A Mouthful of Sky-high Fried Rice, Lao Tang Apprenticed on the Spot

Chapter 733 I’m not smart enough to beat you

Liu Xiaoli sorted out the chaotic thoughts in her mind and asked, "You mean, if you continue to film the next season of "Chinese Restaurant" for Mango Channel, then the status of the Big Three will definitely not be guaranteed.

So they want to poach you and invest in filming programs for you. On the one hand, they want to increase their own traffic, and on the other hand, they also want to poach Mango Channel.

Whether it is to increase traffic or suppress opponents, the purpose is to protect one's own interests. "


Li Yi smiled and nodded.

Liu Xiaoli did not answer the call, but continued to analyze along this line of thinking: "If you can drive more than 40 million daily active users, it means that Mango APP became the number one long video platform because of you.

But if we poach you and have more than 40 million traffic, then the Big Three or Bizhan may become the number one.

In other words, whoever wins you will win the world. "

Li Yi rubbed his nose and said with a smile: "Although it sounds a bit arrogant to say this, the current situation is indeed like this."

Liu Xiaoli looked up at him with a rather complicated look in her eyes: "So, for the platform, it is best to get your traffic, but if you can't get it, then the most important thing is not to let your opponents get it. .

It's like a nuclear weapon. It's best if you can grab it, but if you can't grab it, you must not leave it to the enemy. "

"So I say it's about controlling scarce resources."

Li Yi raised his hand and nodded to himself, and said in a joking tone: "I am this scarce resource."

Seeing Li Yi's calm look, Liu Xiaoli's mood became more complicated.

In just a few days, her impression of Li Yi had changed several times, but this time it was the biggest and most subversive.

Before meeting Li Yi, she thought Li Yi was a young boy who had special skills but didn't know the importance of it.

But after meeting Li Yi, she found that Li Yi was a young man who knew how to measure things and had some brains.

After reaching a cooperation intention with Li Yi, when discussing the development direction, business expansion model, corporate management philosophy, and profit distribution ratio, she realized that the previous Li Yi was all pretending, and the real Li Yi was actually a A very experienced guy, even tougher than some of the business veterans she met.

However, at this moment, after understanding Li Yi's negotiation strategy, she discovered that her previous understanding of Li Yi seemed to be wrong.

The real Li Yi seems to have a much deeper city than she thought.

"Then... I will follow this idea and talk to the platform again!"

Liu Xiaoli responded hesitantly, and then asked: "What if the other party doesn't agree?"

"If you don't agree, just don't agree!"

Li Yi spread his hands: "I don't expect them to agree anyway."


Liu Xiaoli was confused again: "What do you mean?"

"Neither the Big Three nor Bizhan are the main targets. What we really want to talk about is Mango Channel."

Li Yi patiently explained: “The one who really understands my value and really needs me is Mango Terrace.

I helped them get their number one spot, and they know this better than anyone else.

once having seen the best, the rest is not worthwhile looking.

It is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality.

A woman who has been protected by a lion looks down upon wild dogs.

These common sayings all mean the same thing.

After being number one, then stepping back to be the younger brother is absolutely unacceptable to Mango TV.

They knew my importance very well, and the last person they wanted me to cooperate with was Mango TV.

With this season of "Chinese Restaurant" becoming such a hit, have they ever thought about the consequences if it fails next season?

Therefore, they wanted to keep me the most and were willing to pay a high price.

We are negotiating with those TV stations and several platforms with the aim of negotiating the highest price.

Then take this highest price and go to negotiate with Mango Taiwan and ask them for a higher price.

In this way, our interests can be maximized. "

Listening to Li Yi's explanation, Liu Xiaoli fell silent.

She felt like her intelligence was being pressed to the ground and being rubbed, without any resistance.

Suddenly, she felt a little scared.

What is the difference between dealing with people like Li Yi and seeking skin from a tiger?

Liu Xiaoli already regretted jumping on Li Yi's pirate ship. What made her eyes even darker was that she actually asked to jump on.

Recalling her careful planning when working with Li Yi a few days ago, and the faint smile on the corner of Li Yi's mouth, she felt a little desperate.

At that time, Li Yi looked at her no differently than a fool, right?

"You are too cruel."

Liu Xiaoli looked at Li Yi with complicated eyes and couldn't help but ask: "You have been recording this show for so long and you still plot against them. Aren't you afraid of hurting their feelings?"

"What feelings are hurt?"

Li Yi was puzzled: "I have a very good relationship with Sister Tian, ​​Master Cai, Xiao Lu, and everyone on the show team. We are just talking about a contract, so how can we hurt our feelings?

The person we are talking about is Mango Channel, and we are talking to the leaders of the channel, those bosses who make money from this program, and I don’t know them, so where does the relationship come from? Of course it's business.

In business negotiations, there is no emotion at all and everything depends on interests. Is this normal?

If you were sitting across from me, I wouldn't be able to say a word, and I would even take pictures of you if you give me money. If we talked about money, it would really hurt our feelings, haha! "

Listening to Li Yi's joke, Liu Xiaoli couldn't laugh.

After a while, she shook her head and sighed: "Remind me in the future not to play tricks on you. I'm not smart enough to play with you."

"Auntie, stop joking. How dare I play tricks on you? Whatever you say will be whatever you say."

Li Yi chuckled, his smile harmless to humans and animals.


Liu Xiaoli no longer dared to look at him. She put away her things and stood up to leave: "You go ahead and work first. I'll go back and think about it."

"Okay, walk slowly."

Li Yi watched her leave in a hurry and couldn't help but shake his head gently.

Although Liu Xiaoli is very capable, she is just compared with ordinary people.

In front of an "old monster" like him who has hundreds of years of experience, Liu Xiaoli's level is a bit inadequate.

This time too, time was tight, so he couldn't lay the groundwork. He spoke a bit bluntly, which seemed to scare Liu Xiaoli a little.

But this kind of thing is inevitable, and she will naturally get used to it in the future.

After patting his butt and getting up, Li Yi returned to the restaurant.

Liu Xiaoli came to see him. It was not convenient to appear on camera, so she called him to a bench on the roadside outside the restaurant to chat for a while.

As soon as he returned to the restaurant and before entering the kitchen, Li Yi saw Wang Tian walking towards the door.

Wang Tian was on the phone. When she saw Li Yi, she put down her phone and raised her hand to greet Li Yi: "Master Hao is here. He will be there soon."

"he came?"

Li Yi was a little surprised.

When Hao Libao was discussing the schedule, he said he would come tomorrow, but unexpectedly he came suddenly today.

As soon as Wang Tian walked to the door, he met the staff who went to pick up Hao Libao.

Hao Libao walked into the restaurant following the staff.

"Master Hao."

Li Yi smiled and greeted him.


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