Liu Ziwei did not expect that the big man in front of him had such a wealth of theoretical knowledge.

He knows the 92 pistol as well as he does.

He didn't know that Cheng Zi was a special soldier, and he suddenly became competitive again.

"The Northern Suburbs Police Department is indeed a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger. Doesn't Officer Cheng seem to be very proficient in firearms?"

Chengzi imitated someone and grinned his big white teeth, "Everything is just messing around, not proficient."

"Officer Cheng is too humble." Liu Ziwei did not think that the other party was perfunctory. He turned to look at Han Xu again, "Team Leader Han, I heard that you also like to play with guns?"

Han Xu casually picked up a 92 pistol and weighed it in his broad palm. It felt good in the hand, and it did fit the hand shape as Chengzi said.

After hearing Liu Ziwei's question, Han Xu chuckled and said, "Team Leader Liu was joking. I usually don't like to fight and kill. I haven't touched a gun a few times."

When Liu Ziwei met Han Xu's dark and sincere eyes, he didn't feel like he was lying, and said to himself, "Then we're sure!"

At this moment, the coach finished announcing the content of the training program.

Each person has ten bullets, and they can shoot live ammunition from 15 meters in the shortest time!

The final score will be recorded as the total number of rounds.

Because there were only five target positions, the police officers were divided into groups and shot one after another while recording the results.

Chengzi was in the first group, and in the same group was Fu Damin from the east of the city.

Both of them were masters, but Fu Damin used Weaver's shooting method.

This shot is done by standing sideways and taking a step forward.

The hand holding the gun is basically straight, and the elbow of the other arm is bent down to wrap the hand holding the gun.

Place your entire body weight on the soles of your front feet and straighten your back legs.

This posture has a small exposed area, fast positioning speed, fast stability, and good directivity, especially the ability to shoot quickly.

It is also a shooting method that many police officers like to use.

At the whistle, Fu Damin pulled the trigger steadily and discharged the bullets in the 92 pistol in the shortest possible time.

The crisp sound of gunshots seemed to form a string of water drops...

Chengzi looked at Fu Damin beside him in surprise, secretly thinking that there was indeed a mountain higher than the mountain, and a random police officer from the east of the city had such terrifying shooting skills!

Liu Ziwei, who was behind Fu Damin, also frowned. He focused all his attention on Han Xu and Cheng Zi. He never expected that there were also many masters in the east of the city.

However, he was quite confident in his marksmanship. Even though the strength shown by Fu Damin was a bit scary, it was still within control.

But then, Liu Ziwei stopped laughing.

I saw Chengzi suddenly using one hand to hold the gun!

This posture is actually the simplest and easiest to use.

For a long time, such as before World War II, pistol shooting did not involve holding the gun with both hands. There was only this shooting method of holding the gun with one arm.

The requirements for this shooting posture are very strict. When standing, the feet should be in a figure of eight, slightly wider than the shoulders, the legs should be naturally straight, the left arm should naturally droop or the left hand is placed on the waist, and you should stand, hold, straighten, stretch, and turn five times. Shooting operation.

It is also recognized as the most scientific and basic shooting posture.

When Liu Ziwei saw Cheng Zi's posture holding the gun with one hand, he found that it was so standard that it was scary.

"Team leader, is this guy holding the gun with one hand?!" The police officer on the side couldn't help but be confused.

"Isn't this too much? This posture can effectively reduce the muzzle deflection and increase the accuracy! But there is a drawback!" Xizhi Police Station, which has many shooting experts, raised questions.

Liu Ziwei said in a low voice, "You are right. This shooting method has the advantages of a long aiming baseline and a far distance between the aiming center and the eye. Moreover, after shooting, the force is stable, making it easier to hit a relatively stable target.

But there is a fatal flaw! "

Han Xu heard it from the side and shook his head slightly.

After Song Jiaer saw it, she was sure that Han Xu must know something, and asked in a low voice, "What shortcomings did Team Leader Liu talk about?"

Hearing Song Jia'er's question, Liu Ziwei wanted to be in the limelight, but just as he was about to answer, someone beat him to it.

Han Xu said calmly, "To put it simply, this posture sacrifices aiming time in pursuit of shooting accuracy and is not suitable for rapid shooting.

So it is usually the most basic usage posture for beginners. "

Song Jiaer often comes here to shoot targets, but she doesn’t know much about theoretical knowledge. However, she is very smart and understands it all at once, wondering, “Then why does Chengzi use this posture?”

Xiao Xiao also understood, "That big fool is obviously shooting ten rounds quickly, what kind of accuracy is he pursuing!"

Han Xu knew Chengzi's ability well and chuckled, "Wait a minute, you will find out! Chengzi, you are good at pistol shooting!"

At first, when Liu Ziwei saw Cheng Zi's gun-holding posture, he also thought that Cheng Zi was too confident.

However, as Chengzi pulled the trigger steadily and quickly, the gunshots exploded and connected in a row.

Everyone was caught on the spot!

What does it mean for a skilled person to be bold? Chengzi held the gun with one hand, and on the basis of stable aiming, he offset the recoil very well and achieved uninterrupted shooting!

Even the coach was dumbfounded!

After Chengzi finished shooting, he blew the fairy air on the smoking muzzle in a cool manner, and then turned back and smiled heartily at everyone.

"Damn it, isn't it too perverted? You can fire it with one hand and your arms don't even shake?"

"All done in one go! Ten bullets!"

"What kind of people are there in the northern suburbs!"


Han Xu ignored the discussions of other police stations and gave Chengzi a thumbs up, "Awesome!"

Chengzi accepted it with a smile, then quickly removed the magazine, turned off the safety, and put the Type 92 pistol back on the target platform.

The target paper, which was exactly 15 meters away, slowly moved over.

The coach on the side glanced at the distribution of bullet holes and his face twitched.

It took a long time to report the number of rings, "97 rings!"

Everyone was dumbfounded when they heard this number of rings!

Just now, Fu Damin scored 95 rings, which was already an amazing result.

Although it was expected that Chengzi's score would not be too low, it was not expected to be so scary.

However, when Chengzi heard this number of rings, he shook his head with a sad face, "I haven't played for a long time, sorry, I'm rusty."

But this truth, when heard by others, became a naked provocation!

Liu Ziwei from Xizhi Police Station and Miao Xiaolan from Nancheng frowned to the sky!

Especially Liu Ziwei, he is the top shooter in Yancheng Police Station!

He once represented the police force in shooting competitions, and his achievements are obvious to all.

It is not an exaggeration to say that his shooting skills are as good as a god!

Although Miao Xiaolan is not as good as Liu Ziwei, she is also a master.

She glared at Chengzi who seemed to be showing off, and pouted her lips, "97 rings, it's nothing!"

Then, she walked straight to the target position!

Then, something happened that shocked everyone...

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