Wang Jichao continued, "Seven years have passed since that case. I didn't expect Officer Han to be able to uncover it. It's really amazing!"

Han Xu replied, "Skynet is great, there is no such thing as a perfect crime in this world."

"I know, everyone understands the truth," Wang Jichao looked seriously at Han Xu, who was still sitting on the ground, "But it also depends on who the opponent is? The so-called perfect crime does not exist, but if you change it, even if it is full of loopholes, The case may also turn into a perfect crime.”

Han Xu did not comment on Wang Jichao's relative theory because there was no need to discuss it. He was more concerned about the case itself.

"You arranged the deaths of Li Hongwei and Ye Yeqiong. What about Xiao Ya?"

Fortunately, Wang Jichao no longer concealed anything, "Regarding the death of my old classmate, I spent some time planning it and took advantage of Liu Yun's greed and ruthlessness, but I did not expect that it would affect their daughter."

Han Xu recalled that when he first met Dr. Wang, he came out of the emergency building, which showed that Wang Jichao had not lost his humanity at that time.

"Before killing Li Hongwei, you targeted Xiao Ya?"

Wang Jichao nodded and said, "Yes, it was Xiao Ya who came to me first. She asked me to help with a paternity test. At that time, I found out that her lover turned out to be her father's illegitimate son. It was a God-given opportunity, I just did it Something a friend should do.”

"However, you know Xiao Ya's character very well. If you tell her the truth, you will destroy her hope of life!"

"I said, every one of them deserves to die!" Wang Jichao's mood fluctuated significantly for the first time under the stimulation of Han Xu's words.

Han Xu decided to strike while the iron was hot and shouted loudly, "But where is Li Shaobai?"

Wang Jichao fell silent when he heard that familiar yet unfamiliar name.

If the five people who died were more or less guilty, Li Shaobai was completely a victim.

Han Xu believed that if it weren't for Wang Jichao's intervention, Li Shaobai would not have chosen revenge.

Because he himself does not have that ability.

Seeing Doctor Wang being caught in a rare battle between heaven and man, Han Xu continued to ask,

"How did you know that Li Shaobai was abused by Liu Bo and Zhang Hengyi?"

Wang Jichao's voice line turned low, "Officer Han, you don't need to know this. I admit that Li Shaobai's death was caused by me trying to escape responsibility. I can't help him, I'm guilty!"

Han Xu would not be surprised at all if Wang Jichao chooses to openly admit that he saw Li Shaobai's torture scene with his own eyes.

But he chose to avoid the question, and Han Xu couldn't help but think of Wu Laogou's ordinary face.

"Whether you are guilty or not is determined by the law. Doctor Wang, stop it. Even if they abandon Zhao Wanting, it cannot be your motive for killing." Han Xu began to try to persuade the suspect for the first time.

"Haha," Wang Jichao couldn't help but laugh out loud when he heard what Han Xu said. He turned from low-pitched to aggressive and high-pitched, "Hahahahaha..."

"Han Xu, if they just abandoned Wanting, I wouldn't hate them so much! If Li Hongwei hadn't drunk too much, I would never have thought that they were actually trying to survive..."

Following Wang Jichao's stern words, Han Xu seemed to be in a deep valley under the snow-capped mountains again.

"Zhang Hengyi! Why the hell did you cut off the safety rope?" Jiang Zigui rushed to Zhang Hengyi, grabbed his collar with both hands, and shook him wildly, "You were committing murder just now, did you know that? You bastard!"

Zhang Hengyi fell down on the snow, his whole body seemed to have lost his soul, and he remained silent.

Seeing this, Liu Bo, who had narrowly escaped death, stepped forward and pushed Jiang Zigui, "What the hell do you want to do? If Heng Yi doesn't cut the rope, we will all die! Don't stand and talk without hurting your back. If it weren't for him, you would TM’s gotta be smashed to pieces!”

"Stop fucking arguing!" The team leader Ye Qiong couldn't recover for a long time. He looked at the meaningless quarrel among several people and finally broke out, "No one is here anymore, why are you arguing? It's all my fault. If I take the rear If so, just..."

Ye Yeqiong burst into tears as she spoke.

The few survivors present had red eyes. The unexpected death of their companions hit everyone's heart like a heavy hammer.

Xiao Ya had already burst into tears. She walked to Ye Yeqiong and hugged the leader, who was only not much older than her, tightly.

Li Hongwei didn't expect that he could still be alive and escape from death, and he already took everything around him very lightly.

"Don't cry, it's over now, let's go down the mountain quickly."

Several people were in an extremely bad mood because they lost their companions, but no one objected to Li Hongwei's proposal.

No one is not afraid of death!

Because we fear death, we revere life!

Maybe there is God’s will in the dark!

As a group of people were going down the mountain, they suddenly discovered that there was also a large-scale avalanche on the way up.

The avalanche blocked the only way up the mountain.

The six surviving people had to accept a tragic reality.

They can't get out!

After Ye Qiong suffered a brief mental disorder, she began to face the problems before her.

Most of the supplies were left in the camp, and they only had a small amount of dry food with them.

If there is no rescue, he will freeze to death or starve to death.

The wind and snow have not stopped, and the GPS mobile phone cannot receive any signal and cannot contact the outside world.

Jiang Zigui was the second person in the team to realize the seriousness of the problem.

"Sister Ye, what should we do now? The way back is blocked, and we don't have much food to carry."

Ye Yeqiong forced herself to calm down, "Don't panic, there's still a road over there, let's go down it first."

Jiang Zigui said doubtfully, "There are snow-capped mountains and deep valleys over there, let's go down..."

Ye Yeqiong understood the implication, but there was no other way. “If we continue to stay on the snow-capped mountains in Haibogao, we don’t know what emergencies will happen. Let’s go down first and we may be able to find enough food.

Now we can only wait for the wind and snow to stop, and then wait for rescue! "

After hearing what Ye Yeqiong said, several people agreed.

If you stay on the snowy mountain any longer, you will be frozen into ice within a few hours.

So, the group of people followed the path on the side of the mountain and headed towards the deep valley.

When they reached the bottom, it was completely dark.

Several people set up camp on the spot and huddled around the bonfire to keep warm.

No one said a word, only the crackle of burning wood could be heard.

Everyone is immersed in great sorrow...

They not only lost a companion, but also accepted a test from their souls.

Before the rope was cut, everyone present voted in favor of living, except for the nerd Jiang Zigui.

Although their behavior complied with emergency evacuation regulations, when things really happened to them, everything became so unacceptable.

However, what happened next may make them live in torment forever...

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