The interrogation room of Yancheng Beijiao Police Station.

Han Xu and Lao Zhang never expected that an old case would be brought up during the interrogation of Wei Daguang, and they couldn't help but look at each other.

When Lao Zhang heard that Wei Daguang had stabbed someone, his eyes became extremely sharp, "Is that person dead?"

Wei Daguang raised his head and met Lao Zhang's eyes. He was frightened and replied tremblingly, "He must be dead. I was so scared at the time. There was blood all over the floor. After the man lay down, he suddenly It's almost impossible to save him. Officer Han, I really didn't mean to kill anyone!

I just missed it and I didn't know it would kill someone! "

Wei Daguang started crying again as he spoke.

Han Xu frowned and glanced at Lao Zhang, knowing that Wei Daguang's stabbing incident had touched Lao Zhang's nerves.

Sure enough, Lao Zhang's face had become extremely gloomy. Something was wrong with him who was always gentle and steady and never lost his temper.

Han Xu hurriedly walked to Lao Zhang and held his shoulders. "Brother Zhang, why don't you take a rest first and I'll ask Chengzi to come over and record it."

Lao Zhang was stunned for a moment when he heard this, raised his head to meet Han Xu's clear eyes, gritted his teeth, stopped insisting, got up and left the interrogation room.

Han Xu watched Lao Zhang open the door and leave before calling Chengzi.

This time, Wei Daguang's curiosity was aroused.

"Officer Han, what happened to that police officer just now?"

"Is that something you should worry about? When and where did you stab someone to death? Who were there at the scene?" Han Xu began to interrogate Wei Daguang again, but he was also extremely concerned about the stabbing incident he told. After all, human lives are at stake, so there is no room for carelessness.

Wei Daguang had already confessed, but now he seemed to have suddenly calmed down, his eyes rolled around wildly a few times, and he blurted out, "It's been so many years! Officer Han, don't be anxious, let me think about it!"

Han Xu could tell at a glance that Wei Daguang was trying to delay time, but there was nothing to delay. Since people were already here, they would have to say it sooner or later.

So Han Xu didn't mind at all, he had plenty of time to spend with Wei Daguang!

After a long while, Cheng Zi opened the door and came in.

When Wei Daguang saw the big man who had threatened him before, he buried his head unconsciously.

"How's it going? Did this guy say anything?" Chengzi asked hurriedly as soon as he came in and before he sat down.

Han Xu didn't look back, still looking at Wei Daguang, who liked to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, "He told an incident about stabbing someone to death more than ten years ago."

Chengzi became excited when he heard this, "Hey, can't you tell, you were still a young and Dangerous boy when you were young?"

When Wei Daguang heard this familiar term, he couldn't help but raise his head, "Oh, these are all stupid things done by young people and ignorant people, so I won't mention it."

"Who told you about this thing! You'd better be honest and tell us clearly the time and place of the crime. Even if you don't tell us, we will find out!" As soon as Chengzi spoke, he hit Wei Daguang's weak spot with full pressure. !

Han Xu also echoed, "Wei Daguang, you'd better say it. It's not difficult for us to investigate this matter. Don't waste everyone's time. Aren't you still going out to sea to fish at night?"

Wei Daguang smiled bitterly and said, "Officer Han, stop teasing me. I've stabbed someone to death. Can I still get out?"

"As long as you know, try to get leniency!" Han Xu said leisurely.

"Oh, forget it, I'd better say it. That was fifteen or sixteen years ago. I remember the place where the stabbing happened very clearly. It was a newly built road in the magical capital." Wei Daguang saw that there would be no good fruits if he continued to conceal it, so he As Han Xu said, it would be easy to investigate such a big matter, and it would be impossible to hide it even if you wanted to. It would be better to just do it and get leniency.

Han Xu became suspicious when he heard Wei Daguang stacking the pile so happily.

This Wei Daguang is not as simple as it seems on the surface. Just from analyzing the pros and cons in such a short time and choosing to cooperate with the police, he is not an easy guy to deal with.

Han Xu even felt that Wei Daguang's second words after entering the interrogation room were interfering with the police's investigation direction.

It's like telling a story about stabbing someone to death in advance to confuse the audience and try to cover up something.

After thinking about this, Han Xu couldn't help but look at the criminal suspect sitting in the interrogation chair.

Wei Daguang was sitting upright at this time, his eyes staring at his fingers on the fender for a moment, as if he wanted to see a flower.

Han Xu squinted his eyes and took another look at this seemingly honest guy. He couldn't see any flaws! I have to sigh, today's criminal suspects are becoming more and more difficult to deal with, they are all like human beings.

Chengzi recorded the place and time mentioned by Wei Daguang, and asked in a timely manner, "Wei Daguang, please be more specific about the time. When was it more than ten years ago? It is best to be specific to the year, month and day!"

When Wei Daguang heard this, his face was full of bitterness, "I'm talking about this police officer, that was more than ten years ago. How can I remember it so clearly? My parents passed away so early that I don't even know how old I am. It’s too clear, aren’t you making things difficult for me?”

Cheng Zi was robbed by this attack and lost his temper. He was about to teach Wei Daguang a lesson, but was interrupted by Han Xu.

"It's easy to check if you have the location. Cheng Zi, you should first contact your colleagues in Magic City to see if what Wei Daguang said is true."

Cheng Zi made sense when he thought about it. What must have happened was a large-scale armed fight, and people may have died. There must be a record in the magic city.

"Okay, what about you?"

"I'm not in a hurry," Han Xu said, glancing at his watch. It was almost 10 a.m., "You go check this first!"

Chengzi followed his orders and left.

At this time, only Han Xu and Wei Daguang were left in the interrogation room. According to regulations, two police officers must be present during the interrogation.

So Han Xu didn't plan to ask Wei Daguang any more questions.

The two of them just stared at each other without saying a word. The atmosphere was indescribably weird.

Wei Daguang felt uncomfortable with Han Xu's sharp eyes, and even wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

"Officer Han, don't you feel awkward looking at me like this?"

Han Xu said nothing, but just shook his head slightly.

"Officer Han, how about another Huazi?"

Someone still said nothing and shook his head slightly again.


Wei Daguang asked several questions in a row, and his mouth was dry!

Han Xu remained silent, staring at Wei Daguang without blinking.

Perhaps because he was guilty, the extremely lethal gaze he gave Wei Daguang made him feel as if 100 million ants were crawling on his body, making him feel extremely uncomfortable!

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