The sound of swallowing was a little loud this time, and Dai Long was a little embarrassed.

Fortunately, Wu Lei and the others who came back from serving the dishes smelled the aroma of [Golden Eyes and Fire Brain] and ran over in exclaim, covering up his embarrassment.

"smell good!"

Wu Lei smelled the smell and ran to the counter in small steps. He looked at the tofu brains covered in golden cooking oil in the soup cup and asked in wonder, "Why is this dish so fragrant?"

Zhao Wenzhuo also followed, sniffing the aroma and praising: "Of all the dishes today, this one seems to smell the most fragrant."

"Dasu must be made with meat, otherwise it won't taste good."

Li Yi explained casually and signaled: "Hurry up and serve! This dish must be hot, otherwise the bean flavor will come out when it cools down."


Wu Lei responded and picked up the soup cup, but did not turn around. Instead, he said to Li Yi: "Brother Yi, can we have this dish tonight?"

"It's inevitable for you, one for each person."

Li Yi smiled and waved his hand, urging: "Go quickly! Don't get cold."

Seeing Wu Lei and the others sending the dishes out, Dai Longcai smiled and praised: "The seasoning of this dish is really skillful, it's amazing."

Smell and taste are directly related. A skilled chef can even tell the taste of a dish, the ingredients used, and the ratio just by smelling it.

But similarly, once the sense of smell fails, the sense of taste will also fail along with it. The lips will die, the teeth will become cold, and the smell will disappear and the taste will disappear.

After smelling the rich aroma, Dai Long was sure that the taste of this dish was definitely the most outstanding among the dishes today.

As Li Yi said, Dasu must be made with meat. The ingredients for this dish are tofu and a spoonful of hot oil.

If you want to make it delicious, you have to put a lot of effort into the invisible areas.

Apart from the piece of Hericium, this dish didn’t have any other side dishes or any obvious seasoning.

That's why Li Yicai soaked it in broth and simmered it in water to stew all the umami flavor into the tofu.

But in Dai Long's opinion, the spoonful of cooking oil that Li Yi poured on it was the essence of this dish.

Although the original piece of tofu monkey brain certainly smelled good, it did not exceed Dai Long's knowledge.

But after pouring the spoonful of cooking oil on the tofu monkey brains, a unique aroma suddenly appeared.

This smell had a special aroma. Dai Long had been a chef all his life, but he couldn't tell its origin.

It seemed to be a unique fragrance mixed with more than two spices. Dai Long couldn't tell whether it smelled good or bad when he smelled it suddenly, but his mouth subconsciously secreted a large amount of saliva.

Li Yi was still holding the tofu and monkey brains, and the oil in the pot was simmering over medium-low heat.

Dai Long couldn't help but take a step forward, smelling the aroma of cooking oil with his hand, sniffing it a few times, and distinguishing it carefully.

Seeing his actions, Li Yixiao asked: "Master Dai, can you smell what my oil is made of?"

Dai Long didn't speak, but his expression became more serious.

"The oil is camellia oil, and it smells delicious."

He pondered, and answered cautiously as if he was taking an exam: "You didn't use onions, you used old ginger, and also added bay leaves, peppercorns, grass fruits, cloves, nutmeg..."

He rattled off eight spices.

But immediately afterwards, he fell into silence, frowning, thinking hard.

"Awesome, worthy of being the God of Cookery."

Li Yi smiled and said, "I used ten kinds of spices, and you got eight of them right in one breath."

Dai Long didn't speak, still thinking.

Being able to get eight out of ten spices right is not that great. If he can't even distinguish the taste of ten kinds of spices, what qualifications does he have to be called the God of Food in Xiangjiang?

But he thought hard about the smell of the remaining two spices for a long time, but he couldn't find a clue.

Both spices have very specific flavors and are not commonly used.

He probably had a guess about one kind, but the other kind was a bit unfamiliar to him.

After thinking for a long time, he still couldn't figure out what the last spice was, so he could only try to guess the ninth one.

"And it's just... cinnamon seeds?"

Dai Long tentatively expressed his guess.

"Eh? Awesome!"

Li Yi was a little surprised, raised his hands and clapped softly: "You can guess who he is, the God of Cookery."

Hearing Li Yi's words, Dai Long breathed a sigh of relief: "It is indeed it. No wonder it smells familiar to me. Many years ago, I went to the northwest region of mainland China. Guangxi is used in the soup of Lanzhou beef noodles in Gansu Province. seed."


Li Yi smiled and said: "Gui seeds are one of the secret ingredients in Lanzhou beef noodle soup. Each local beef noodle restaurant has its own secret recipe, but at least 9 out of 10 restaurants will use cinnamon seeds."

Dai Long nodded, then looked at the cooking oil in the pot, sighed unwillingly, and then said: "I really can't smell the last spice. Its smell is a bit familiar, but I really Can’t guess, can’t remember.”

Li Yi smiled and directly announced the answer: "It's the dried fruit of mountain yellow peel."

"Mountain yellow skin?"

Dai Long was stunned for a moment, and the memory appeared in his mind. He suddenly asked in surprise: "Is it a chicken peel?"


Li Yi nodded: "You should have eaten it."


Dai Long smashed his palm and said with a smile: "I've eaten it before, no wonder it's so familiar, it smells so good!"

As he said that, he stretched out his hand to smell the aroma in the pot, sniffed it for a few times, and then nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, that's the aroma! People in Guangxi province use it to make dipping sauces and stir-fry dishes.

Its aroma is indeed a bit special, but mixed with other spices, it is really difficult to distinguish.

Didn’t expect it can be used for frying oil? I really didn't expect it. "

Seeing his surprise, Li Yi smiled and then explained: "The dried fruits of mountain huangpi are usually used as medicine, and sometimes some are added to the marinade, which is indeed relatively rare.

It is in the mountains and is one of the favorite fruits of macaques. It has similar feeding habits, so I added it for seasoning. Does it smell like a mountain forest? "

"Yes! The smell of the mountains and forests is just right!"

Dai Long clapped his hands and smiled: "Wow! I really couldn't guess what you used, you are really unimaginable!

Using dried mountain huangpi fruits in frying oil adds flavor. I have been cooking for decades and have never tried it. It’s amazing! sharp! "

Dai Long admired it sincerely and smiled happily.

For a top chef like him, knife skills and frying skills are just basic skills, and they are no longer enough to make him feel surprised.

Only the incredible fire control of [Walking in the Snow to Seek Bears] and this unconstrained creativity in using materials could make him as happy as he is now.

This is a dazzling skill that only top chefs can understand. It is incomprehensible to laymen, but in the eyes of experts, it is an amazing operation.

"It's true that the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead!"

Dai Long praised it again and again, and then joked: "I learned it today, I will try it when I get back and make a dish."


Li Yi smiled calmly: "I can never make progress, I hope to taste the new flavors you innovate, Master Dai."

This sentence was said in a grand manner, and Dai Long couldn't help but look a little more serious when he heard it.

Although Li Yi was young, he already had the bearing of a master after saying these words.


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