A new police officer joins the team and solves a major dismemberment case

Chapter 184 The truth behind the Lighthouse No. 1 case (Part 2)

Han Xu thought to himself, "Looking at it this way, Li Mingyuan's luck is not too bad."

Li Mingyuan didn't know there was such a problem, but he accidentally misled the Xizhi police in the direction of their investigation.

"A week before the crime happened, was it you who adjusted the surveillance camera in the back alley of the hotel?" Han Xu asked another question.

Li Mingyuan nodded, "I have observed Liu Lisa's movement route. When she is not taking the bus, she always takes the shortcut in the back alley of the hotel. So I adjusted the surveillance probe there in advance, but I didn't expect that you would still check me. arrive.

The purpose of setting up a surveillance camera is very simple. I don't want your police to find out too quickly where Lisa Liu was kidnapped by me.

It's just that after all the calculations, I ignored that brick!

Haha, you can also say that you are unlucky.

To be honest, I should have just taken that brick and thrown it into the sea.

It was just a thought at the time, and I was just taking a chance, but I didn't expect that there were actually fingerprints on the brick. "

Li Mingyuan raised his hand, looked at the palm that had held the brick, shook his head, and suddenly felt that God had always been unfair.

"So what's next?" Han Xu asked again, changing the subject of Brick.

Li Mingyuan sighed, seemingly unwilling to accept it, "Oh, next, after I made an appointment with Lisa Liu, I knocked her unconscious with the brick! Then I carried her through the back alley. Of course. , I have stepped on it before, there is no monitoring equipment at all, and there are no pedestrians.

The journey took Lisa Liu to the beach smoothly.

Then they used a boat prepared in advance to transport Lisa Liu to the abandoned lighthouse and set up a crime scene.

Officer Han, my technique should be okay, right? "

Han Xu did not comment on Li Mingyuan's inquiry, but asked, "Where is the ship?"

Li Mingyuan was stunned when he was asked, and said with a smile, "The rented one has been paid back a long time ago. What's wrong, Officer Han, do you need to check this too? I just rented one at the pier. If you ask me to find it now, I will It’s hard to find which boat it is. There are so many boats for rent at the pier. ”

Han Xu frowned, feeling that Li Mingyuan obviously talked too much about renting a boat, but he couldn't fault it. After all, in a seaside city like Yancheng, it is really too easy to rent a boat. .

Li Mingyuan didn't wait for Han Xu to ask any more questions, and simply explained everything clearly, "What happened after that was actually very simple. I spent some time setting up the scene of J's murder case in order to interfere with your police investigation. The direction can at least reduce my suspicion of committing the crime. "

Han Xu understood what Li Mingyuan meant. His future identity was Guo Feng. According to common sense, there was no need to kill his fiancée.

When Li Mingyuan told the story of these crimes, he looked calm and calm, as if he was telling a story that had nothing to do with him.

Lao Zhang's eyelids jumped when he saw it, and he sighed secretly, "This guy's psychological quality is indeed extraordinary. In what environment did he grow up? How can any ordinary criminal be as calm as him?"

Han Xu also saw that Li Mingyuan was really not simple. He described the crime process as if a child was playing house.

That element of indifference seemed to penetrate deep into the bone marrow, it was extremely frightening!

Chengzi was a little dumbfounded when he heard this. Is this fucking human?

He couldn't help but think of Chen Yunlang, the man who was mistaken for a devil by everyone!

But the indifference shown by Chen Yunlang was completely different from that of Li Mingyuan.

One is derived from the absolute injustice of fate, and the other is more like wanting to break this injustice and showing purity!

To put it simply, there is no evil in Chen Yunlang's indifference.

And Li Mingyuan is pure darkness!


Even though Chengzi is usually carefree, he has a level of delicacy in dealing with others that is far beyond ordinary people.

He could clearly feel the darkness and coldness hidden deep in Li Mingyuan's bones!

Li Mingyuan didn't know that his attitude caused such a big response, but he continued expressionlessly, "Officer Han, do you really want to know why I killed Lisa Liu?"

Han Xu snorted coldly, "Since you want to occupy the magpie's nest and replace Guo Feng, you will definitely attack Lisa Liu. You and Guo Feng have almost the same appearance. Although you can hide it from some people around Guo Feng, Lisa Liu is different. After all, she She is Guo Feng’s fiancée, it’s easy to find out that you are not Guo Feng!”

After Li Mingyuan calmly listened to Han Xu's analysis, he chuckled, and a strange light flashed in his eyes, which passed quickly, "Officer Han, I really admire you! Yes, I can hide it from most people, but Lisa Liu, I I really can't cheat him, so I have no choice but to make this decision.

Alas, if Guo Feng had not been accidentally killed by me, Lisa Liu would not have died.

It can only be said that she is very unlucky! "

Han Xu felt a tightness in his chest when he heard Li Mingyuan's fluttering words about how bad luck had deprived a person of his life.

Cheng Zi almost exploded, "Li Mingyuan, are you still a human being? Are you still human?!"

Li Mingyuan glanced at Chengzi after hearing this, "I said, police officer, don't you even look at where this place is? I advise you to pay attention to your behavior!"

Chengzi has never seen such an arrogant criminal suspect. He made a fist with both hands and made a rattling sound!

Seeing this, Han Xu glanced at Cheng Zi.

Chengzi hadn't completely lost his mind yet. He happened to see Han Xu's naked eyes and immediately wilted. He snorted coldly and turned to leave the interrogation room.

Lao Zhang saw everything. Although he was also very angry, his ability to control emotions was much better than Chengzi's.

Besides, he was interrogating the case himself. What kind of people had he not seen?

Although Li Mingyuan was cold-blooded, he was not an exception.

So Lao Zhang was still busy taking notes as if nothing had happened.

Han Xu saw Chengzi go out and looked at Li Mingyuan again, "To be honest, if it wasn't for the discipline, I would have wanted to beat you up."

Li Mingyuan heard Han Xu's cold and chilling words and wanted to retort, but when he raised his head and met Han Xu's calm eyes, he suddenly became smart and held back the words.

At that moment, Li Mingyuan seemed to see a prehistoric beast, and the murderous aura was as real as substance.

It was the first time in his life that he had encountered such a terrifying sense of oppression!

He even felt that if he made any movement or said a wrong word, he would be easily torn into pieces!

Han Xu's original image of being a good guy collapsed in an instant!

"As a human being, I advise you to respect life!"

After hearing this, Li Mingyuan was silent for a moment!

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