Chapter 536

Chapter 989:

"Yaoyao, we haven't been in touch with the outside world for too long. Too many things have happened in the past five years. The Queen of Aslan is not Lan Nuo as you said."

"Not Lan Nuo?!" According to the inheritance rights of Aslan Kingdom, the first daughter of the Queen's biological daughter will enjoy the right of inheritance, and Lan Nuo will be next. who is it? !

"The one who inherits the queen's Lan Duo!!!"

"Lan...Duo??!" Yaoyao suddenly felt dizzy, what happened in the past five years that she didn't know, why did the queen suddenly become Lan Duo? ?

"I was also curious about why Lan Duo would succeed to the throne, so I specifically asked the people at the embassy to see what that Lan Duo looked like. They showed me the picture of the queen, and that Lan Duo... is Zeng Qing!!!"

Zeng Qing? ! ! !

The moment Yaoyao heard this name, she felt like she was struck by a bolt from the blue. Zeng Qing was not dead, and she already knew it when she left.

When recalling the scene of the explosion, she vaguely remembered that K not only saved her, but also saved Zeng Qing.


Finally, he understood the reason K said that keeping Zeng Qing was still useful. Feelings... huh... He just wants to join hands with Zeng Qing to annex the country of Aslan, right? ? ?

What a ruthless man! What a vicious snake and scorpion! ! !

The little hand clenched tightly into a fist, Yaoyao's plain little face instantly became extremely cold...

Hei Yanlong quietly looked at her stormy expression, as if he understood everything. "Yaoyao, do what you want to do, do what you haven't done. Perhaps, this is your destiny in this life, and you can't escape."


destiny. She might not want to live a peaceful life in this life, and she will not be able to end her entanglement with Aslan Kingdom in this life. The fate began in the kingdom of Aslan; then it will end in the kingdom of Aslan.

However... "Yanlong, what about you?"

"Hehe, since you asked me this sentence, you must not want me to go with you?"


Yaoyao lowered her head guiltily, she thought she could live peacefully here with Hei Yanlong for the rest of her life. In this way, living like a family is really, really good. pity……

"But don't worry, I know myself. I can't help you with political and military matters. Even if I'm by your side, it's still a burden."

"No, Yan Long, it's not like this..."

"Okay, Yaoyao. You have your destiny, and I also have mine. During the five years of living with you, I am really very happy, because you let me experience the warmth of home and let me find Back to my original dream."

"You... your original dream?"

Hei Yanlong smiled faintly: "Yes. When I went to England to study, I actually specialized in fashion design. It was because of my parents' death that I had to inherit the family property, so I gave up this dream. But in the past five years, I found that The dream in my heart is getting stronger and stronger. In fact, I have already thought about it, maybe one day you will get married, and at that time, I will go to Paris to continue my studies related to fashion. However, this idea looks at Come a little earlier..."



Listening to Hei Yanlong's words, a warm current inexplicably passed through Yaoyao's heart. During these five years, their family has been under the care of Hei Yanlong.

However, she thought that Hei Yanlong liked this kind of life very much, and Hei Yanlong would always be with their mother and son if he didn't meet someone he liked. but don't want to...

Hei Yanlong was just waiting for her to start a family and find happiness, while he already had his own ambitions.

"I love you! Yanlong!" Suddenly, Yaoyao hugged Hei Yanlong tightly.

If the phrase "I love you" comes from someone else's mouth, it may be the love between a man and a woman. But if it comes from Yaoyao's mouth, then it must be the love of the family. Even so, Hei Yanlong is already very happy, which proves that after so many years, she has regarded him as her family. "I love you too." The big hand stroked her head.

"Yanlong...I..." Yaoyao's hands holding his body are more and more confined.


"I... want to ask you one thing." Slowly loosening the hands that hugged his body tightly, Yaoyao bit her lower lip tightly, the expression on her face seemed so embarrassed.

"What's the matter, tell me. Don't forget, I'm your family member, so there's no need for us, right?"

Indeed, the word "begging" has long been abandoned between them, but this matter is really too difficult for Yaoyao to talk about. "Yanlong, help me...take Yuhan away, if this battle is over and I am still alive, I will find a way to find you, take Yuhan away, if I die...please You me bring Yuhan up...please..."

You know, Hei Yanlong is a single man, he is only 27 years old so far, and he will have a lot of future in the future. Inexplicably handing over a daughter to this single man, how will this affect the future of this man? ?

"Yaoyao, in the past five years, I have long regarded Yuhan and Xiaoxiao as my children. I am very happy to take Yuhan with me, but... this is definitely not an excuse for you to let go of them, you must come back alive." In front of me, take Yuhan away!!!"

Raising her eyes, looking at Hei Yanlong's firm eyes, she smiled faintly: "Understood. I am also afraid that I will die without any worries, so I will keep Xiaoxiao by my side."

"You want to keep Xiaoxiao by your side???"

"En!" Now, Xiaoxiao and Yuhan are Yaoyao's spiritual support, if she entrusts her two children to Hei Yanlong, it means that she has no spiritual support. "I know that it may be dangerous for Xiaoxiao to follow me. However, with his company, I will definitely be stronger."

"Yaoyao, I understand your desire to keep a child by your side. I just don't understand...why did you keep Xiaoxiao and not Yuhan?" You know, Hei Yanlong is a big man after all, There must be a lot of inconvenience to keep a girl around. In addition, Yuhan is much more mature than Xiaoxiao, and his personality is extremely calm and calm, very demeanor of a little adult. And Xiaoxiao is a 4-year-old child who still needs someone to take care of him.

"I can't keep Yu Han. I'm going back to Aslan Kingdom this time to seize the throne. Once my identity is exposed, I'm telling them that I have a daughter. Even if I don't die. Yu Han will never leave in this life." The kingdom of Aslan is gone, I don't want Yuhan to go my way, and I don't want the kingdom of Aslan to define Yuhan's fate in this life."

Chapter 990:

Again, in the Kingdom of Aslan, only women have the right to inherit. Once Yaoyao shows up, Luo Yuhan will invisibly bear the heavy responsibility of nurturing the next successor.

Furthermore, if Fan Yaoyao succeeds in seizing the throne and wants to give up the throne, then the first heir will directly become Luo Yuhan from Lan Nuo. No matter what happens, Yuhan will not escape the imperial power of Aslan Kingdom if she is with her fate.

"Okay, I see. When are you going to leave?"

"Looking at the situation, the war should start soon. I have to go back before the war and win the throne. So, I will fly to the country of Aslan early tomorrow morning."

"Understood. Then you should rest earlier."

"Well... you also go to bed early."

Said to go to bed early, but all this is destined to be a sleepless night. Yaoyao is about to be separated from her daughter and Hei Yanlong, and she doesn't know how precarious the future will be.

As for Hei Yanlong's heart, it was more like being hollowed out, after all, after living for five years, that kind of feeling is self-evident. But he knows that he really has no way to help Yaoyao anymore, but...he firmly believes...that there is someone who is thousands of times stronger than him in politics and military affairs! !

At dawn, the genius is brightly lit. Yaoyao tiptoed into the children's room, and lightly picked up Luo Xiaoxiao who was still sleeping.

From the corner of the eye, I couldn't help but glance at Yu Han who was sleeping on the bed...

"Rain..." Just as he was about to say something, the words were forcibly swallowed back. This was the first time she was separated from her daughter, and it was as if a piece of her heart had been cut off abruptly.

Can the daughter and Hei Yanlong get along well? Will the daughter get used to it without her mother? ? What if the daughter misses her mother? ! !

The more she thought about it, the more reluctant she became, so Yaoyao had no choice but to stop looking at Yu Han, and left the room with Xiao Xiao in her arms.

"Let's go, the car is ready. I also bought a ticket to Paris." Hei Yanlong waited at the door. He had ordered a car and the driver to take Yaoyao to the airport the night before.

"Yeah. Yanlong...for the past five years, it's lucky to have you here. Thank you..."

"Hehe. Let's go quickly." Hei Yanlong's character is not sentimental, so he really doesn't want to say anything about inseparability. Just a smile is enough.

opened the car door...

When Yaoyao was about to get in the car...

"Mom." Yuhan's voice came from not far away.

Yaoyao's heart twitched suddenly, she quickly put Xiaoxiao on the back seat of the car, and then rushed into the shop: "Baby Yuhan, why are you awake?"

"Yeah. It's just to go to the bathroom. Where are you taking your brother?" Luo Yuhan asked calmly.

"Hehe, Yuhan. Mom discussed with your Uncle Long yesterday and decided to take you and your younger brother to travel separately. I will take my younger brother to a certain place, and Uncle Long will take you to Paris. Is that okay?"

Luo Yuhan lowered her eyes, her bright eyes flickered with sadness for a moment, but it was only fleeting. "It's great. Finally, I don't have to be with your stupid mother. But Xiaoxiao is miserable."

"Huh?!" The sad mood suddenly reversed, Yaoyao put her hands on her waist, and her brows were tightly knit together: "Do you hate being with your mother so much?"

"That's right. Mom, you are stupid and dumb. Dragons are different..." Yuhan walked slowly to Hei Yanlong's side, and grabbed his big hand with one hand: "The dragon is handsome , and mighty. Otherwise, why do you think Xiaoxiao has been pestering the dragon to call him father?"

Depend on! ! ! Yaoyao really wanted to scold the street, how old is this girl? I started to be obsessed with handsome guys, how can I pay back in the future? ? ? "Well, Mom may not see you until half a year later."

"It's only been half a year???" Luo Yuhan puffed up his mouth in dissatisfaction: "Can you stay longer."

"Longer?? Then mom won't see you again, okay?!!!"


Depend on! Mad at her, mad at her! ! ! Now that she wanted to die, she had failed so badly as a mother! ! But... "Yuhan..." The anger disappeared, and she rushed to her daughter in one step, and hugged her into her arms: "Mom... loves you..." After finishing speaking, Yaoyao turned around and got into the car. For a moment, tears of reluctance wet her cheeks...

Daughter, at your tender age, your mother should have taken care of you personally. However, your mother is really burdened with too many, too many things, and she has to face it. Therefore, let go of your choice. This is what mother owes you, and I don't know when I can repay it to you. But... I hope my choice this time will be the greatest protection for you in this life.

Goodbye, my woman, my baby, Yuhan...

The car gradually left the shop.

Until she completely disappeared from Luo Yuhan's sight... "Mom... I also... love you." In an instant, tears came out of her.

Hei Yanlong who was standing by the side hastily squatted down: "Yu Han, what's wrong? Don't cry."

"Long, actually... I heard what you and your mother said last night..."

"You?!!" Hei Yanlong's eyes widened in disbelief.

Yuhan gently wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes: "I thought, just pretend to sleep like that, and watch my mother take my brother away. But, I can't pretend after all, I still want to see my mother."

It turned out that Yu Han was holding back tears just now? Heh, all the actions of Qi Yaoyao just now were just to relieve the pain of parting. How sensible is this girl? "Baby, don't blame your mother for not choosing you?" Hei Yanlong gently wiped away her tears.

"No wonder." Yuhan shook his head slowly: "I know, my mother is doing it for my own good; in fact, since I was sensible, I have always been curious, where are my little biological father and I? Why did my mother I brought our siblings to this remote place and lived with foreigners. At that time, I vaguely felt that my mother must be hiding something and avoiding something. And you..."

His eyes gradually turned to Hei Yanlong: "Long, you shouldn't be simple, right? Although you are with my mother, but your foreign languages, and the skills you gave me to learn the violin and piano, you have come here. This town must have had a high status before, didn't it?"


Hei Yanlong said, this girl Yuhan looks like Yu Aotian, now it seems that she is better than Yu Aotian!

On weekdays, Yuhan seldom speaks, and always listens silently, except when he is flirtatious. But this girl's inner world is so meticulous, she is only 4 years old, she already has a city mansion, will she be able to pay back in the future? ?

Chapter 991:

"Baby, the story of your biological father, your mother, and me, I will tell you slowly in the future. But in any case, you must know that your biological father and mother are two great , A great person. I am very happy that you can not blame your mother for not taking it away. But, I also hope that you can grow up healthy and happy by my side in the future. However, I know that you have always been Ask yourself as an adult. Now, as a friend, I will follow your opinion..."

"Miss Yuhan, are you willing to live with me?" Hei Yanlong said with a charming smile, and slowly stretched out his hand.

Luo Yuhan wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, nodded slightly, and said slowly: "I am willing..." The moment she put her small hand on her big one, she felt an inexplicable sense of peace. Now, this little child only hopes that his mother and brother can reunite with them safely...

on the plane.

The lovely glass doll is leaning against the window and falling asleep. His little angel appearance could not help but attract the attention of passing stewardesses.

"Look, that child is simply super cute. I don't know if it has followed the genes of the mother or the genes of the father."

"It should be my father."

"Why do you say that?" One of the flight attendants tilted his head in confusion.

Another stewardess hurriedly pointed to the man sitting next to Luo Xiaoxiao: "Most likely, the person sitting next to this child is his father, right?"

"Uh..." Several stewardesses who were whispering to each other widened their eyes and stared at the man beside Xiao Xiao.

Since the man was sitting, he couldn't see his height, but his oval face was so delicate, and the few strands of hair covering his forehead gave people a feeling of both charm and cuteness. "You are so young... Dad?!!!"

‘Dear passengers, the flight to Aslan is about to arrive in a few minutes. Passengers, please pack your luggage and get ready to get off the plane. '

When the notice from the stewardess ended, Yaoyao glanced helplessly at her son who was still sleeping beside her. This little guy had slept for almost 7 hours before and after, and he didn't wake up in a daze. What if I meet a human trafficker one day, I sleep like a dead pig.

"Xiaoxiao? Xiaoxiao?! Wake up!! Wake up Xiaoxiao!!" He shook the son beside him vigorously.

After a long while, the little guy lazily stretched out his hand and rubbed his loose sleepy eyes: "Are you asking me to sleep for a while, Mom..." Before the last word was uttered, when the person in front of him was reflected in the little guy's eyes, the little guy's expression turned pale. It's all green. "Who are you?!" Big eyes looked around.

This is on the plane? ! ! "Uncle... Uncle... I... My family is very poor, so please don't kidnap me. Even if you kidnap me, my mother won't have the money to give you a ransom."

faint! !

Where is it all? ? Yaoyao was dumbfounded, her eyes quickly looked around the surprised eyes on the left and right, she quickly squeezed her son's cheek: "Can't you recognize who I am?!!!"

"Uh..." Big eyes blinked once... twice... three times... "Mom..."

"Hush!!!" Yaoyao quickly covered her son's mouth. "You just need to know who I am, and call me Dad from now on, you know?!" Let go of the hand that blocked Xiaoxiao's mouth.

He frowned in confusion... "Dad??" His eyes looked up and down at Yaoyao who was dressed in men's clothes: "You don't look like a father at all, it would be embarrassing for me to go out with you, and people would think I have a bitch Where is Dad?"

Yaoyao doesn't even want to comment on anything, does her son still have the face to dislike her asshole? He looks so delicate every day, so he looks like a little bitch, okay? She was really afraid that her son would be a homosexual like Hei Yanlong when he grew up. "Stop talking nonsense and get off the plane quickly."

"Mom...Father, where are you taking me?? Where's sister? Where's Papa Long?" Xiao Xiao carried a small schoolbag and walked behind Yaoyao.

"I'm taking you out on a trip now. Uncle Long is taking his sister out on a trip."

"Ah???" Hearing this, Xiao Xiao immediately showed a protesting expression: "Why didn't I travel with Papa Long, and my sister stayed with you."

"Huh?" She stopped, and turned her head fiercely: "Are you so unwilling to be with me?"

"It's not that I don't want to...but...Mom, you can't even take care of yourself. I'm really afraid that if I stay by your side, I'll lose it." His voice became smaller and smaller.

But it was still heard by Yaoyao. She suddenly had the feeling of being pierced by thousands of arrows. It's fine for her daughter to dislike her. Even this son, who looks exactly like her when she was a child, disliked her. She really failed... Woo...

Coming out of the airport, Yaoyao randomly chose a small hotel and checked in.

As soon as he entered this dilapidated room, his little face was squeezed together like a little bun: "Mum, this place is so small. Are we really here for tourism, not for refuge?"

"You little guy, it's good to have a place to live now. If you don't like it, mother will take you to sleep on the road." Now, Aslan Kingdom is under Zeng Qing's single-handed control, and the power behind her is certain. is k. I don't know what the situation is now, Yaoyao doesn't dare to show up in women's clothing at all, let alone live in a place that is too ostentatious, so she can only act in a low-key manner.

"Okay, Xiaoxiao, be good, Mommy don't take Xiaoxiao to sleep on the road."

"That's right. Mommy is going to buy you food. You must stay in the room honestly, you know? If someone knocks on the door, you can't open the door, understand?"

"Hmm. Understood."

After instructing her son, Yaoyao left this dilapidated hotel. She said she was buying food for her son, but in fact, she wanted to find out about the current situation in Aslan.

All the way from the airport, I could feel that the security was very lax. There was no intention of preparing for war at all in the country of Aslan. It was obvious that they were waiting to be beaten.

"Where are you going, sir?"

"I want to go to Pufeng Building."

"Okay." The driver arrived at Pufeng Building after driving for half an hour. It takes only 5 minutes to walk to the Aslan Kingdom Palace from here.

Standing not far from the palace, two choices are placed in front of Yaoyao.

a. Infiltrate the palace, inquire about Bing Ye's affairs, and rely on Bing Ye to restore his throne;

b, first find someone to help him restore the throne, and then rescue Bing Ye.

If he sneaked into the palace first, once Zeng Qing found out, the final result would be a dead end; it would be more appropriate to find someone to help him restore the throne. But the question... who should I contact? ! !

Chapter 992:

"Your Highness Lan Nuo, please get in the car. I will escort you back to your Highness's residence."

"Escort??? Ha, I think it's surveillance, right??? You can tell the queen now, if she doesn't let Bing Ye go, I will come to look for her every day!! If it doesn't work, I will use my only troops You will die with her!!!" Lan Nuo's angry roar came from the gate of the imperial palace.

Yaoyao standing in the distance stared quietly at Lan Nuo...

This girl is already 24 years old in a flash, and she has really grown up a lot. I still remember that I met her for almost 5 years, when she was just a little girl. Now she is already a slim girl.

"His Royal Highness Lan Nuo, we can convey these words to Her Lady Queen, but... for your safety, please get in the car."

"I'm telling you once, don't worry about me!!! Otherwise, I'll kill you!!" As he spoke, Lan Nuo turned around angrily, turned around and left quickly.

Those guards had no choice but to look at each other helplessly, watching Lan Nuo gradually disappear from their sight.

At this time, Yaoyao who was not far away rolled her eyes, seized this opportunity, and followed Lan Nuo tightly.

"Lan..." When she was about to call out to Lan Nuo, she subconsciously glanced at her 9 o'clock position from the corner of her eye.

I saw a few black shadows flashing past.

Someone is following her? ? No! ! It shouldn't be. She just arrived in Yaslan country, and she was transformed into a man's clothes again. It is impossible for Zeng Qing to find her. Presumably, those people are following Lan Nuo?

This can be troublesome! Once she contacts Lan Nuo, those people will definitely leak her whereabouts. How to do it? !

Frowning anxiously, seeing Lan Nuo getting closer to her Highness's mansion, Yaoyao's heart sank, and she quickly ran towards Lan Nuo.

He slammed into her directly from behind.

"Hmm..." Lan Nuo, who was absent-minded, was hit by this bump, and frowned in pain: "You don't have eyes?!!" Cursing Yaoyao with wide eyes.

She was not to be outdone: "Little girl, can you speak human language??? I bumped into you, so what?!"

Lan Nuo never expected that the man in front of him would be so presumptuous: "Do you know who I am? How dare you talk to me like that?!"

"I don't care who you are!!!" Yaoyao took a step forward, raised her hand, and grabbed Lan Nuo's collar: "If you want to save Bing Ye, come with me..." A low voice fell. She hastily raised her voice: "Little girl, I happen to be in a bad mood today, sir, and you're asking for trouble. Come on, borrow some money to spend?"

Lan Nuo clearly received Yaoyao's secret signal, and narrowed his eyes coldly: "Oh, I think you are really bored, believe it or not, I can send your whole family to jail with just one word?"

"Yo? The mouth is really hard. It seems that I can only be hard!!" Said, Yaoyao quickly stretched out her hand to touch Lan Nuo's waist.

"Bold, how dare you?..." Before Lan Nuo could finish speaking.

Yaoyao had already snatched the wallet from her pocket: "Little girl, thank you..." After the joking words fell, she turned around and started running.

"Stop!! You stop for me!!!" Lan Nuo followed closely, chasing Yaoyao all the way.

She ran towards the bustling neighborhood, and ran straight to a small alley extending in all directions. Lian's gaze finally fixed on a small door on the left side of the alley, turned around, and rushed into the door quickly.

When Lan Nuo chased after her, she happened to see Yaoyao entering the door, and rushed in immediately. But after entering, the stair passage of a shopping mall greets the eyes, and Yaoyao's figure can no longer be found in the empty space.

at this time……

With a 'squeak' sound, the small door behind Lan Nuo slammed, and she turned around.

I saw that Yaoyao locked the small door behind her with a smile. "Your Highness Lan Nuo, you are really alert." This was the first time she saw her biological sister up close after 5 years. A pair of big eyes, an oval face, but the younger sister's appearance is more pure and lovely, to a certain extent similar to Yaoyao when she was 20 years old.

"Stop talking nonsense. You told me just now that you want to save Bing Ye, right?!" Lan Nuo looked at Yaoyao calmly, at only 24 years old, he already had the air of a general.


"Heh, before talking about how to save Bing Ye, why don't you blow up the house yourself! Who... are you?"

Staring at Lan Nuo's sharp eyes, Yaoyao smiled playfully: "I am a very good friend of Bing Ye, at present, my identity cannot be revealed. Please don't mind, Your Highness Lan Nuo."

"Don't mind??? How do I not mind?? How do I know if you belong to the Queen?!"

Seeing Lan Nuo's agitated expression, Yaoyao vaguely felt that Lan Nuo seemed to have a problem with Zeng Qing? "Your Highness Lan Nuo, as far as I know, the current queen is your own sister, right? You don't have to doubt whether I belong to the queen, right?"

"My dear sister? Pooh...does she recognize me as a younger sister? Even if she recognizes me, I don't recognize her. Once she disappears, she disappears for so many years. Once she comes back, she doesn't care what other people's achievements are. She came to snatch the throne. Since she was a child, she has been extremely vicious, and when she grows up, she is even worse!!!"


So, what is his image in the eyes of his biological sister? However, there is nothing to be curious about, just like just now, when she was still thinking about who to call to help her win the throne, when she thought about it carefully, she really couldn't find any confidants. It could be considered that she offended everyone when she was a child. How can you find someone who supports you? !

"Your Highness Lan Nuo insulted Her Lady Queen so much, are you not afraid that I will tell Her Lady Queen about it?"

"You can just say it!! I'm not afraid!!"

"Since Your Highness Lan Nuo, you are not afraid of Her Majesty Queen, then..." Having said this, Yaoyao rolled her eyes and said with an evil smile: "Why do you doubt that I am Her Lady Queen's person?"

"It's different! Without Bing Ye, my life in Aslan Kingdom would be meaningless; but, if you belong to the Queen, even if I cooperate with you, in the end, I will only harm Bing Ye and harm you again." I!"

She has long seen that girl Lan Nuo likes Bing Ye. But... the difference between these two is 13 or 4 years, right? But that's all, think about the difference of ten years between Xiaoman and Han Lishang. "Your Highness Lan Nuo, it doesn't matter whether you believe it or not, what I'm going to say next. I'll just say it once... Bing Ye is absolutely as important to me as you are. I just arrived in the country of Aslan today. That's all, so far I still don't know why Bing Ye was imprisoned. But, all I know is that you are currently being monitored by Her Lady Queen."

"Yes... I know..." Lan Nuo's arrogance gradually faded away: "From the moment Lan Duo inherited the throne, she was afraid that I would rob her of her position, and had already started to send people to monitor me. I'm used to it. It is precisely because of this that I dare not take any action to save Bing Ye. As for the reason why Bing Ye was arrested...even I don't know."

reading king novel first book

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