Han Xu hung up the phone after he and Li Le agreed on a time.

Chengzi came over and said with a face full of resentment, "Why don't you take me with you? Why does Li Le always get all the good things?"

Han Xu couldn't help but smile, "You can ask our team leader about this question. He was the one who specifically asked Li Le to go."

When Chengzi heard that it was the boss who said that, he immediately became timid and pouted, "Boss, you are biased!"

"You should stay at home," Han Xu just finished speaking, and then he thought of something and said to Chengzi, "There is one more thing I need you to check."

"What is it?" Chengzi, who was originally quite discouraged, became energetic again, "I guarantee to complete the task."

Han Xu said, "Go to the Third Middle School to investigate whether Guo Feng has any strange behavior recently, and focus on the teachers who usually have a good relationship with Guo Feng. You can also find out from the side when the number one victim Liu Lisha alienated Guo Feng, or whether there is any fact of alienating him."

After listening to what Han Xu said, Chengzi understood a little, but also didn't understand a little.

But he didn't ask any more questions. He had complete trust in Han Xu.

If you don't understand some questions, just don't think about them.

This is also the good side of Orange, absolute trust in his comrades and superiors!

In this regard, Li Le is not good. He wants to make everything clear.

It may also be related to his rich second-generation background.

Although he is very capable, he still retains some bad habits.

For example, he is very showy!

The next morning, this guy actually drove his own Ford Raptor!

It's even more impressive than the Mercedes-Benz G!

After Orange saw it, his saliva almost flowed down, and he went up to test drive it and had a great time.

"What a good thing, what a pity," the implication was obvious.

When Li Le heard this, he was unhappy and immediately pulled Orange down from the driver's seat, "It's good to let you drive it, but you actually mocked me?"

Han Xu saw that the two were fighting endlessly and stopped them.

He is now their immediate superior, and a higher rank can crush a person.

The two did not dare to say much.

Then the three of them went to have breakfast together, which was another charming combination of oil cakes and bean juice.

Li Le would never drink that stuff, but Chengzi had gradually gotten used to the taste under Han Xu's training, and he kept saying it was delicious while sipping.

Li Le really couldn't understand it, so he just ate two oil cakes and finished the meal.

Afterwards, Han Xu and Li Le dropped Chengzi off at the gate of Yancheng No. 3 Middle School on the way, and then set off on the journey to Yaoyang.

The road was all mountainous, and it was not easy to walk.

As Song Jiaer said, it would take about 6 hours to drive.

This was even with Li Le's driving skills and the performance of the car, and he only saved half an hour.

And driving during the day was much faster than driving at night.

So it was impossible for Guo Feng to drive back and forth between Yaoyang and Yancheng in a short time.

When the two arrived in Yaoyang City, it was already 1:30 in the afternoon.

"Fuck, let's find a place to eat first, I'm starving." Li Le was driving all the way. After several hours, the two pancakes in the morning were really useless and had been digested long ago.

Han Xu laughed, "I asked you to take the high-speed rail with me, but you insisted on driving out. Aren't you asking for trouble?"

Li Le gritted his teeth, "Hey, you're blaming me, what do you think we're doing here?"

"Investigating a case?" Han Xu didn't doubt it.

"If we take the high-speed rail, can we investigate the case on foot?" After Li Le said this, he did a beautiful tailspin, and the huge Ford Raptor stopped in front of a restaurant.

Han Xu was speechless. There was nothing wrong with what Li Le said.

Taking the high-speed rail can save time going back and forth, but you need a car to investigate the case, otherwise it will be even more inefficient.

Two legs can't compare with four wheels.

The two of them paid tribute to their five internal organs again. After eating and drinking, they followed the navigation prompts to go to the hotel where Guo Feng stayed on the night of the 12th.

When they arrived at the door of the hotel, they smiled at each other.

This is not a hotel at all, it's just a small hotel.

From the outside, it looks really simple.

Li Le rushed in first, and after explaining his purpose, he was ready to check the surveillance equipment first.

But the owner said directly that the surveillance equipment had broken down a month ago, and there was no time to find someone to repair it.

Li Le was numb after hearing this.

However, Han Xu was more confident.

Then they asked the owner to open the door of Room 302 where Guo Feng lived that night.

The furnishings inside were simple, and there was nothing wrong with it at a glance.

Han Xu walked straight to the window, pulled open the curtains, and the afternoon light shone in, and the whole room immediately became a little lively.

"Did you find anything?" Li Le saw Han Xu's thoughtful look, guessed that he had found something, and walked to his side while talking.

Han Xu pointed at the thigh-thick sewer pipe next to the window and said to Li Le, "Can you climb down and then climb up?"

Li Le looked at the height, which was only on the third floor, not very high from the ground, "If you have practiced, it shouldn't be a problem. At least for a contestant like Chengzi, it's too easy."

Han Xu nodded, which further confirmed what he thought.

Guo Feng's suspicion in his heart increased a little bit, or in other words, he was one step closer to tearing off his disguise.

"You mean, Guo Feng climbed down from here that night and climbed back again?" Li Le understood a little, "But where is the evidence?"

"We will find the evidence ourselves, of course," Han Xu said, and began to conduct a carpet inspection of the room.

Li Le also started to move, but soon he was disappointed, "This hotel, oh, no, it is a hotel that is cleaned every day. If there were any clues, it would have been cleaned countless times."

"Who said that?" Han Xu did not comment, and looked at the socket under the TV at the bedside. "The evidence has always been there, it just depends on whether you have found it."


The two came out of the hotel, and Han Xu asked Li Le to drive to visit Guo Feng's friends who drank with him on the 12th.

From them, several very important clues were obtained.

Guo Feng is not good at drinking normally, but he drank several bottles of beer that day until he was unconscious.

Those friends originally wanted to send him home, but Guo Feng's home in Yaoyang City is in the suburbs, far away from the city.

Several people happened to find the hotel key in Guo Feng's pocket. At that time, they were still wondering when this guy checked in.

Then they sent Guo Feng to the hotel where the surveillance was not very complete.

After getting these clues, Han Xu was more certain of what he thought.

However, Li Le was confused, "Even if Guo Feng had so many flaws in Yaoyang City, there is no way to explain how he could travel back and forth between the two places in a short time?"

"When the time comes, you will know!" Han Xu planned to keep it a secret.

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