Looking at the dazzling array of mushrooms in front of Li Yi, the cameraman couldn't help taking a few more shots, taking close-ups.

Zhao Jinmai helped Wu Lei hold the gauze to filter the bean dregs, watched Li Yi cleaning the mushrooms curiously, and couldn't help asking: "Brother Yi, I heard that some mushrooms are poisonous, and you can see villains after eating them. Is there any in here?"

Li Yi glanced at her, and said with a smile: "This tofu feast is for the emperor, using poisonous mushrooms, do you think you live too long?"

After making a joke, he explained: "Some mushrooms are indeed poisonous, such as Jianshouqing in Yunnan. If they are not cooked well, they will be easily poisoned if they are eaten."

"Do you have any here?"

Zhao Jinmai was very curious.

"No, but it has relatives."

Li Yi picked up a mushroom with a thick canopy, a thick stalk, and a pink body: "This is called a pink-covered boletus, also called a red onion. Like Jianshouqing, it belongs to the family Boletus, but this The seeds are not poisonous."

Seeing that Zhao Jinmai seemed very curious, Liu Yifei stopped what she was doing first, and brought her to Li Yi, looking at the mushroom in Li Yi's hand.

Zhao Jinmai looked at Li Yi scraping the sand on the stalk of the red onion fungus with a knife, and asked curiously, "Is the green onion and boletus the same thing?"

"Jianshouqing is a type of boletus. It looks like a red umbrella with yellow stems. Once injured, the wound will turn indigo blue. That's why people in Yunnan call that kind of boletus Jianshouqing."

Li Yi explained: "There are many kinds of boletus, which is a large family. According to the color, they can be divided into white boletus, yellow boletus, black boletus and red boletus.

However, according to the local name in Yunnan, they are generally called red Jianshou, yellow Jianshou and black Jianshou. "

"so complicated."

Zhao Jinmai was a little dizzy.

Li Yi smiled and said: "Mushrooms are a large category of ingredients. In addition to the common three mushrooms and six ears, there are hundreds of wild mushrooms. Each taste is different. It is difficult for many professional chefs to figure out, so the best It’s better not to eat mushrooms indiscriminately, and find professional people to deal with them if you want to eat them, and you must not mess around by yourself.”

"Is this delicious?"

Liu Yifei pointed to the shallot fungus in his hand.

"It's delicious! This kind is suitable for frying."

Li Yi put the cleaned red onion fungus into a basin filled with light salt water and soaked it, then picked up a fungus with a small canopy and a slender stalk, and introduced: "This is a chicken fir fungus. , suitable for frying or stewing."

As he said that, he picked up another golden fungus: "This kind of chanterelle is suitable for frying or stewing soup."

"And this kind."

He is very familiar: "This kind of fungus is qingtou. It can be cooked in hot pot or stewed in soup. It is very fresh."

"This kind of dried mushroom is as delicious as meat after being fried."

"This kind of morel is suitable for stewing soup and has high nutritional value."

"This is matsutake, and it's the best when fried in butter."

Listening to Li Yi's introduction, in the live broadcast room, many viewers with Yunxing IP were posting barrage.

"Heavenly Bodhisattva! There are so many delicious fungi, oh mom, my mouth is watering!"

"This Li Yi is really right. Seeing that the hand is green is the one with the red umbrella and yellow pole,"

"A native of Yunnan has no resistance in front of such a large pile of fungus!"

"Ah! Chicken fir and chicken fir! I like eating chicken fir the most! Stew chicken fir with pork belly and green beans, it's super delicious! Super fresh!"

"I'm a big chicken fir! You're a toad wearing a cloak! You want to steal my martial arts!"

"Matsutake is suitable for selling money, I don't know where to eat [狗头] [狗头]"

"See blue hands! I ate it once in my previous life, and it was delicious."

"When eating mushrooms, remember to cook them three times. 1. Mushrooms must be cooked, 2. They must be fried. 3. If the above two items are not familiar, then they must be cooked on the way to the hospital."

"Show off my mouth! Show off my mouth!"

"Mom, I'm going to Yunnan to eat poisonous mushrooms and watch villains."

"Red umbrellas, white poles, let's lie down together after eating."

"How could it be poisoned? It must be because I didn't fry it properly!"

"Mushrooms are fried in the morning and eaten at noon, and they are scattered in the afternoon, people are gone at night, and ashes are raised at night."

While listening to Li Yi's introduction, Zhao Jinmai looked at the barrage posted by the audience, the more he watched, the more guilty he felt.

Liu Yifei looked at the camera and joked: "Oh! What you said is too scary, I was too scared to eat it."

Li Yi also glanced at the barrage, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, even if it's a non-poisonous fungus, I will fully cook it before I give it to you."

After a pause, he joked, "But then again, the more poisonous the fungus, the more delicious the taste."

Liu Yifei and Zhao Jinmai couldn't help swallowing their saliva when they listened.

"Okay, go do your work!"

Li Yi sent them away with a smile, and started cleaning the mushrooms again.

Mushrooms are more troublesome to wash, because there are too many gaps between the mycelia under the canopy, and many small bugs and dust will be hidden, so they must be soaked in salt water to clean them.

However, the mushrooms washed in this way will lose some of their umami flavor.

But for the sake of safety, this loss of umami is still acceptable.

After carefully cleaning all the mushrooms, Li Yi began to prepare the vegetarian broth.

Broth is an additive of monosodium glutamate used by ancient cooks when cooking. As the saying goes, "The voice of the singer is the soup of the cook", which refers to the importance of broth in the culinary world.

Vegetarian dishes also have their own source of umami, which is vegetarian broth.

There are many raw materials for hanging vegetarian soup, but the most important one is mushrooms.

However, most of the fresh mushrooms that Li Yi cleaned were not used to hang vegetable broth, but to be used for stir-frying, seasoning, side dishes or fillings.

He had already prepared the mushrooms in sudao broth, which was a jar of soaked dried mushrooms.

Like seafood, fungi are also more flavorful and more intense when dried.

Fresh abalone is very cheap, but the price of dried abalone will increase many times. That is because dried abalone will develop a unique flavor over time.

During the drying process, the fungi will also produce a large amount of nucleotides, which is why the dried fungi have a strong fragrance.

Li Yi had already soaked 20 dried shiitake mushrooms, 20 dried matsutake mushrooms, 30 dried Tricholoma mushrooms, and 10 dried Bachu mushrooms.

These are the sources of flavor substances in vegetarian broth.

Among them, the most expensive ones are matsutake and bachu mushrooms.

Matsutake is rich in nutrients and is said to have high anti-cancer activity and can enhance the body's immune function.

But Li Yi bought it because it has a unique flavor and is very suitable for soup.

Bachu mushroom is a kind of wild morel mushroom produced in Bachu area of ​​Western Region Province. It also has a special delicious taste. It is a must for stewing soup and is extremely delicious.

Li Yi soaked them for four hours, and the dry ones had returned to a plump and moist state, and the soaked water had also turned brownish yellow, exuding a strong aroma of dried fungi.

This water is very precious, and it is full of the essence of dried bacteria.

After Li Yi took out the dried bacteria, he allowed the dried bacteria water to settle for a while, then filtered it out with fine gauze, and poured it into a large soup pot.

This is the base of vegetarian broth.

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