Han Xu was about to say something else, but Song Jiaer smiled again, "The criminal suspect you interrogated yesterday was called Li Mingyuan, right?"

"How did you know?" Han Xu was stunned for a moment. If Song Jiaer had stayed in the laboratory, it would be impossible for her to know this, after all, it happened just last night.

Song Jiaer smiled and said cutely, "Chengzi told Xiao Xiao, and Xiao Xiao called me this morning."

After all this time, Song Jiaer had planted an extra-large spy next to Han Xu!

Did Chengzi tell Xiao Xiao everything?

Han Xu decided to finish his business and give Chengzi a good lesson. This kind of behavior of turning his elbow outward must be killed in the cradle.

Who knew that Song Jiaer would calmly call up a fingerprint comparison result after she finished speaking.

Han Xu curiously leaned over to take a look. The computer screen showed 13 matching features, which confirmed that the fingerprints were from the same person.

"What is this?" Han Xu thought about what Song Jiaer had done, but was still a little surprised at her efficiency.

"Early this morning, while you and Chengzi were out investigating the case, I compared the suspect Li Mingyuan with the fingerprints extracted from the brick, and the result is this!" Song Jiaer's efforts over the past few days have not been in vain, and she said happily.

Han Xu looked at the overjoyed Song Jiaer and nodded silently, "Like Brother Zhang said, Song Jiaer has too many shining points, and just the fighting spirit is not something that ordinary people can have."

"Are you tired?" Han Xu asked worriedly.

Song Jiaer looked at Han Xu in confusion, as if nothing had happened. "You're not tired, why do you suddenly ask this question?"

Han Xu was stunned by the question, "They all said that you locked yourself in the laboratory, not eating, drinking or sleeping, it's so scary!"

"How is that possible? I was just busy for two days, how could I not eat, drink or sleep?"

"Fuck, was I deceived by that Chengzi guy?! And Lao Zhang, they teamed up to deceive me!" Han Xu, who is usually very smart, would never have thought of this, and the whole ditch turned over.

Song Jiaer blinked her big eyes, not quite understanding what Han Xu was mumbling.

Han Xu reacted and met Song Jiaer's clear eyes without any impurities, and didn't know what to say for a while.

Openly admit that he was deceived by those two guys?

It doesn't seem appropriate!

Just when he was about to make up an excuse to fool around, Song Jiaer helped Han Xu out of the predicament, "Okay, you came to see me, not just to see me, right? Tell me, what's the matter?"

Han Xu smiled innocently when he heard this, "First, I came to see you, mainly because I'm worried, and second, I really want to trouble you with something."

Song Jiaer ignored the first one, but became interested in the second one, "Another case? Tell me about it!"

Han Xu shook his head. This Song Jiaer is good in every way, but when it comes to cases, she's like crazy, a workaholic!

"There's no new case, it's the second lighthouse case, I need you to go with me to investigate the scene!"

Song Jiaer was a little confused when he heard this, "Didn't we go to the No. 2 lighthouse? We didn't find anything!"

"It's definitely not there. Are you really okay? If it doesn't work, I'll call your section chief and ask her to send someone else to go with me!" Han Xu was still a little worried about Song Jiaer.

Song Jiaer also heard that Han Xu really cared about her, but he was too nagging, "I went home earlier than you yesterday, and I rested enough. Let's go quickly. Oh, by the way, wait a minute, I'll tell the master."

Han Xu saw that Song Jiaer was really fine, so he said leisurely, "Wait for me at the door of the police station later, I'll go apply for a search warrant."

Song Jiaer nodded while dialing the phone.

Han Xu turned around and left the laboratory of the trace inspection department, and hurried to the office of Captain Qin Fen.

When he arrived at his destination, Captain Qin Fen was holding a teacup full of wolfberries, as if he knew Han Xu was coming, and he had been waiting there early in the morning.

"I knew you would come to see me, don't worry, drink some water first," Qin Fen saw Han Xu's hurried look, and calmly got up and poured a glass of water and handed it over.

Han Xu had no time to drink water. He symbolically took the water cup and reported all the breakthroughs and progress of the case.

The overall idea was clear and the direction of investigation was clear.

The more Qin Fen listened, the more he felt that being a hands-off shopkeeper was too comfortable.

In fact, Qin Fen had already known the process of the No. 1 Lighthouse case last night. He originally thought that Han Xu would come to report the case early in the morning, but he still didn't expect that the No. 2 Lighthouse case would also have a clue!

"Are you saying that Wei Daguang, the reporter of the No. 1 Lighthouse, is a big suspect?" Qin Fen got the last result and frowned. If it was really like what Han Xu said, this Wei Daguang was too bold, and he could be overbearing!

Han Xu nodded, and briefly recounted the process of interrogating Wei Daguang in the morning and the stress reaction of the little mute when he saw Gong Li's photo.

Qin Fen realized that Wei Daguang was indeed a big suspect, and the reaction of the little mute could almost be determined to have seen the second victim Gong Li.

"According to the clues provided by the forensic doctor, Wei Daguang may have imprisoned the second victim Gong Li, so I want to apply for a search warrant and thoroughly check the fishing boat where Wei Daguang lived for a long time. I think I can find some clues." After Han Xu explained the case, he said the next direction of investigation.

To be honest, Qin Fen couldn't keep up with Han Xu's thinking in handling cases.

But he knew very well what he should do. The leader didn't have to handle the case himself. He just needed to sit in the back and make overall plans, which was the greatest support and help to the front-line case handlers.

There was no capable and suitable criminal investigation expert who was in charge of the front line before, so Qin Fen always did it himself, and many cases were not handled satisfactorily. Now it's good. With Han Xu here, it doesn't matter. He will take action.

Moreover, Qin Fen has absolute trust in Han Xu. After hearing Han Xu's needs, "Okay, I know. I'll call the director right now. You go ahead and do your work. I'll send you the electronic version of the search warrant later."

Han Xu nodded, drank a sip of water, put down the cup, and ran away.

Qin Fen looked at Han Xu's back as he left, and shook his head slowly, "He looks so much like me before! This fighting spirit, tut tut... even more tut!"

After sighing for a while, someone remembered to contact the director to issue a search warrant.

"Director, I have a search warrant here that needs your signature!"

"Okay, Xiao Qin, come to my office."

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