"Where did you find it?" Han Xu looked at it for a few times and asked casually.

Li Le replied, "Just now I saw that the table was uneven and a bowl of water was shaking when it was placed on it. I looked down and found that there was a photo frame on the corner of the table."

"The photo should be of Grandpa Guo and his son Guo Feng, right?" Han Xu handed the photo frame to Guo Jia again.

Guo Jia looked down and was unsure, then turned around and asked Guo Feng's father Guo Genliang, "Grandpa Guo, the photo is of you and your son Guo Feng, right?"

Guo Genliang was thinking about something with his head down, and raised his cloudy eyes when he heard the words, "What did you say?"

Guo Jia was very patient, asked again, and handed over the photo frame.

When Guo Genliang saw the photo frame, his body was shocked, and he took it with trembling hands and hugged it in his arms.

He did not answer Guo Jia's question, but kept muttering something.

Because the voice was very low, none of the three people present could hear it clearly.

Guo Jia asked several times again, but the old man seemed to be sick, his eyes were dull, he said nothing, and just sat there motionless.

Han Xu and Li Le saw this and had no idea what to do.

After all, the old man's physical condition was worrying, and even if they asked something, it might not be credible.

However, just when the three were at a loss, old man Guo Genliang suddenly stood up from the stool and shouted, "Shufen, don't go! You can go, but give Mingyuan back to me!"

The old man shouted and ran out of the house.

The three hurriedly stopped him, and after a lot of trouble, they calmed the old man down.

But the old man still kept mumbling, repeating the same few sentences over and over again.

Han Xu picked up the photo frame again, looked at the photo that was torn in half, and understood, "Shufen mentioned by the old man should be Guo Feng's biological mother, but who is Mingyuan?"

Li Le asked in confusion, "Did the old man just say to return Mingyuan to me?"

Guo Jia nodded on the side, "He said so, but I have never heard of the name Mingyuan? I have been working here for a long time, and I have never seen anyone else in the Guo family except Guo Feng."

"Xizhi once did a simple background check on Guo Feng. Guo Feng once said that his parents divorced a long time ago. Look at this photo, it is obviously a previous family photo, but you can see that the remaining two people occupy the same area of ​​the entire photo. Obviously, the torn half and the remaining area are the same."

Li Le instantly understood what Han Xu meant, "I know, there should be two people on the torn half of this photo, and it is symmetrical with this half."

Guo Jia was confused and didn't understand what the two people were singing in unison and performing a double act.

Seeing that Guo Jia didn't quite understand, Han Xu continued to explain, "It means that this half is the same as the other half, there is also an adult and a child on it."

After explaining to this point, Guo Jia understood without thinking, "You mean, the Guo family has another child? Is it Mingyuan that the old man just mentioned?"

Guo Mingyuan? ! Guo Feng? !

Han Xu and Li Le nodded heavily and reached a consensus.

Guo Feng also has a brother named Guo Mingyuan!

"Officer Guo, can you help us check the information about this Guo Mingyuan?" Han Xu caught the most critical point and of course he was not going to let it go easily.

Guo Jia nodded and agreed. Before he came, he had received a notice to fully assist and cooperate with the police officers in Yancheng to solve the case.

It is said that it may be related to an unsolved case five years ago, so Guo Jia did not dare to slack off at all and was ready to go back and investigate Guo Mingyuan!

"Then, is there anything else to check here?" Guo Jia asked.

Han Xu turned his eyes to the outside of the house, "How about we help Mr. Guo renovate the pigsty?"

"Isn't that pigsty just built?" Li Le asked in confusion.

Han Xu smiled and said, "It doesn't look very solid, let's help."

Then he walked out of the house without saying anything and walked towards the pigsty in the southeast corner of the yard.

Although the two were full of doubts, they didn't say much, but followed him.

Li Le frowned when he saw the rough and shabby pigsty, "Is this a trick? Can you raise pigs here? You can't even raise chickens, right?"

Guo Jia also shook his head after seeing it, "This Guo Feng, I originally thought he did a good thing, but I didn't expect him to do a face-saving project."

Han Xu didn't say much, but picked up a hoe from the side and went into the pigsty without saying anything.

Li Le looked at his posture, it didn't seem like he was going to renovate the pigsty, but it seemed like he was going to demolish the house!

"Han Xu, what are you doing?"

Han Xu smashed the stone floor in the middle of the pig pen with a hoe, looked up and smiled, "No destruction, no construction, all overturned! I was going to dig a foundation."

The two were stunned when they heard it.

But both of them were experienced investigators. After seeing Han Xu's rather strange behavior, they instantly thought of a possibility.

"You don't think there is something underneath?" Li Le had heard about Han Xu and Chengzi digging a flower shop in the middle of the night, so he reacted faster.

Why did a brand new pig pen suddenly appear in an obviously old and dilapidated courtyard?

This was originally a very strange thing!

Guo Feng, a filial son who usually doesn't even go home, came back half a month ago just to repair a pig pen? !

What is this called?

This is a complete cover-up!

If there is no trick under the pigpen, it would be a real disaster!

Guo Jia naturally understood this simple truth, so he quickly joined the team that dug three feet into the ground.

Because the tools in their hands were not particularly handy, the three people made slow progress in digging, but after removing the layer of bricks on the surface.

It was obvious that the soil below was fluffy, as if it had been dug up.

This also confirmed the three people's guess from one side!

Li Le worked very hard, and the hoe in his hand flew up and down!

Han Xu couldn't help but remind him, "Li Le, go slower, what if there is something underneath, and you can destroy it with a hoe."

Li Le's heart trembled when he heard this, and the strength in his hands could not help but reduce a little.

The digging speed naturally slowed down.

Until he dug three feet into the ground, nearly one meter, he still didn't dig anything.

Li Le and Guo Jia looked at Han Xu in confusion, "It seems like there is nothing? Are we too suspicious?"

Han Xu frowned and thought to himself, "It shouldn't be! Did I miss something?"

Li Le worked so hard that he was sweating all over. He sat down without caring whether the ground was dirty or not. "It's really weird. You said that Guo Feng just came back to build a pigsty?!"

"No, it doesn't make sense logically!" Han Xu didn't think so.

But the facts were in front of him, and he couldn't help but believe it.

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