"Sister Ye, we looked over the other side of the ridge and found the Gulacuo Sacred Lake!" Jiang Zigui's voice was very low, as if he was afraid of disturbing something.

When they heard that the Sacred Lake was found, the expressions of the several people were different.

Liu Bo also pricked up his ears involuntarily.

"Really? You found the Sacred Lake?"

"Who cares if it is a Sacred Lake, are there fish in it?"

"Why don't you bring some back, are you eating alone?"


Several people started arguing, but Li Hongwei, who was traveling with them, didn't say a word.

Ye Ziqiong saw that the two people looked different and understood, "Is it a pool of stagnant water? There are no living things?"

Jiang Zigui nodded silently, he was unwilling to accept this reality.

"Fuck, you are so happy for nothing! I said that Jiang is unlucky," Liu Bo was about to curse again, but was blocked by Zhang Hengyi.

Xiao Ya cried with tears in her eyes, "What should we do now? The food won't last for a few days. Are we all going to be trapped and starved to death here?"

Xiao Ya's weak words echoed in the cave, and there was no more sound.

After a while, Ye Ziqiong comforted her, "The club should have known that we lost contact. It won't be long before someone will come to rescue us. Don't be afraid, you won't die."

Everyone's hope is placed on the distant mountains, but the dilemma they face is close at hand.

Time passed quickly, and a few more days passed.

Jiang Zigui took a knife and carved another horizontal line on the stone wall of the cave.

This is the fifteenth day they have been trapped.

The food they brought has been eaten up.

At this time, there is a pot on the campfire, which is full of tree roots and things taken out of the down jacket.

Xiao Ya stirred the hard-earned food expressionlessly.

Liu Bo, who was standing by, was so hungry that his eyes were green, and he stared at the pot greedily, "Is it done? I'm almost starving to death!"

"You're the only one who's hungry, don't we know how to be hungry?" Xiao Ya glared at Liu Bo fiercely, disgusted to the extreme.

Zhang Hengyi also came over, "You can't blame Liu Bo entirely, he's still young, and he only eats so little every day, no one can stand it."

Ye Ziqiong came over to smooth things over, "We only have so little to eat, if we eat less every day, we can still hold on for a while."

"Sister Ye, I'm really too hungry to stand it, look at what we're eating now, tree roots, tree bark, and this, cotton? No, this is down feathers, can you digest it after eating it?" Liu Bo was already crying, he had never suffered such a hardship since he was a child.

"It's good to have something to eat, otherwise, don't eat it!" Jiang Zigui would not indulge this young master, his tone was indescribable contempt.

"I've given you face, nerd. If you continue to talk back at me, I'll kill you when we get out!" Liu Bo retorted, refusing to take any loss.

"Okay, I'll wait when I get out," Jiang Zigui didn't even turn his head back, not wanting to see that face at all.

"Fuck," Liu Bo cursed, and impatiently took a piece of tree root from the pot, took a bite with tears in his eyes, chewed it in his mouth for a few times, and immediately spit it out, "This is not food for human beings! It's too disgusting!"

As he said, he kept spitting out the root residue.

Ye Ziqiong sighed, and then asked Xiao Ya to distribute the cooked "food" to several people.

Li Hongwei helped, brought a bowl of tree roots to Jiang Zigui, and then said, "Zigui, this won't work. We can't hold on for a few days. Let's go out together and find something to eat later."

Jiang Zigui drank a mouthful of hot soup, and also felt that it was hard to swallow, and nodded silently.

"I say, if you can't find food, let us go!" Liu Bo spit out the residue in his mouth and vowed.

Jiang Zigui snorted coldly, "No one is tying you up, your legs are on your own, go if you want to!"

"Hey, Jiang, will you die if you don't argue with others? Go ahead, wait, I will definitely let you eat meat..." Liu Bo was provoked by Jiang Zigui, got up from the ground, dragged Zhang Hengyi out of the cave.

Ye Ziqiong was about to stop him when she saw this, but was stopped by Xiao Ya on the side, "Liu Bo is already an adult, he has to be responsible for his actions, and it's time for him to hit the wall."

Li Hongwei also rarely echoed, "Yes, let them go out to look for it, and they will know how difficult it is. Maybe it will be good for them in the future."

"Do people like this have a future?" Jiang Zigui interjected at the right time.

Several people were silent.


It has been several hours since Liu Bo and Zhang Hengyi went out to look for food.

Ye Ziqiong was a little worried and wanted to go out to find someone.

She was stopped by Xiao Ya again, "Sister Ye, don't worry, the valley is not that big, it's a place where no one lives, what are you afraid of them? If they can encounter wild animals, it's good, it means we are saved."

In fact, what Xiao Ya said is not unreasonable, Ye Ziqiong is just worrying about nothing.

Ever since Zhao Wanting died accidentally, Ye Ziqiong's mood has been very unstable.

But no one thought that after leaving the valley, she suffered from severe depression and even endangered her life.

Jiang Zigui was happy to see Liu Bo and the others suffer, and didn't care about their safety at all.

The other person, Li Hongwei, was a little worried, but he didn't show it.

If he didn't blame Liu Bo and the others for leaving the team without permission and causing irreparable consequences, it would be a lie, so Li Hongwei gradually alienated Liu Bo and Zhang Hengyi until they died.

However, the four people present did not expect that Liu Bo and Zhang Hengyi would come back a quarter of an hour later.

They didn’t come back empty-handed!

Liu Bo was holding a large piece of prepared fresh meat in his hand.

Jiang Zigui and Li Hongwei were so confused that they searched the entire deep valley, even spending their energy to climb to the other side of the snow-capped mountain, but they couldn't find any food.

But Liu Bo and Zhang Hengyi only went out for a few hours and actually brought back a piece of meat!

"Where did you find it?" Jiang Zigui asked in confusion.

Liu Bo smiled brightly and did not shake Jiang Zigui. He raised the piece of meat in his hand and said to Ye Qiong, "I just said that the one named Jiang is very bad. Not long after we went out, we found a rabbit.

Look, I've taken care of everything and it's just waiting to be put into the pot! We have some meat to eat today!

Sister Ye, do you think I am great? From now on, leave it to me to do small things like finding food.

I guarantee that I will raise you all white and fat. "

Zhang Hengyi, who was beside Liu Bo, also echoed, "Yes, Sister Ye, I think food is not as hard to find as some people say!"

Facts speak louder than words!

At this time, even though Jiang Zigui had eight mouths, it was of no avail.

If you are not better than others, or if you are not lucky, there is really nothing you can do.

That night, several people sat around the campfire and enjoyed a sumptuous dinner.

Everyone got a piece of meat...

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