As soon as Han Xufang stepped in, he smelled a strong smell of blood.

He frowned slightly and began to take a rough look at the scene.

This is a small antique shop with an area of ​​only more than 50 square meters, divided into two rooms, inside and outside.

The outer room is an antique store. The walls on both sides are full of calligraphy and paintings from various dynasties, and it is difficult to distinguish the real from the fake.

There are two sets of counters on the left hand side of the door, on which many small antique toys are displayed.

Going in is a small compartment, with reception chairs and mahogany coffee tables, the materials are exquisite, and they are authentic at a glance.

The overall decoration of the antique shop is also antique and full of charm.

But it seemed to be covered with a layer of gloom when it was hit by the strong smell of blood.

The deceased was a middle-aged man who looked about 40 years old. At this time, he was lying on the wooden floor of the compartment, with a large pool of dried blood under him.

Forensic doctor Hao from the Beijiao Police Station had already finished the preliminary investigation and was packing up the tools at hand. When he heard Qin Fen and Han Xu coming in, he said without turning back, "The deceased had multiple blunt injuries on the head and back, a cut on the right hand, and two stab wounds in the abdomen, but none of them were fatal."

Without waiting for Qin and Han to speak, forensic doctor Hao continued, "You have also seen the fatal injury, in the throat, where the wound is deep into the cervical spine, the trachea, esophagus, arteries, and veins were all cut off with one knife. The murderer was very cruel. The time of death was probably between 12 and 1 a.m. today."

Han Xu nodded after listening and said, "Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Hao."

"It's not hard or not, it's all part of my job. You are Han Xu, a good young man, young and promising."

Forensic doctor Hao is almost 60 years old, and will soon retire, but he is in good health.

Han Xu said a few polite words and watched the forensic doctor leave the scene.

At this time, Song Jiaer also finished her work and came to report her work. "There are obvious signs of fighting at the scene. A knife broken into two pieces was found under the counter, but unfortunately no fingerprints were extracted from it.

The blunt weapon that hit the deceased was the ashtray on the coffee table. After comparison, it matched the trauma on the head of the deceased. The blood on it needs to be taken back for testing.

On the ground not far from the head of the deceased, half a footprint was extracted. I suspect it was left by the murderer."

Han Xu had noticed the half bloody footprint a long time ago and nodded, "This half footprint is most likely left by the murderer. The size is inconsistent with the victim."

Qin Fen listened without comment, "Tell me what you think, Han Xu."

Han Xu sorted out his thoughts and replied, "The murderer should not be one person."

"Why?" Song Jiaer asked curiously.

"The victim was about 1.8 meters tall and weighed more than 80 kilograms. From this half blood footprint, we can roughly infer that the murderer was about 1.65 meters tall and weighed less than 60 kilograms, which was completely different from the victim. Although there were many traces of fighting at the scene, it can be seen that the fighting did not last long. The murderer was able to subdue the victim in a short time, so it is unlikely that he was alone, so I infer that there were at least two murderers."

Han Xu's inference was reasonable and well-founded, and the police officers on the scene nodded frequently.

"So what is the direction of our next investigation?" Qin Fen asked directly.

Han Xu continued, "There is no sign of searching for valuables at the scene. So many antiques and calligraphy and paintings were not even moved. It is obvious that the murderer is not just motivated by money. He is targeting the victim and is likely seeking revenge. So I suggest that the main breakthrough point be to investigate the victim's social relations to see if anyone has made enemies with him recently."

"That makes sense, let's do it..."

Before Qin Fen finished speaking, Han Xu rushed to say, "Captain Qin, I want to apply for a license for Global Eye. Please approve it."

In Han Xu's previous world, Global Eye was the Sky Eye system that was spread all over the city. However, the technological level of this world is obviously not too high. Global Eye is not yet powerful enough to be everywhere, but it is still laid out on the main streets and intersections.

Qin Fen understood that Han Xu wanted to start from the escape route of the murderer, but without a portrait profile, he could not lock the suspect. Even with the Global Eye system, it would be difficult to find any clues.

However, seeing Han Xu's confident look, Qin Fen chose to believe this young man unconditionally.

"Okay, go back to the police station, I'll give you permission."

At this time, Li Le and Chengzi, who were responsible for checking nearby stores and witnesses, came back.

"Captain, Han Xu, nothing was found. The nearby stores were closed before midnight last night, and no witnesses were found."

Han Xu thought of this result and didn't say much.

Since the two murderers dared to attack in the antique shop, they must have been there before, so it's normal that no witnesses can be found.


The entire investigation was carried out smoothly and quickly under Han Xu's threading.

All the information about this midnight antique murder was collected.

The deceased was named Wang Zhang, 42 years old, and was an antique businessman.

He deals with all kinds of people every day, so his social relations are very complicated, which brings great difficulties to the police's investigation.

Han Xu understood that if he followed this line, it would be impossible to find the murderer in a short time.

So he focused on the Global Eye System, and he wanted to try out the new skills he had just acquired.

In front of the huge electronic screen at the monitoring center of the Northern Suburbs Police Station, all the members of the Criminal Investigation Team 2 looked at Han Xu in surprise, not knowing what he was going to do.

Han Xu asked Lao Zhang to call up all the surveillance cameras within a few kilometers of the Gulou Street Antiques Center, and freeze the time at five minutes before the crime.

The densely packed pictures taken by hundreds of surveillance cameras were all concentrated on an electronic screen.

Even though the size of this giant screen occupied the entire wall of the surveillance center, the sub-screens were only a dozen inches in size.

"Han Xu, what do you want to do?"

"You don't want to find the suspect from here?"

"Are you kidding? There are hundreds of pictures here?"

"Can you see it all?"


Han Xu smiled and signaled Lao Zhang to start playing all the surveillance pictures.

Lao Zhang was stunned for a moment. He had watched surveillance for so many years, and the surveillance time he had checked was not tens of thousands, but thousands of hours. He knew too well the difficulty of checking surveillance in this way.

The pre-programmed program does not allow searching in this way!

He looked at Han Xu suspiciously and pressed the enter key with his finger.

On the huge electronic screen, hundreds of surveillance pictures began to play at normal speed!

Time passed by minute by minute, and Han Xu stared at the electronic screen without blinking.

All the police officers were stunned by his aura, and the entire monitoring center hall was silent, with only the densely packed pictures on the electronic screen jumping silently...

"Stop! Sixth line, fifth picture from the left, go back five seconds!"

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