A Naive Short-tempered Girl

Chapter 531 The Final Blow

Chapter 531 The Final Blow

Chapter 969:

"Hmm..." Yu Aotian moved his body slightly, and opened his eyes with difficulty: "Yao...Yao?"

"You? Do you have a fever?!" The little hand quickly placed on his forehead: "It's so hot... wait, I'll get you water."

"Don't go!" Yu Aotian pulled her into his arms.

At this moment, she clearly felt his hot body and sweaty skin. "Aotian! Aotian, you have a fever now. Let me go first, and I will get you medicine."

"I don't have a fever." Yu Aotian turned over and pressed Yaoyao under him, his black and white eyes were full of masculine desire: "I'm so sad, Yaoyao, stay and stay with me... "The huge body was pressed down.

She didn't expect it at all: "Aotian?! Wait...wait a minute! Aotian!! Calm down!!" The little body couldn't stop struggling. But it is difficult to resist the invasion of men.

He was so rude, so domineering. Tore off her clothes one by one.

Yaoyao, who is still in chaos, has no idea that this man has lost herself under the influence of drugs, and she is even more unable to control her own mind.

"No...no...no!!!" A sad roar came. Her voice will eventually be drowned out by the man's lust.

over and over... over and over...

Men express their desires mercilessly; while women can only bear the pain, and even more disgust and disgust, love in this situation! ! !

After the endless passion, the man fell into a deep sleep.

Yaoyao lay there with her eyes open, tears completely lost her cheeks...

'Knock knock knock... knock knock knock...'

There was a quick knock on the door, and Hei Yanlong, who had just returned home, ran to open the door before he had time to change his clothes.

The moment he saw Yaoyao Lihua standing in front of him with disheveled rain clothes... He froze in surprise: "Yaoyao, what happened..."

"Let's go. Let's go now!!! Okay? Let's go now!!! Immediately!!!!" There was no time to explain, no time to say more. After she finished speaking deliriously, she ran straight to the second floor and began to pack her luggage.

Shouldn't be...

Today he shouldn't have gone to Yu Aotian's place at all.

Obviously everything is so beautiful, and everything can develop logically. Why, when she was determined to leave, she had to bear the infamy of a mistress? A... shame that never lifts its head? ! !

On the way from Yu Aotian's house back to Hei Yanlong's house, Yaoyao did not know how many times she vomited on the way. She felt so disgusting that she had slept with a man who was about to become a husband, she really couldn't accept it! ! !

"Yaoyao, what's the matter?"

"Don't ask... Yanlong...don't ask anything. I'm leaving now, you...do you want to go?!" After packing her luggage, Yaoyao suppressed her tears and asked.

Hei Yanlong's frown slowly relaxed, he took a step forward, grabbed the luggage from her hand, and left it on the ground. "Since you're leaving, don't take anything with you. Say goodbye to this place and everything. Let's go, Yaoyao..." A charming smile appeared on his face.

Yaoyao seemed to feel unprecedented peace of mind, she slowly stretched out her little hand, and took his hand. "Well... let's go..." Nodding bitterly. Heralds her farewell and... her eternal departure...

Early the next morning.

The sky is bright and bright, and the dazzling sun indicates that today will be a good day.

Yu Aotian slowly sat up from the bed, a splitting headache hit him. He stared blankly at the empty bed...


He still hasn't forgotten about being drugged by Mo Xuetong and what he said to Mo Xuetong. But next...? !

'Knock knock knock, knock knock knock' "Aotian!! Aotian!! Wake up? It's time for the wedding soon, hurry to the wedding venue." Outside the door came Long Ye's urging voice.

Yu Aotian put on a bathrobe with a lack of energy, and quickly opened the door...

Outside the door, stood Long Ye, Han Lishang... and... Mo Xuetong with her head down all the time.

"Aotian? Are you okay? You look so embarrassed??"

As if he didn't hear Long Ye's question, those bottomless eyes kept staring at Mo Xuetong.

next second...

Not waiting for everyone to react. "Give me a minute!" He pulled Mo Xuetong into the room, and quickly shut Long Ye and others out of the room. "Snow……"

"Aotian, what happened yesterday... I'm sorry..." Mo Xuetong lowered her head guiltily, and squeezed her nervous little hands together.

Last night was a sleepless night for her. She couldn't digest the fact that the person she had always liked had fallen in love with the wrong person. What's more, I can't forgive myself for giving Yu Ao Tianxia medicine.

Perhaps, in the eyes of everyone, she is a mature and charming woman, but... In the eyes of Yu Aotian, Long Ye and others, Xuetong is just a little girl who has not grown up yet and is somewhat autistic.

I like to compete for favor and be jealous, but when I find out that I have done something wrong, I will be extremely sad and blame myself...

"Xue Tong, regarding what happened yesterday, I want to ask you... Between us... Is there... Is there..." Yu Aotian really didn't know how to speak, it was like asking his own sister what happened to them It's like nothing happened, don't mention how disgusting it is.

"Is there something between us?" Mo Xuetong tilted her head in doubt.

"Is there... a relationship?" Yu Aotian finally said it with difficulty.

Her fair little face instantly turned red: "No! Absolutely not!!!"

"Really do not have?!!"


The moment he got Mo Xuetong's affirmative answer, Yu Aotian heaved a sigh of relief, but what followed... "Then I yesterday...?" Difficulties struck again, and he slowly sat on the sofa One thing is certain... He must have slept with a woman yesterday. It's just that the other party... who is it? !

"Aotian?? What's wrong with you?" Mo Xuetong tentatively walked to his side.

Yu Aotian raised his eyes, glanced at her, and lowered his eyes again: "Tsk, besides you who came to my room yesterday, do you know?"

"..." Mo Xuetong immediately realized something. "I'm sorry, Aotian, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Her apology seemed to be heard by the two men standing outside the door.

'Knock knock knock' "Hey, Aotian, didn't you say 1 minute? How long has it been? What do you mean?" Long Ye outside the door spoke impatiently.

"Go and open the door first." Yu Aotian waved his hands coldly.

Chapter 970:

Mo Xuetong opened the door with a look of embarrassment.

As soon as Long Ye rushed in, he didn't even care about Yu Aotian, and ran directly in front of her: "Xue Tong, did Aotian make things difficult for you?"

"No. But..." Mo Xuetong tightly clenched her fists, her eyes wandered from side to side: "After I gave Ao Tianxia the medicine yesterday, I ran away. I didn't care about him..."

"That's right!!!" Long Ye immediately responded to this question. He was thinking about Mo Xuetong with all his heart, completely forgetting that there was a drugged Yu Aotian in the room? How did he spend the night? ? "Aotian, you yesterday...?"

Yu Aotian raised his hand, stopped Long Ye's doubts, got up, and looked at everyone in the room: "Who has been in and out of our place yesterday, do you have any impression? Li Shang, you brought Gong Xiaoman here Is it gone?"

As soon as he heard Yu Aotian's question, Long Ye's face turned green because he knew it. He was afraid that Yu Aotian had indeed had a relationship with a woman last night, so he asked this question. If it was really Gong Xiaoman, this matter would become a big deal.

"Huh?" Han Lishang, who didn't know it yet, shook his head blankly: "No, Xiaoman was in the school's dormitory yesterday."

"Ha, that's fine. As long as it's not Gong Xiaoman." Long Ye heaved a sigh of relief, then rolled his eyes: "The only women who have entered our place are Gong Xiaoman and Yaoyao, right? ...Did Yaoyao come here last night??!"

When this hypothesis is issued.

Yu Aotian's eyes flashed suddenly...

Yes. There are only three women who can enter and leave here, not Mo Xuetong, not Gong Xiaoman, only Yaoyao! !

If it's really Yaoyao...

"Aotian, do you want to call Yaoyao to confirm?"

"No need." Yu Aotian, who had been serious since he got up, finally smiled. "After I'm married, I'm looking for her."

"Uh..." Long Ye really didn't understand what Yu Aotian's words meant, let alone what the smile on his face indicated. Logically speaking, after Yu Aotian got married, he really shouldn't be looking for Yaoyao...

"Okay, I'm ready to change clothes, is the car ready?"

"Well. The wedding car is already downstairs. There is still an hour, Aotian, hurry up and get ready."


Everyone was busy with their hands and feet, and everyone was carefully packing up the wedding suits, rings and so on.

When the needle reached 10 o'clock in the morning, Yu Aotian and his best man team were ready to go to the wedding place.

This time, the wedding venue set up by Yu Aotian is on a luxury cruise ship. What is even more surprising is that the guests attending his wedding, from the Secretary General of the United Nations to the prime ministers of various countries, are basically all in it. It is so gorgeous and gorgeous .

In order to make the guests feel at home, the sailing time of the cruise ship is set at 10:00 am, while the official wedding ceremony is set at 5:00 pm.

"Woo..." With the loud whistle of the cruise ship, the ship finally left the dock.

"This time, the Chinese Chairman Yu is really thoughtful, and he is completely serving us." A senior political official from another country said in admiration.

The leader of another country on the side nodded vigorously: "Yes. I heard that the cruise ship will sail to the high seas in a while, and then we can relax and relax."

Although everyone involved in the wedding is a political official, they are also human beings, and there are times when they want to relax. However, countless pairs of eyes are staring at them, and they can only live a rigid life, unable to relax themselves.

Only, the high seas. It is not controlled by any country, and there are no legal provisions. The people who come here, whether they are dignitaries or political leaders, are actually a group of ordinary people. They can enjoy themselves and indulge themselves without worrying about anything Image problem.

"Now, we call Chairman Yu the Chairman. His marriage is over. Shouldn't we call him the Prime Minister?"

"Yes, yes, there is no need to think about this kind of thing at all. For the sake of Aotian's arrival, the position of Prime Minister is already certain."

"That's not necessarily true." Zeng Kairui, who was sitting on the seat, said slowly: "After all, Chairman Yu is still too young, and the position of Prime Minister may be vacant for a few years. Let's test him."

"Vice Prime Minister Zeng, you are embarrassing. Chairman Yu's political achievements are widely circulated in our country, and everyone in your country even praises them. What you say will only... make us feel that you are You don’t want to promote new people.” The person who spoke was the Spanish cabinet. There is no difference in status between Zeng Kairui and Zeng Kairui, so naturally there is no need to worry about anything when speaking.

"Hehe, I was just joking. Whether Chairman Yu is promoted or not, I... can't decide." Zeng Kairui narrowed his eyes coldly, and the smile on his face looked so stiff.

"As for you, Deputy Prime Minister, since the accidental death of Prime Minister Qi Lian, you have been acting as the prime minister of China. Have you ever thought about a formal election?"

"President Mars, you are wrong." An African leader next to him interrupted the man: "It seems that China has never had a real prime minister, but the power of a former deputy prime minister is more powerful than that of an acting prime minister." If it’s bigger, tell me, is it necessary for the Chinese side to hold elections?”

Now, almost any country knows that China is dominated by Zeng Kairui alone, and that the acting prime minister who seems to be in power is nothing more than a puppet. Whether big or small, Zeng Kairui is still making decisions.

"Don't say that, it's as if I monopolize the power. I don't have that much power. If I really have that much power, I won't be criticized by those younger generations every day." Zeng Kairui's words were full of resentment. In the past six months, Yu Aotian has been finding trouble with him every day as if he had killed him. Due to the different jurisdictions of the two, Zeng Kairui still can't make things difficult for Yu Aotian, which is a headache for him.

simply put……

Whether it is the acting prime minister of China, or the prime minister unfortunately passed away, Zeng Kairui is in power at the first hand, and Yu Aotian is at the second hand. Once Yu Aotian ascends to the position of Prime Minister, there is no doubt that the two will split the world. Therefore, Zeng Kairui has always been eager to assist one of his own people to become the prime minister.

Unfortunately, Lan You is not as powerful as he imagined. As a result, Yu Aotian snatched away all the roads he worked so hard for...

"It's time for Chairman Yu's wedding soon, isn't it?"

"Well, it seems to be..."

"Everyone." Suddenly, in the middle of the stage, the host came onto the stage with a smile: "Please put down everything in your hands, the time is about to reach five o'clock. The wedding will begin soon. Please take your seats."

Chapter 971:

With the arrangement of the organizer of the wedding.

The staff began to arrange a series of wedding facilities such as chairs. Everyone also took their seats according to the ranking of the chairs...

'Ding, ding, ding...' "Please join me in the countdown."

A projection clock hanging in the middle is slowly counting down... "5... 4... 3... 2... 1..." When everyone counts the number to 1...

With a sound of "kick", the song "Wedding March" was played in the audience. Everyone's eyes turned to the closed door behind them...

The door opens.

Wearing a dark black suit, Yu Aotian stood there with a smile on his face, and walked slowly towards the wedding venue with the sound of the wedding march.


Do you always feel that something is wrong? !

"Where's the bride?"

"Yeah... where did the bride go?" When Yu Aotian had already reached the center of the stage, everyone realized...but the bride never showed up.

"Chairman Yu, where's Ms. Qi?" The emcee in charge of hosting was a little anxious and asked in a low voice.

Yu Aotian smiled condensedly: "Tell them to turn on the lights in the audience."


"Turn on!" After the cold words fell, the master of ceremonies could only obey Yu Aotian's order, and ordered the staff to turn on the lights and stop the music.

Yu Aotian took the microphone from the master of ceremonies, and looked at everyone with a smile: "Everyone, thank you very much for coming to my wedding with Ms. Qi. But... I regret to tell you that today's wedding will be ……Cancel!"


"What's the situation??" Several foreign leaders sitting in the first row looked at each other in bewilderment.

Long Ye and the others in the third row were even more dazed.

Only... Zeng Kairui's face became more and more gloomy...

"I'm really sorry to disappoint everyone. But, what I'm going to announce next must be a thousand times more exciting than my wedding!" Yu Aotian smiled coldly, rubbing his fingers gracefully , issued a loud fingering tone.

Several men in black quickly walked into the venue and forcibly pulled away the staff who were manipulating the projector. Then, insert the pieces of information that have been prepared in advance...



'Shua...' One after another, the top-secret documents were constantly displayed in front of everyone. Inside, there are related to the research and development of nuclear weapons, as well as the verdicts about civil strife in other countries, and there are also revelations about the core forces of several countries, which can be said to involve a wide range of people.

"Aren't these our country's secrets?"

"That is the weapons development document lost by our country..." Many national leaders stood up from their seats one after another, looking at those documents angrily.

"When the prime ministers, presidents and cabinets of various countries are claiming your country's documents, please look at the signatures on the lower right corner of these documents!!" Yu Aotian said unhurriedly, slowly inserting one hand into his pocket Inside.

Everyone stared wide-eyed, looking at the signatures on the documents... "Zeng Kairui?!!" For a moment of 'swish', everyone's eyes turned to Zeng Kairui who was sitting in the first row.

"Wait a minute, everyone, it's not over yet." Yu Aotian smiled slightly as if he was controlling a good show, and then waved his hands.

Several men in black inserted an audio setup into the projector...

‘As for the deal between Japan and South America, I hope you will block it immediately. '

"The cargo ship from the EU can be intercepted by your army..."



The clips of audio clips are all conversations between Kairui Zeng and leaders of different countries. It can be said that the scene has reached a chaotic attitude. All the secrets of countless countries have been leaked, and countless wars and chaos seem to have been resolved.

"Vice Prime Minister Zeng, you represent China. You must give a reasonable explanation for what you have done." The Secretary-General of the United Nations walked in front of Zeng Kairui with a pale face.

Yu Aotian who was standing on the stage smiled slightly: "Mr. Brown, as a Chinese political official, I have considered your war issues before announcing these secrets, and I have thought that you will blame our country. But... I seriously want to tell everyone that these things have nothing to do with our country. The actions of Deputy Prime Minister Zeng only represent himself!"

"However, Chairman Yu, even though you say so, Deputy Prime Minister Zeng is indeed a Chinese officer. There is no guarantee that the secrets of these countries have not been leaked to you, which is a shame for all countries."

The incidents exposed by Yu Aotian are like the wiretapping incidents exposed by the United States some time ago. The influence is so great that the countries offended are countless.

"Mr. Brown, let me say once again that this matter has nothing to do with my Chinese side. According to the information I have investigated, Deputy Prime Minister Zeng has transferred most of the funds under his name to the UK. And, these secrets, there are Most of them are caused by the cooperation between Deputy Prime Minister Zeng and the British. The most important thing is that 30% of these confidential documents are all things that violate our country!!!”

It's not that everyone can't understand the meaning of Yu Aotian's words, to put it bluntly, every country has political struggles. He obviously wanted to push Zeng Kairui to the top of the wave so that he could easily replace him.

Basically, at this time, as long as everyone keeps silent and supports Yu Aotian all the time, in the end, it is in the interests of every country to find a solution to the leakage of these documents.

To put it bluntly, this is the fight between Yu Aotian and Zeng Kairui, they are just watching the fun, whoever participates will only be splashed with blood.

"Chairman Yu, now the situation is like this, what to do with Deputy Prime Minister Zeng?!" Mr. Brown opened his mouth slowly.

Yu Aotian was silent for a while, then looked at Zeng Kairui who was sitting on the seat with a wicked smile. "Deputy Prime Minister Zeng, in this situation, according to international regulations, you should be sent to an international court for sentencing."

"Yu Aotian." Zeng Kairui clenched his fist and approached him step by step... "I really didn't expect you to save this hand for me!!!"

He calculated that Yu Aotian would deal with him, and he even thought about the escape route. But he never thought that Yu Aotian would reveal all this at his wedding!

"Yes, most of my assets have been transferred to the UK. However, my nationality is still Chinese. As far as I am concerned, I have the right to choose the venue of the trial." No need to ask, any fool knows that Zeng Kairui will choose China up.

After all, the crimes he committed were all committed in China. In addition, it was exposed by Yu Aotian from the Chinese side, which means that everything should be handled by the Chinese side.

Chapter 972:

"Okay. Deputy Prime Minister Zeng, I respect your choice." Yu Aotian glanced at the acting prime minister who had been silent all this time. He wanted to say something, but after thinking about it, even if he said something, the puppet acting prime minister would not say anything. Will say something of value. "But, do you think that if you stay in China, you will be able to ensure your safety?"

"Don't worry, Chairman Yu, I've already figured out all the options!" Zeng Kairui narrowed his eyes confidently.

Everyone can feel that since Yu Aotian exposed all this, Zeng Kairui has not shown a panicked expression. It's already come to this point, Zeng Kairui has already settled everything.

"Everyone..." He turned to face everyone: "The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. I have no excuses for what happened today. Now that I have reached this point, I am willing to atone for my sins." !" Zeng Kairui's attitude changed instantly.

Standing beside him, Yu Aotian narrowed his eyes coldly, waiting quietly for Zeng Kairui's next move. He believed that this old fox would never really come to plead guilty.

"I don't know if you still remember the incident that His Royal Highness Lan Duo, the first heir of the Kingdom of Aslan, visited China in the past ten years or so."

For this matter, the international influence is huge, and countless people still remember it fresh.

"About that incident, it was entirely planned by the British Duke Charles. However, I was considerate of His Royal Highness Bao Landuo. During that kidnapping incident, I spared no effort to protect His Highness Lando, but... It still caused His Royal Highness Lan Duo to disappear. But..." Having said that, Zeng Kairui put on a look of distress: "After many years, I still found the trace of His Royal Highness Lan Duo!!"

"What?!!" In an instant, the envoy of Aslan Kingdom who was sitting on the seat rushed over quickly: "You mean, His Royal Highness Lan Duo is still alive?!!"

"Yes! His Highness Lan Duo is still living in this world. I have tried many times to send His Highness Lan Duo back to Aslan Kingdom. But His Highness Lan Duo rejected them all."

"Then, where is His Royal Highness Lan Duo now?!" The messenger became more and more excited.

Zeng Kairui smiled slightly, and patted the man's shoulder reassuringly: "Don't worry, His Highness Lan Duo is living on a small island in China, very safe."

Zeng Qing! ! !

Yu Aotian's first reaction was... Zeng Qing must have pretended to be the 'Landuo' that Zeng Kairui mentioned! ! !

He has always been curious about why many of Zeng Qing's information is related to Yaoyao's family. Whether it is education, IQ, appearance, etc., Zeng Qing and Yaoyao are like a pair of sisters of. Compared to Yaoyao, it can be said that Zeng Qing is more like Lan Duo who has been missing for many years.

Now... this thought! ! !

It turned out that Zeng Qing was just the secret weapon left by Zeng Kairui. Once Zeng Qing is placed on the throne of the Aslan Kingdom, then with Zeng Qing's strength to rescue Zeng Kairui, in the future... Zeng Kairui will still live freely.

"Zeng Kairui..." Yu Aotian approached Zeng Kairui's ear gloomyly: "Aren't you afraid that Yaoyao will expose your lies?!"

"Oh, even if she does, will you ask her to expose it? Once Luo Yaoyao returns to the country to inherit the throne, you will part ways. If your wedding today is real, I might be afraid. But... since False, it can be seen that you have always had an unforgettable old relationship with that little girl!?"

"!!!" Yu Aotian narrowed his eyes silently, yes. He will not ask Yaoyao to return to the country of Aslan, nor will he ask her to succeed her. Including today's wedding, it is indeed a fabrication! !

"Aotian!!!" With a 'snap', Qi Xiner rushed into the venue panting. She quickly rushed onto the stage, and snatched the microphone from Yu Aotian's hand: "My lord, Acting Prime Minister, I am the daughter of Premier Qi, do you know me?!"


"Yes! My name is Xiner Qi. My father is the prime minister of China. About half a year ago, China announced that my father had died of a heart attack. After that, my whereabouts were unknown. I can tell everyone responsibly that I was killed by Zeng Kairui. Kidnapped. And my father didn't die from a heart attack. He died with his own hands!! He was killed by Zeng Kairui!!!" Qi Xiner said angrily, her sharp eyes stared straight at Zeng Kairui.

Immediately, it seemed that another big secret was exposed, and there was an uproar at the scene.


Zeng Kairui smiled indifferently: "Miss Qi, I don't know what you are talking about? Do you have any evidence that I killed your father?"

"I am the evidence?!"

"Oh, then I can think that you are talking nonsense?!" Zeng Kairui's words made Qi Xiner speechless.

Evidence is important for everything, and now, Qi Xiner is empty-handed, with no evidence at all.

Just like Yu Aotian, on today's occasion, he didn't tell everyone the truth about the Huamei villa case, because...he didn't have evidence either! !

"I'm going to kill you! I'm going to kill you!!!" Qi Xiner angrily dropped the microphone in her hand, and quickly took out a gun from Yu Aotian's body.

Zeng Kairui's pupils dilated, and he hurriedly avoided it.

However, at this time, he suddenly discovered that many people from Yu Aotian had already surrounded the venue before he knew it.

Obviously, today is the Hongmen Banquet that Yu Aotian has set up.

Even if Zeng Kairui could resist legal sanctions, he couldn't resist Yu Aotian's pursuit.

"Okay!! Yu Aotian, didn't you make preparations in advance? I did too!!" Zeng Kairui took out the gun in his pocket, and grabbed Mr. Brown beside him. "Today, none of us will want to live!!!" Following his fall, the venue suddenly fell into chaos.

Qi Xin'er stood there stupidly with a gun in her hand.

Yu Aotian narrowed his eyes coldly, and said darkly: "Zeng Kairui, I advise you to let go of Mr. Brown quickly, otherwise you can still accept the trial of the Chinese side. Once you are convicted of holding Mr. Brown hostage, you must be punished by the International Court of Justice." sanctioned."

"Oh... Yu Aotian, you are from the underworld, I know your style of doing things very well, if you don't kill me, can you be willing? But, as long as I keep this life, I can enjoy endless glory The most important thing is... this is the high seas, even if I kill everyone, I won't break the law?!" Zeng Kairui smiled wildly.

There was a 'bang'... There was a huge impact sound from the entire cruise ship, and everyone in the venue fell to the ground unsteadily.

"Hahaha, my people are here! Yu Aotian, do you really think that you have exhausted all your tricks? Let me tell you, I also saved a hand in advance." Zeng Kairui has always been suspicious of the fight between Yu Aotian and Qi Xiner. Marriage, so, before boarding the ship, he had specially ordered his subordinates to stand ready and wait for the opportunity.

Now, this situation has been reached, and it is the high seas again. It can be said... Zeng Kairui can do whatever he wants.

"Zeng Kairui, do you really want to kill everyone here??? Remember, if you really dare to do it, you will be an internationally wanted criminal."

This novel comes from Reading King

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