings, and glutinous rice to make meat dumplings."

In the live broadcast room, the audience also remembered the difference between round glutinous rice and long glutinous rice that Li Yi mentioned last time when he went to buy rice.

"Brother Yi seems to have bought two kinds of glutinous rice last time."

"The glutinous rice I make here is made of long glutinous rice, which tastes better."

"The zongzi made of round glutinous rice is sticky, too sticky to eat."

"Zongzi must be sticky to be delicious!"

"My family makes zongzi, and the glutinous rice has to be soaked for two days in advance. The cooked zongzi is like rice cakes, which are very delicious."

"Why don't you just eat rice cakes like rice cakes?"

"I haven't eaten salty rice dumplings before, it feels too weird and I can't accept it."

"I didn't eat salty rice dumplings before, but after eating a few times, I realized that salty rice dumplings are really delicious, especially meat rice dumplings. I bought one for breakfast in the morning. It's so satisfying."

“Sweet Zong is the most classic!”

"We use rice dumplings made of yellow rice and sorghum rice, which are also delicious."

"Huh? What the hell are yellow rice dumplings?"

"The yellow rice dumpling is super delicious, okay?!"

Seeing that the audience in the live broadcast room had set off a big competition between the north and the south, Li Yi had no time to take care of it, but explained to the stall owners on his own: "After the glutinous rice is drained, you need to add some salt and soy sauce to give it a deep flavor. .

The ratio of salt to rice is 0.5:100, that is, 5 grams of salt per kilogram of rice.

The ratio of soy sauce is 1:100, one kilogram of rice puts ten grams of soy sauce.

The soy sauce here is best to use dark soy sauce that has been boiled, so that the coloring effect is better and the taste is more fragrant.

I demonstrated the cooking method of soy sauce on the show before, you can watch it when you go back, and I will demonstrate it to you now..."

When Li Yi was demonstrating how to cook soy sauce, Huang Xiaoming and the others also helped Li Yi wash the zong leaves and cut up the pork belly.

Liu Yifei was on her period and it was not easy to get wet, so Li Yi arranged for her to steam the egg yolks.

Soon, Li Yi boiled the soy sauce and drained the glutinous rice.

After mixing the soy sauce and salt into the glutinous rice, the egg yolk steamed by Liu Yifei was also steamed.

He stepped forward and opened the steamer, and brought out the plate containing the egg yolks. Li Yi explained to the stall owner: "The egg yolks we use here are best steamed with Huadiao wine. Steam for 15 minutes. Liquor steaming is also available.

The eggy smell in duck eggs mainly comes from the egg yolk, so it is necessary to heat-treat the egg yolk to reduce its fishy smell and stimulate its flavor.

During the heat treatment of egg yolk, hexanal, 1-octen-3-ol, 2-n-pentylfuran and other substances will be produced, and these substances are the main sources of eggy smell.

The amount of them formed will gradually increase during the heating process. If the egg yolk is directly wrapped into the rice dumplings, these substances will soak into the surrounding glutinous rice after a large amount of formation.

It feels good to eat when it is hot, but when it is cold, it will have an obvious fishy smell.

The formation of these substances will be significantly reduced above 65°C, so the purpose of steaming with wine is to complete this process in advance and use the volatility of alcohol to remove the smell of duck egg yolk.

In this way, the fishy smell of the steamed duck egg yolk is greatly reduced, and when it is wrapped in rice dumplings, it will have an obvious salty egg yolk fragrance, which is delicious even when it is cold. "

After listening to Li Yi's explanation, the stall owners fell silent.

They only understand adding flower carving or steaming with white wine, but they don't understand the rest at all.

Seeing their bewildered looks, Li Yi paused, and then briefly emphasized: "Steam the salted egg yolk with white wine for at least 15 minutes before using it, just remember this."

When the stall owners heard the news, they wrote it down on their mobile phones.

Putting the steamed egg yolk aside, Li Yi brought over the pork cut by Huang Xiaoming and Wu Lei.

"The meat used for meat dumplings is generally leg meat with moderate fatness and leanness, but it is also possible to use pork belly with proper fatness and leanness.

But whether it is pork belly or leg meat, the skin must be removed. "

Li Yi picked up the pork, pointed to the texture of the lean meat, and explained it. Then he added seasonings to the bowl, rubbed it vigorously, and explained: "The meat in Jiaxing Fresh Meat Dumplings is called fresh meat, not marinated meat. , so the meat used is not marinated in advance.

If it is marinated with soy sauce, the moisture in the lean meat will be lost due to the salt in the soy sauce, and the cooked lean meat will have a thicker taste, and it is not easy to cook until it is crispy.

The meat is processed by hand rubbing, adding salt, sugar, Huadiao wine or white wine, the ratio of salt to sugar is 0.5:100, and the ratio of wine is 1:100.

When mixing, rub vigorously and keep stirring until such small white bubbles appear. "

While speaking, under Li Yi's vigorous stirring, the meat in the basin had been rubbed into a layer of fine white vesicles.

Picking up a piece of meat and showing it to the stall owners, Li Yi explained: "This rubbing is also a way of marinating, which can loosen the texture of the meat, and it will be very tender and crispy after cooking, and the taste will be better."

After finishing speaking, he took Huang Xiaoming's washed zong leaves, bent left and right, and rolled them into a funnel shape.

He scooped up a spoonful of mixed glutinous rice with a spoon, and spread a layer under the funnel. He put an egg yolk and a piece of meat on the glutinous rice, and covered it with another layer of glutinous rice. As soon as he pressed it, he pulled the cotton thread and quickly rolled it a few times, and a [Egg Yolk Meat Dumpling] appeared in his hand.


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