A Mouthful of Sky-high Fried Rice, Lao Tang Apprenticed on the Spot

Chapter 712 [Walking in the snow to look for bears]

When braising the pig's trotters, Li Yi used a lot of Huadiao wine.

Although most of the alcohol in it evaporates during the stew, the flavor of the wine is simmered into the meat.

After steaming, the wine flavor is stimulated to the surface, so Dailong immediately tastes the rich aroma of wine after entering the mouth.

However, the aroma of the wine quickly dissipated, and when he sipped it with his tongue, the sweet aroma of honey was highlighted, mixed with the aroma of fat and meat.

"The aroma of the wine grabs the attention first, but does not steal the taste. The pig skin is glutinous, the fat is tender and not greasy, and the aroma is fragrant. It tastes great!"

Dai Long nodded in admiration.

After hearing his comments, the cameraman also turned the camera to take a close-up of him tasting the food.

After swallowing the pig skin in his mouth, Dai Long took out his chopsticks again, picked up a piece of meat, and put it into his mouth.

His teeth fell down, Dai Long raised his eyebrows again, and then showed a smile.

The pieces of meat that were still maintaining their shape on the chopsticks had fallen apart in his mouth.

But after it dispersed, a stream of fresh and thick juice gushed out.

"Sure enough, when simmered slowly, the meat will be tender and juicy."

Dai Long smiled and said: "The juice in lean meat is rarely so moist. This shows that during the production, the container was well sealed, the temperature was even, and most importantly, the salt was just right.

If the container is well sealed, water vapor will not escape and the internal temperature will remain balanced.

If the salt is controlled well, the water in the lean meat will not be lost and it will become woody.

Instead of losing water, the meat here absorbs a lot of water, making it more juicy when you eat it. It's amazing. "

After hearing his comments, the live broadcast room was immediately flooded with saliva from the audience.

"He is the god of food after all. You will know how it is made after just one taste."

"It sounds delicious. I really want to eat it!"

"I don't want to eat a whole portion, just give me the scraps from this bowl to mix with rice."

"Haha! I know, Brother Yi said last time, it's because of the different salt content and different osmotic pressure, that's why the meat has so much moisture."

"Who are you talking about with a man like Brother Yi? I cry to death."

Hearing Dai Long's praise, Li Yi smiled and said: "Master Dai is indeed the God of Cookery. He can taste my cooking method in one bite."

"It tastes nothing, but it's hard to make it!"

Dai Long said with a smile and looked at Li Yi with a slightly complicated look.

He was not joking. This kind of lean meat that is juicy, neither dry nor dry, and has a salty taste is indeed not that easy to stew.

It requires very sophisticated fire control and extremely fine salt handling.

Whether it is the heat or the salt, they all represent the precious experience accumulated from trying again and again.

Dai Long could also stew this kind of meat, but it took him twenty-seven years to achieve this level.

But how old is this Li Yicai?

How many years has he been in the industry?

How could he make such perfect lean meat?

Looking at Li Yi who was busy, Dai Long felt more and more helpless and pitiful.

He seems really old.

Li Yi didn't notice his loss. At this time, he was busy making "Looking for Bears in the Snow".

[Looking for Bears in the Snow] is another bear paw dish in the movie. It uses the bear paws of polar bears. It is first stewed with old onions, young ginger, and French white wine for six hours, and then pricked with countless pinholes on a cutting board. Inject liquid nitrogen, then put it into the steamer together with the concentrated sturgeon soup.

During steaming, the low temperature in the bear's paw will create a negative pressure, which absorbs the sturgeon soup, making the bear's paw juicy and melt-in-your-mouth.

However, the method in the movie is just a fantastic imagination. If you really use that method, you will never achieve the final effect.

Therefore, in order to create the jelly-like texture in the movie, Li Yi used sturgeon and pork rinds to make a soup, which was a mixture of fish soup and pork rind soup.

Then the mold is used as a support, the pork trotters are used as bones, and the soup is used as skin and meat, and then sent to the refrigerator to be refrigerated.

When the soup solidifies and turns into jelly, the bear paws are ready.

The frozen bear paws used in this dish were made in advance yesterday and are semi-finished products.

However, it still needs to be processed before serving.

Li Yi boiled pure water in advance and then froze it into ice cubes.

The sponsor sent a commercial ice crusher, put the ice cubes into the ice crusher, and fine smoothie appeared.

Using a large round plate as a support and covering it with a layer of fine velvet smoothie, Li Yi placed the jelly bear's paw on top of the smoothie.

When cooking the soup, Li Yi didn't cook it for too long.

If the soup base is cooked for too long, too much gelatin will be released, and the soup will be too frozen.

Li Yi didn't need the Q-bomb of pig skin jelly, he wanted the fish jelly after the fish soup had cooled down.

The kind of jelly soup that has only a slight colloid content and will quickly melt into a salty soup once placed on hot rice is what Li Yi needs.

The frozen bear paws on top of the smoothie were in this state.

To prevent it from melting, make the side dishes as quickly as possible.

Just like in the movie, Li Yi asked Xiao Lu to buy sturgeon caviar.

However, this kind of caviar is too salty. In order to neutralize the taste, Li Yi deliberately reduced the amount of salt in the soup.

In this way, the soup from the melted soup jelly will be mixed with the caviar, diluting the saltiness of the caviar and allowing the umami flavor of the caviar to be released to the maximum.

However, it is up to Li Yi to control the dosage.

Therefore, without asking anyone to help, Li Yi spread the caviar on top of the frozen bear paws by himself, spreading it with the bottom of a spoon while spreading it, so that the caviar could be spread as thinly as possible.

Seeing his cautious look, the audience in the live broadcast room started teasing him.

"Brother Yi is too stingy, isn't he? Why don't you put more effort into it?"

"It's okay, Brother Yi, I'm not afraid of salty food, just let it go."

"I can see that this dish is only worth the caviar."

"One can per person!"

Li Yi spreads it carefully. After laying out one portion, he will immediately have someone take it to the refrigerator to freeze it to prevent the soup from melting in advance.

After the five prepared frozen bear paws were all covered with caviar, Li Yi took out five tribute pears from the refrigerator.

Taking the carving knife, the knife's light flickered, and in a moment, snow-white pear blossoms fell from Li Yi's hand.

Taking out a portion of frozen bear paw soup, Li Yi placed pear blossoms around the disk, and then poured a circle of liquid nitrogen.

In an instant, the billowing white mist floated up, like a fairyland, and a "Looking for Bears in the Snow" just like in the movie was ready.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Wenzhuo from behind couldn't help but feel a little moved.

"This dish is really exactly the same as the prop we used when filming."


Xiong Xinxin laughed and said, "But the one I made in the movie [Walking in the Snow to Look for Bears] is not edible, but this one [Walking in the Snow to Look for Bears] is edible."

Luo Jiaying on the side looked at Li Yi's men curiously and muttered: "I don't know what it smells like..."


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