At 10:20 am on the 23rd, in the criminal investigation interrogation room of the Beijiao Police Station.

A cup of hot tea was placed on the table.

On one side were Han Xu and Zhang Yaotao in formal attire, and on the other side was Liu Yun who was silent.

Behind Zhang Yaotao was a camera flashing green light.

The air seemed to be still, indescribably solemn.

"Name." Han Xu's voice was very hollow, without a trace of emotional fluctuation.

Liu Yun, who had been lowering her head, raised her head slightly, revealing a beautiful face, but her expression was a little dull.

"I'm asking you a question! Name." Lao Zhang emphasized.

"Liu Yun."




After a whole set of formal questioning, Lao Zhang handed the right to speak to Han Xu.

Han Xu sorted out his thoughts and just spoke, "What time did you get home on the morning of the 22nd?"

Liu Yun's face turned pale, and after a moment of hesitation, she said, "8:30."

"What did you do after you got home?"

"Officer, didn't I tell you?" Liu Yun didn't seem to want to say anything more.

Han Xu paused, then said, "Now it's an interrogation, tell me again."

Liu Yun's eyes flashed a trace of panic, but it was well covered by the action of lifting her hair. It seemed that she recalled for a moment, and just said, "I opened the door with the key, and was frightened by the strong smell of gas. I rushed in, opened all the windows first, turned off the valve of the gas tank and the switch of the gas stove,

Then I found that my husband was lying on the sofa, and he was dead.

I took the unconscious Ranran out of the bedroom and called the police..."

The content of the statement was similar to the last time, and Liu Yun also added some small details that Han Xu had mentioned.

Very smart, no flaws!

Han Xu slammed the recording pen in his hand on the table and said, "There's more to it, right?"

Liu Yun was startled by the sudden noise, and her eyes kept wandering, "Officer Han, I don't need to lie, my daughter is still in a coma."

"How dare you mention your daughter?" Han Xu's eyes gradually became sharp, "I will help you recall, or do you want to explain it yourself?"

Liu Yun raised her hand to put her cascading hair behind her ears and remained silent.

Han Xu knew that this woman was not easy to deal with, so he turned to Lao Zhang and said, "Let her see."

Lao Zhang got the instruction and tapped on the laptop several times, then turned the screen to Liu Yun.

This is the surveillance video copied from the Second Hospital, which records the whole process of Liu Yun's night shift.

Lao Zhang just picked out one of the clips. There was a familiar figure on the screen, hiding in the corner of the stairwell, with her right hand on her ear, as if she was making a phone call.

Needless to say, this is Liu Yun, and the time shown in the video is 1:15 am on the 22nd.

The call lasted for nearly 5 minutes before Liu Yun hung up and returned to the duty room. She looked a little flustered and even bumped into the trash can at the corner.

"You should have avoided this surveillance camera." Han Xu closed his laptop and continued, "Anything else you want to say?"

Liu Yun still looked unmoved, "Officer, this doesn't prove anything, does it?"

"Who were you talking to during this time?" Han Xu asked indifferently.

"This is my private matter, I have nothing to say."

Han Xu had expected Liu Yun to say this in advance, and was confident, "We checked the call records of your husband Li Hongwei's mobile phone, and the last call was from you, and the time was exactly 1:15 in the morning."

Liu Yun seemed to be confident, "Yes, I talked to my husband on the phone, but this doesn't prove anything, right?"

Han Xu said calmly, "What was the content of your call?"

"What else could it be? I knew he went out to drink that day, and I was afraid that something might happen to him. When I was on duty at night, I called him to show my concern. What? Is it illegal?"

Liu Yun's explanation seemed seamless.

Han Xu continued to ask, "As far as I know, you and your husband don't have a good relationship. You said you cared about him for nearly five minutes. Isn't that a bit long?"

Liu Yun seemed to have prepared her words long ago, "We had a dispute over the child's schooling and had a few arguments."

Han Xu did not comment and suddenly changed the subject, "Did you only do the things you just mentioned from 8:33 to 8:40 on the morning of the 22nd?"

Liu Yun pursed her lips and did not speak, which was considered as a default.

"You are lying!" Han Xu stood up and threw a transparent evidence bag on the table, "Look at what this is?!"

Liu Yun narrowed her eyes. There was a mobile phone in the evidence bag, a very familiar model.

"This is Li Hongwei's mobile phone. I picked it up from the green belt downstairs of your house this morning."

Every time Han Xu said a word, Liu Yun's eyes seemed to jump up.

"I was wondering why I couldn't find Hongwei's mobile phone. It turned out that he was angry and threw it there." This sentence obviously lacked some confidence.

Han Xu smiled calmly, "You mean, after your husband Li Hongwei had the last phone call with you, he went into the bedroom and threw the phone out of the window?"

"That's possible." Liu Yun was still trying to resist.

"Then why did he go far away and not look for the window next to the living room?" Han Xu threw the first bomb.

Liu Yun knew that she couldn't explain anything else, so she simply shut up and remained silent.

Han Xu saw this and stopped being polite, "Let me tell you what you did on the morning of the 22nd.

When you returned home that day, you first found your husband Li Hongwei's mobile phone, unplugged the mobile card, formatted the memory, and then threw it out of the bedroom window. You know there is a green belt outside the window, and it is not easy to be found.

Oh, by the way, you also wiped off the fingerprints on the phone. In addition to this, you also wiped off the fingerprints on the gas stove switch, right?"

Han Xu said, and took out another photo, "Is this the kettle you use at home?"

Without waiting for Liu Yun to respond, Han Xu continued, "You use this kettle I extracted your husband's fingerprints and wanted to create the illusion that he boiled the water himself. Am I right?

Liu Yun, you are very smart! We were all fooled by you.

However, your cleverness backfired. The things you did with great care still left loopholes! "

Liu Yun's eyes gradually turned red when she heard this, and she was covered with an indescribable emotion, "What evidence do you have that I did it? I have an alibi. I didn't leave the hospital that day!"

Han Xu's voice turned cold and he said calmly, "You don't need to be at the crime scene, right?"

"..." Liu Yun seemed to be deflated and collapsed on the chair.

"I didn't expect at first that you would murder your husband in this way!" Han Xu's voice seemed to have dropped to the freezing point.

"We all overlooked that there was another person in this so-called perfect secret room!

Your daughter Ranran!"

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